import Ember from 'ember'; import Tools from '../options/default-tools'; import layout from '../templates/components/slash-menu'; export default Ember.Component.extend({ layout, classNames: ['slash-menu'], classNameBindings: ['isVisible'], range: null, menuSelectedItem: 0, toolsLength:0, selectedTool:null, isVisible:false, toolbar: Ember.computed(function () { let tools = [ ]; let match = (this.query || "").trim().toLowerCase(); let i = 0; // todo cache active tools so we don't need to loop through them on selection change. => { if ((tool.type === 'block' || tool.type === 'card') && (tool.label.toLowerCase().startsWith(match) || { let t = { label : tool.label, name:, icon: tool.icon, selected: i===this.menuSelectedItem, onClick: tool.onClick }; if(i === this.menuSelectedItem) { this.set('selectedTool', t); } tools.push(t); i++; } }); this.set('toolsLength', i); if(this.menuSelectedItem > this.toolsLength) { this.set('menuSelectedItem', this.toolsLength-1); // this.propertyDidChange('toolbar'); } if(tools.length < 1) { this.isActive = false; this.set('isVisible', false); } return tools; }), init() { this._super(...arguments); =new Tools(this.get('editor'), this); this.iconURL = this.get('assetPath') + '/tools/'; this.editor.cursorDidChange(this.cursorChange.bind(this)); let self = this; this.editor.onTextInput( { name: 'slash_menu', text: '/', run(editor) {; } }); }, willDestroy() { this.editor.destroy(); }, cursorChange() { if(this.isActive) { if(!this.editor.range.isCollapsed || this.editor.range.head.section !== this._node || this.editor.range.head.offset < 1 || !this.editor.range.head.section) { this.close(); } this.query = this.editor.range.head.section.text.substring(this._offset, this.editor.range.head.offset); this.set('range', { section: this._node, startOffset: this._offset, endOffset: this.editor.range.head.offset }); this.propertyDidChange('toolbar'); } }, open(editor) { let self = this; let $this = this.$(); let $editor = Ember.$('.gh-editor-container'); this._node = editor.range.head.section; this._offset = editor.range.head.offset; this.isActive = true; this.cursorChange(); let range = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0); // get the actual range within the DOM. let position = range.getBoundingClientRect(); let edOffset = $editor.offset(); this.set('isVisible', true);'afterRender', this, () => { $this.css('top', + $editor.scrollTop() - + 20); //- $this.css('left', position.left + (position.width / 2) + $editor.scrollLeft() - edOffset.left ); } ); this.query=""; this.propertyDidChange('toolbar'); const downKeyCommand = { str: 'DOWN', _ghostName: 'slashdown', run() { let item = self.get('menuSelectedItem'); if(item < self.get('toolsLength')-1) { self.set('menuSelectedItem', item + 1); self.propertyDidChange('toolbar'); } } }; editor.registerKeyCommand(downKeyCommand); const upKeyCommand = { str: 'UP', _ghostName: 'slashup', run() { let item = self.get('menuSelectedItem'); if(item > 0) { self.set('menuSelectedItem', item - 1); self.propertyDidChange('toolbar'); } } }; editor.registerKeyCommand(upKeyCommand); const enterKeyCommand = { str: 'ENTER', _ghostName: 'slashdown', run(postEditor) { let range = postEditor.range; range.head.offset = self._offset - 1; postEditor.deleteRange(range); self.get('selectedTool').onClick(self.get('editor')); self.close(); } }; editor.registerKeyCommand(enterKeyCommand); const escapeKeyCommand = { str: 'ESC', _ghostName: 'slashesc', run() { self.close(); } }; editor.registerKeyCommand(escapeKeyCommand); }, close() { this.isActive = false; this.set('isVisible', false); // note: below is using a mobiledoc Private API. // there is no way to unregister a keycommand when it's registered so we have to remove it ourselves. for( let i = this.editor._keyCommands.length-1; i > -1; i--) { let keyCommand = this.editor._keyCommands[i]; if(keyCommand._ghostName === 'slashdown' || keyCommand._ghostName === 'slashup' || keyCommand._ghostName === 'slashenter'|| keyCommand._ghostName === 'slashesc') { this.editor._keyCommands.splice(i,1); } } return; } });