// Switch these lines once there are useful utils // const testUtils = require('./utils'); require('./utils'); const path = require('path'); const sinon = require('sinon'); const delay = require('delay'); const FakeTimers = require('@sinonjs/fake-timers'); const JobManager = require('../index'); describe('Job Manager', function () { let logging; beforeEach(function () { logging = { info: sinon.stub(), warn: sinon.stub(), error: sinon.stub() }; }); it('public interface', function () { const jobManager = new JobManager({logging}); should.exist(jobManager.addJob); }); describe('Add a job', function () { describe('Inline jobs', function () { it('adds a job to a queue', async function () { const spy = sinon.spy(); const jobManager = new JobManager({logging}); jobManager.addJob({ job: spy, data: 'test data', offloaded: false }); should(jobManager.queue.idle()).be.false(); // give time to execute the job await delay(1); should(jobManager.queue.idle()).be.true(); should(spy.called).be.true(); should(spy.args[0][0]).equal('test data'); }); it('handles failed job gracefully', async function () { const spy = sinon.stub().throws(); const jobManager = new JobManager({logging}); jobManager.addJob({ job: spy, data: 'test data', offloaded: false }); should(jobManager.queue.idle()).be.false(); // give time to execute the job await delay(1); should(jobManager.queue.idle()).be.true(); should(spy.called).be.true(); should(spy.args[0][0]).equal('test data'); should(logging.error.called).be.true(); }); }); describe('Offloaded jobs', function () { it('fails to schedule for invalid scheduling expression', function () { const jobManager = new JobManager({logging}); try { jobManager.addJob({ at: 'invalid expression', name: 'jobName' }); } catch (err) { err.message.should.equal('Invalid schedule format'); } }); it('fails to schedule for no job name', function () { const jobManager = new JobManager({logging}); try { jobManager.addJob({ at: 'invalid expression', job: () => {} }); } catch (err) { err.message.should.equal('Name parameter should be present if job is a function'); } }); it('schedules a job using date format', async function () { const jobManager = new JobManager({logging}); const timeInTenSeconds = new Date(Date.now() + 10); const jobPath = path.resolve(__dirname, './jobs/simple.js'); const clock = FakeTimers.install({now: Date.now()}); jobManager.addJob({ at: timeInTenSeconds, job: jobPath, name: 'job-in-ten' }); should(jobManager.bree.timeouts['job-in-ten']).type('object'); should(jobManager.bree.workers['job-in-ten']).type('undefined'); // allow to run the job and start the worker await clock.nextAsync(); should(jobManager.bree.workers['job-in-ten']).type('object'); const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { jobManager.bree.workers['job-in-ten'].on('error', reject); jobManager.bree.workers['job-in-ten'].on('exit', (code) => { should(code).equal(0); resolve(); }); }); // allow job to finish execution and exit clock.next(); await promise; should(jobManager.bree.workers['job-in-ten']).type('undefined'); clock.uninstall(); }); it('schedules a job to run immediately', async function () { const jobManager = new JobManager({logging}); const clock = FakeTimers.install({now: Date.now()}); const jobPath = path.resolve(__dirname, './jobs/simple.js'); jobManager.addJob({ job: jobPath, name: 'job-now' }); should(jobManager.bree.timeouts['job-now']).type('object'); // allow scheduler to pick up the job clock.tick(1); should(jobManager.bree.workers['job-now']).type('object'); const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { jobManager.bree.workers['job-now'].on('error', reject); jobManager.bree.workers['job-now'].on('exit', (code) => { should(code).equal(0); resolve(); }); }); await promise; should(jobManager.bree.workers['job-now']).type('undefined'); clock.uninstall(); }); it('fails to schedule a job with the same name to run immediately one after another', async function () { const jobManager = new JobManager({logging}); const clock = FakeTimers.install({now: Date.now()}); const jobPath = path.resolve(__dirname, './jobs/simple.js'); jobManager.addJob({ job: jobPath, name: 'job-now' }); should(jobManager.bree.timeouts['job-now']).type('object'); // allow scheduler to pick up the job clock.tick(1); should(jobManager.bree.workers['job-now']).type('object'); const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { jobManager.bree.workers['job-now'].on('error', reject); jobManager.bree.workers['job-now'].on('exit', (code) => { should(code).equal(0); resolve(); }); }); await promise; should(jobManager.bree.workers['job-now']).type('undefined'); (() => { jobManager.addJob({ job: jobPath, name: 'job-now' }); }).should.throw('Job #1 has a duplicate job name of job-now'); clock.uninstall(); }); it('uses custom error handler when job fails', async function (){ let job = function namedJob() { throw new Error('job error'); }; const spyHandler = sinon.spy(); const jobManager = new JobManager({logging, errorHandler: spyHandler}); jobManager.addJob({ job, name: 'will-fail' }); // give time to execute the job // has to be this long because in Node v10 the communication is // done through processes, which takes longer comparing to worker_threads // can be reduced to 100 when Node v10 support is dropped await delay(600); should(spyHandler.called).be.true(); should(spyHandler.args[0][0].message).equal('job error'); should(spyHandler.args[0][1].name).equal('will-fail'); }); it('uses worker message handler when job sends a message', async function (){ const workerMessageHandlerSpy = sinon.spy(); const jobManager = new JobManager({logging, workerMessageHandler: workerMessageHandlerSpy}); jobManager.addJob({ job: path.resolve(__dirname, './jobs/message.js'), name: 'will-send-msg' }); jobManager.bree.run('will-send-msg'); jobManager.bree.workers['will-send-msg'].postMessage('hello from Ghost!'); // Give time for worker (worker thread) <-> parent process (job manager) communication await delay(1000); should(workerMessageHandlerSpy.called).be.true(); should(workerMessageHandlerSpy.args[0][0].name).equal('will-send-msg'); should(workerMessageHandlerSpy.args[0][0].message).equal('hello from Ghost!'); }); }); }); describe('Remove a job', function () { it('removes a scheduled job from the queue', async function () { const jobManager = new JobManager({logging}); const timeInTenSeconds = new Date(Date.now() + 10); const jobPath = path.resolve(__dirname, './jobs/simple.js'); jobManager.addJob({ at: timeInTenSeconds, job: jobPath, name: 'job-in-ten' }); jobManager.bree.config.jobs[0].name.should.equal('job-in-ten'); await jobManager.removeJob('job-in-ten'); should(jobManager.bree.config.jobs[0]).be.undefined; }); }); describe('Shutdown', function () { it('gracefully shuts down an inline jobs', async function () { const jobManager = new JobManager({logging}); jobManager.addJob({ job: require('./jobs/timed-job'), data: 200, offloaded: false }); should(jobManager.queue.idle()).be.false(); await jobManager.shutdown(); should(jobManager.queue.idle()).be.true(); }); it('gracefully shuts down an interval job', async function () { const jobManager = new JobManager({logging}); jobManager.addJob({ at: 'every 5 seconds', job: path.resolve(__dirname, './jobs/graceful.js') }); await delay(1); // let the job execution kick in should(Object.keys(jobManager.bree.workers).length).equal(0); should(Object.keys(jobManager.bree.timeouts).length).equal(0); should(Object.keys(jobManager.bree.intervals).length).equal(1); await jobManager.shutdown(); should(Object.keys(jobManager.bree.intervals).length).equal(0); }); }); });