import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile'; import {describe, it} from 'mocha'; import {expect} from 'chai'; import {find, render, settled} from '@ember/test-helpers'; import {setupRenderingTest} from 'ember-mocha'; // NOTE: If the browser window is not focused/visible CodeMirror (or Chrome?) will // take longer to respond to/fire events so it's possible that some of these tests // will take 1-3 seconds describe('Integration: Component: gh-cm-editor', function () { setupRenderingTest(); it('handles change event', async function () { this.set('onUpdate', (value) => { this.set('text', value); }); this.set('text', ''); await render(hbs``); // access CodeMirror directly as it doesn't pick up changes to the textarea let cm = find('.gh-input .CodeMirror').CodeMirror; cm.setValue('Testing'); await settled(); expect(this.text, 'text value after CM editor change') .to.equal('Testing'); }); it('can autofocus', async function () { // CodeMirror's events are triggered outside of anything we can watch for // in the tests so let's run the class check when we know the event has // been fired and timeout if it's not fired as we expect let onFocus = async () => { // wait for runloop to finish so that the new class has been rendered await settled(); expect(find('.gh-input').classList.contains('focus'), 'has focused class on first render with autofocus'); }; this.set('onUpdate', (value) => { this.set('text', value); }); this.set('onFocus', onFocus); this.set('text', ''); await render(hbs``); }); });