import Controller from '@ember/controller'; import {action} from '@ember/object'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; import {task} from 'ember-concurrency'; import {tracked} from '@glimmer/tracking'; // Options 30 and 90 need an extra day to be able to distribute ticks/gridlines evenly const DAYS_OPTIONS = [{ name: '7 Days', value: 7 }, { name: '30 Days', value: 30 + 1 }, { name: '90 Days', value: 90 + 1 }]; export default class DashboardController extends Controller { @service dashboardStats; @service membersUtils; @service store; @service mentionUtils; @service feature; @tracked mentions = []; @tracked hasNewMentions = false; daysOptions = DAYS_OPTIONS; @action async loadMentions() { if (!this.feature.get('webmentions')) { return; } this.mentions = await'mention', {unique: true, limit: 5, order: 'created_at desc'}); this.hasNewMentions = this.checkHasNewMentions(); // Load grouped mentions await this.mentionUtils.loadGroupedMentions(this.mentions); } checkHasNewMentions() { if (!this.mentions) { return false; } const firstMention = this.mentions.firstObject; if (!firstMention) { return false; } try { const lastId = localStorage.getItem('lastMentionRead'); return !== lastId; } catch (e) { // localstorage disabled or not supported } return true; } @action markMentionsRead() { try { if (this.mentions) { const firstMention = this.mentions.firstObject; if (firstMention) { localStorage.setItem('lastMentionRead',; } } } catch (e) { // localstorage disabled or not supported } // The opening of the popup breaks if we change hasNewMentions inside the handling (propably due to a rerender, so we need to delay it) if (this.hasNewMentions) { setTimeout(() => { this.hasNewMentions = false; }, 20); } return true; } @task *loadSiteStatusTask() { yield this.dashboardStats.loadSiteStatus(); return {}; } @action onDaysChange(selected) { this.days = selected.value; } get days() { return this.dashboardStats.chartDays; } set days(days) { this.dashboardStats.chartDays = days; } get selectedDaysOption() { return this.daysOptions.find(d => d.value === this.days); } get isLoading() { return this.dashboardStats.siteStatus === null; } get totalMembers() { return this.dashboardStats.memberCounts?.total ?? 0; } get isTotalMembersZero() { return this.dashboardStats.memberCounts && this.totalMembers === 0; } get hasPaidTiers() { return this.dashboardStats.siteStatus?.hasPaidTiers; } get areNewslettersEnabled() { return this.dashboardStats.siteStatus?.newslettersEnabled; } get areMembersEnabled() { return this.dashboardStats.siteStatus?.membersEnabled; } }