{{#unless this.session.user.isEditor}}
Settings {{svg-jar "arrow-right-small"}} Staff


{{!-- Do not show Invite user button to authors --}} {{#unless this.currentUser.isAuthorOrContributor}}
{{#if (gh-user-can-admin this.session.user)}} {{svg-jar "settings"}}
  • {{/if}}
    {{#if this.showInviteUserModal}} {{/if}} {{#if this.showResetAllPasswordsModal}} {{/if}}
    {{!-- Show invited users to everyone except authors --}} {{#unless this.currentUser.isAuthorOrContributor}} {{#if this.invites}}

    Invited users

    {{#each this.invites as |invite|}}
    {{svg-jar "email"}}ic


    {{#if invite.pending}} Invitation not sent - please try again {{else}} Invitation sent: {{component.createdAt}}, {{if component.isExpired "expired" "expires"}} {{component.expiresAt}} {{/if}}

    {{#if component.isSending}} Sending Invite... {{else}} Revoke Resend {{invite.role.name}} {{/if}}
    {{/if}} {{/unless}}

    Active users

    {{!-- For authors/contributors, only show their own user --}} {{#if this.currentUser.isAuthorOrContributor}} {{else}} {{#vertical-collection this.activeUsers key="id" containerSelector=".gh-main" estimateHeight=75 as |user| }} {{/vertical-collection}} {{/if}}
    {{!-- Don't show if we have no suspended users or logged in as an author --}} {{#if (and this.suspendedUsers (not this.currentUser.isAuthorOrContributor))}}
    Suspended users
    {{#each this.suspendedUsers key="id" as |user|}} {{/each}}