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- This enables supplying a username to connect to redis with when connection to an individual node rather than a cluster.
- It also allows for extra options to be given to the ioredis store used in the background.
- Added a cache configuration option to signal "reuse of redis connection" for Redis cache adapter. The connection reuse it turned on by default to be shared between caches. They rely on unique "keyPrefix" structure, so there is no collision side-effects when reusing same Redis Store.
- The Redis connection options like "ttl" are shared with the first connection that's crated. So if there's a need to have unique configuration, a separate connection has to be created by passing `"reuseConnection": false` parameter
Previously, the adapter was only built for a redis cluster connection. Meaning
if you tried to use if with a redis that was a single node it would fail as it
tries to find a primary node. In a single node setup there is no primary node,
just the one main node. So, this update tricks the adapter into thinking it has
found a pimary node by returning the whole connection (to the single node) when
the constructor is note a cluster.
As discussed with the product team we want to enforce kebab-case file names for
all files, with the exception of files which export a single class, in which
case they should be PascalCase and reflect the class which they export.
This will help find classes faster, and should push better naming for them too.
Some files and packages have been excluded from this linting, specifically when
a library or framework depends on the naming of a file for the functionality
e.g. Ember, knex-migrator, adapter-manager