import Browser from 'mobiledoc-kit/utils/browser'; import Component from '@ember/component'; import layout from '../templates/components/koenig-card'; import {computed} from '@ember/object'; import {htmlSafe} from '@ember/string'; import {run} from '@ember/runloop'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; const TICK_HEIGHT = 8; export default Component.extend({ koenigDragDropHandler: service(), layout, attributeBindings: ['_style:style'], classNameBindings: ['selectedClass'], // attrs editor: null, icon: null, iconClass: 'ih5 absolute stroke-midgrey-l2 mt1 nl15 kg-icon', toolbar: null, isSelected: false, isEditing: false, hasEditMode: true, headerOffset: 0, showSelectedOutline: true, // properties showToolbar: false, toolbarWidth: 0, toolbarHeight: 0, // internal properties _lastIsEditing: false, // closure actions selectCard() {}, deselectCard() {}, editCard() {}, // hooks - when attached these will be fired on the individual card components onSelect() {}, onDeselect() {}, onEnterEdit() {}, onLeaveEdit() {}, shouldShowToolbar: computed('showToolbar', 'koenigDragDropHandler.isDragging', function () { return this.showToolbar && !this.koenigDragDropHandler.isDragging; }), toolbarStyle: computed('shouldShowToolbar', 'toolbarWidth', 'toolbarHeight', function () { let showToolbar = this.shouldShowToolbar; let width = this.toolbarWidth; let height = this.toolbarHeight; let styles = []; styles.push(`top: -${height}px`); styles.push(`left: calc(50% - ${width / 2}px)`); if (!showToolbar) { styles.push('pointer-events: none !important'); } return htmlSafe(styles.join('; ')); }), iconTop: computed('headerOffset', function () { return this.headerOffset + 24; }), selectedClass: computed('isSelected', 'showSelectedOutline', function () { if (this.isSelected && this.showSelectedOutline) { return 'kg-card-selected'; } }), didReceiveAttrs() { this._super(...arguments); let isSelected = this.isSelected; let isEditing = this.isEditing; let hasEditMode = this.hasEditMode; // TODO: replace with Spirit classes let baseStyles = 'cursor: default; caret-color: auto;'; this.set('_style', htmlSafe(`${baseStyles} ${}`)); if (isSelected !== this._lastIsSelected) { if (isSelected) { this._fireWhenRendered(this._onSelect); } else { this._fireWhenRendered(this._onDeselect); } } if (isEditing !== this._lastIsEditing) { if (!hasEditMode) { isEditing = false; } else if (isEditing) { this._onEnterEdit(); } else { this._onLeaveEdit(); } } // show the toolbar immediately if it changes whilst the card is selected // caters for situations such as only showing image style buttons once an // image has been uploaded if (isSelected && this._lastIsSelected && this.toolbar && this.toolbar !== this._lastToolbar) { run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, this._showToolbar); } this._lastIsSelected = isSelected; this._lastIsEditing = isEditing; this._lastToolbar = this.toolbar; }, didInsertElement() { this._super(...arguments); this._setToolbarProperties(); this._createMutationObserver( this.element, run.bind(this, this._inputFocus), run.bind(this, this._inputBlur) ); }, willDestroyElement() { this._super(...arguments); window.removeEventListener('keydown', this._onKeydownHandler); window.removeEventListener('click', this._onClickHandler); this._removeMousemoveHandler(); if (this._mutationObserver) { this._mutationObserver.disconnect(); } if (this._hasDisabledContenteditable) { this.editor.element.contentEditable = true; } }, mouseDown(event) { let {isSelected, isEditing, hasEditMode} = this; // if we perform an action we want to prevent the mousedown from // triggering a cursor position change which can result in multiple // card select calls getting the component into an odd state. We also // manually show the toolbar so that we're not relying on mousemove if (!isSelected && !isEditing) { this.selectCard(); this.set('showToolbar', true); // in most situations we want to prevent default behaviour which // can cause an underlying cursor position change but inputs and // textareas are different and we want the focus to move to them // immediately when clicked let targetTagName =; let allowedTagNames = ['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA']; let allowClickthrough = !!'[data-kg-allow-clickthrough]'); if (!allowedTagNames.includes(targetTagName) && !allowClickthrough) { event.preventDefault(); } // don't trigger edit mode immediately this._skipMouseUp = true; } // don't trigger select->edit transition for clicks in the caption if (isSelected && hasEditMode) { let allowClickthrough = !!'[data-kg-allow-clickthrough]'); if (allowClickthrough) { this._skipMouseUp = true; } } }, // lazy-click to enter edit mode mouseUp(event) { let {isSelected, isEditing, hasEditMode, _skipMouseUp} = this; if (!_skipMouseUp && hasEditMode && isSelected && !isEditing && !this.koenigDragDropHandler.isDragging) { this.editCard(); this.set('showToolbar', true); event.preventDefault(); } this._skipMouseUp = false; }, doubleClick() { let allowClickthrough = !!'[data-kg-allow-clickthrough]'); if (this.hasEditMode && !this.isEditing && !allowClickthrough) { this.editCard(); this.set('showToolbar', true); } }, _onSelect() { this._fireWhenRendered(this._showToolbar); this._showToolbar(); this.onSelect(); this._onClickHandler = run.bind(this, this._handleClick); window.addEventListener('click', this._onClickHandler); }, _onDeselect() { window.removeEventListener('click', this._onClickHandler); this._hideToolbar(); this.onDeselect(); }, _onEnterEdit() { this._onKeydownHandler = run.bind(this, this._handleKeydown); window.addEventListener('keydown', this._onKeydownHandler); // store a copy of the payload for later comparison this._snapshotPayload = JSON.stringify(this.payload); this.onEnterEdit(); }, _onLeaveEdit() { window.removeEventListener('keydown', this._onKeydownHandler); // if the payload has changed since entering edit mode then store a snapshot let newPayload = JSON.stringify(this.payload); if (newPayload !== this._snapshotPayload) { => { this.saveCard(this.payload); }); } delete this._snapshotPayload; this.onLeaveEdit(); }, _setToolbarProperties() { if (this.toolbar) { let toolbar = this.element.querySelector('[data-toolbar="true"]'); let {width, height} = toolbar.getBoundingClientRect(); this.setProperties({ toolbarWidth: width, toolbarHeight: height + TICK_HEIGHT }); } }, _showToolbar() { // only show a toolbar if we have one if (this.toolbar) { this._setToolbarProperties(); if (!this.showToolbar && !this._onMousemoveHandler) { this._onMousemoveHandler = run.bind(this, this._handleMousemove); window.addEventListener('mousemove', this._onMousemoveHandler); } } }, _hideToolbar() { this.set('showToolbar', false); this._removeMousemoveHandler(); }, _handleKeydown(event) { if ( this.isEditing && event.key === 'Escape' || (Browser.isMac() && event.key === 'Enter' && event.metaKey) || (!Browser.isMac() && event.key === 'Enter' && event.ctrlKey) ) { // run the select card routine with isEditing=false to exit edit mode this.selectCard(false); event.preventDefault(); } }, // exit edit mode any time we have a click outside of the card unless it's // a click inside one of our modals or on the plus menu _handleClick(event) { let {target, path} = event; // Safari doesn't expose MouseEvent.path if (!path) { path = event.composedPath(); } let searchPath = function (selector) { return element => element.closest && element.closest(selector); }; // check if the click was in the card, on the plus menu, or on a modal if (this.element.contains(target) || path.find(searchPath(`#${}`)) || path.find(searchPath('[data-kg="plus-menu"]')) || path.find(searchPath('.liquid-destination'))) { return; } // if an element in the editor is clicked then cursor placement will // deselect or keep this card selected as necessary if (this.editor.element.contains(target)) { return; } this.deselectCard(); }, _handleMousemove() { if (!this.showToolbar) { this.set('showToolbar', true); this._removeMousemoveHandler(); } }, _removeMousemoveHandler() { window.removeEventListener('mousemove', this._onMousemoveHandler); this._onMousemoveHandler = null; }, // convenience method for when we only want to run a method when our // elements have been rendered _fireWhenRendered(method) { if (this.element) { run.bind(this, method)(); } else { run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, method); } }, // Firefox can't handle inputs inside of a contenteditable element so we // need to watch for any inputs being added so that we can attach focus/blur // event handlers that can disable contenteditable on the editor element _createMutationObserver(target, focusCallback, blurCallback) { function addInputFocusListeners(mutation) { function addInputFocusListener(element) { if (!inputElements.includes(element)) { inputElements.push(element); element.addEventListener('focus', focusCallback, false); element.addEventListener('blur', blurCallback, false); } } if (mutation.type === 'childList') {'input[type="text"]'), addInputFocusListener ); } } function removeFromElements(element) { inputElements.splice(inputElements.indexOf(element), 1); } function removeInputFocusListener(element) { element.removeEventListener('focus', focusCallback, false); element.removeEventListener('blur', blurCallback, false); removeFromElements(element); } function mutationObserved(mutations) { mutations.forEach(addInputFocusListeners); } function createMutationObserver(target) { let config = { childList: true, subtree: true }; let observer = new MutationObserver(mutationObserved); observer.observe(target, config); // eslint-disable-line ghost/ember/no-observers return observer; } let inputElements = []; let observer = createMutationObserver(target); return { disconnect() { if ('disconnect' in observer) { observer.disconnect(); // eslint-disable-line ghost/ember/no-observers inputElements.forEach(removeInputFocusListener); } } }; }, _inputFocus() { this._hasDisabledContenteditable = true; this.editor.element.contentEditable = false; }, _inputBlur() { this._hasDisabledContenteditable = false; this.editor.element.contentEditable = true; } });