import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile'; import {blur, find, render} from '@ember/test-helpers'; import {describe, it} from 'mocha'; import {expect} from 'chai'; import {setupRenderingTest} from 'ember-mocha'; describe('Integration: Component: gh-trim-focus-input', function () { setupRenderingTest(); it('trims value on focusOut', async function () { this.set('text', 'some random stuff '); this.set('onInput', (event) => { this.set('text',; }); await render(hbs` {{!-- template-lint-disable no-passed-in-event-handlers --}} `); await blur('input'); expect(this.text).to.equal('some random stuff'); }); it('trims value on focusOut before calling custom focus-out', async function () { this.set('text', 'some random stuff '); this.set('onInput', (event) => { this.set('text',; }); this.set('customFocusOut', function (value) { expect(find('.gh-input').value, 'input value').to.equal('some random stuff'); expect(value, 'value').to.equal('some random stuff'); }); await render(hbs` {{!-- template-lint-disable no-passed-in-event-handlers --}} `); await blur('input'); expect(this.text).to.equal('some random stuff'); }); it('does not have the autofocus attribute if not set to focus', async function () { this.set('text', 'some text'); await render(hbs``); expect(find('input').autofocus); }); it('has the autofocus attribute if set to focus', async function () { this.set('text', 'some text'); await render(hbs``); expect(find('input').autofocus); }); it('handles undefined values', async function () { this.set('text', undefined); await render(hbs``); expect(find('input').autofocus); }); it('handles non-string values', async function () { this.set('text', 10); await render(hbs``); expect(find('input').value).to.equal('10'); }); });