import classic from 'ember-classic-decorator'; import {action} from '@ember/object'; import {classNameBindings} from '@ember-decorators/component'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; /* global CodeMirror */ import Component from '@ember/component'; import boundOneWay from 'ghost-admin/utils/bound-one-way'; import {assign} from '@ember/polyfills'; import {bind, once, scheduleOnce} from '@ember/runloop'; import {task} from 'ember-concurrency'; @classic @classNameBindings('isFocused:focus') class CmEditorComponent extends Component { @service lazyLoader; textareaClass = ''; isFocused = false; // options for the editor autofocus = false; indentUnit = 4; lineNumbers = true; lineWrapping = false; mode = 'htmlmixed'; theme = 'xq-light'; _editor = null; // reference to CodeMirror editor // Allowed actions 'focus-in' = () => {}; update = () => {}; @boundOneWay('value') _value; // make sure a value exists didReceiveAttrs() { super.didReceiveAttrs(...arguments); if (this._value === null || undefined) { this.set('_value', ''); } if (this.mode !== this._lastMode && this._editor) { this._editor.setOption('mode', this.mode); } this._lastMode = this.mode; } didInsertElement() { super.didInsertElement(...arguments); this.initCodeMirror.perform(); } willDestroyElement() { super.willDestroyElement(...arguments); // Ensure the editor exists before trying to destroy it. This fixes // an error that occurs if codemirror hasn't finished loading before // the component is destroyed. if (this._editor) { let editor = this._editor.getWrapperElement(); editor.parentNode.removeChild(editor); this._editor = null; } } @action updateFromTextarea(value) { this.update(value); } @task(function* () { let loader = this.lazyLoader; yield loader.loadScript('codemirror', 'assets/codemirror/codemirror.js'); scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, this._initCodeMirror); }) initCodeMirror; _initCodeMirror() { let options = this.getProperties('lineNumbers', 'lineWrapping', 'indentUnit', 'mode', 'theme', 'autofocus'); assign(options, {value: this._value}); let textarea = this.element.querySelector('textarea'); if (textarea && textarea === document.activeElement) { options.autofocus = true; } this._editor = new CodeMirror.fromTextArea(textarea, options); // by default CodeMirror will place the cursor at the beginning of the // content, it makes more sense for the cursor to be at the end if (options.autofocus) { this._editor.setCursor(this._editor.lineCount(), 0); } // events this._setupCodeMirrorEventHandler('focus', this, this._focus); this._setupCodeMirrorEventHandler('blur', this, this._blur); this._setupCodeMirrorEventHandler('change', this, this._update); } _setupCodeMirrorEventHandler(event, target, method) { let callback = bind(target, method); this._editor.on(event, callback);'willDestroyElement', this, function () {, callback); }); } _update(codeMirror, changeObj) { once(this, this.update, codeMirror.getValue(), codeMirror, changeObj); } _focus(codeMirror, event) { this.set('isFocused', true); once(this, this['focus-in'], codeMirror.getValue(), codeMirror, event); } _blur/* codeMirror, event */() { this.set('isFocused', false); } } export default CmEditorComponent;