import ModalComponent from 'ghost-admin/components/modal-base'; import {computed} from '@ember/object'; import {resetQueryParams} from 'ghost-admin/helpers/reset-query-params'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; import {task} from 'ember-concurrency'; export default ModalComponent.extend({ router: service(), notifications: service(), model: null, showDeleteLabelModal: false, confirm() {}, label: computed.and('model', 'model.label'), willDestroyElement() { this._super(...arguments); this.label.errors.clear(); this.label.rollbackAttributes(); }, actions: { toggleDeleteLabelModal() { this.label.rollbackAttributes(); this.set('showDeleteLabelModal', true); }, validate(property) { return this.label.validate({property}); }, confirm() { return this.saveTask.perform(); } }, saveTask: task(function* () { let label = this.model && this.model.label; let availableLabels = (this.model && this.model.labels) || []; if (!label) { return false; } try { yield label.validate(); let duplicateLabel = availableLabels.find((existingLabel) => { return === && existingLabel.slug !== label.slug; }); if (duplicateLabel) { label.errors.add('name', 'A label with the same name already exists'); label.hasValidated.pushObject('name'); // label.invalidate(); return false; } let savedLabel = yield; this.notifications.showNotification('Label saved'.htmlSafe()); this.send('closeModal'); return savedLabel; } catch (error) { if (error) { this.notifications.showAPIError(error, {key: ''}); } } }), deleteLabel: task(function * () { let label = this.model && this.model.label; if (!label) { return false; } try { yield label.destroyRecord(); let routeName = this.router.currentRouteName; this.notifications.showNotification('Label deleted'.htmlSafe()); this.send('closeModal'); this.router.transitionTo(routeName, {queryParams: resetQueryParams(routeName)}); } catch (error) { if (error) { return this.notifications.showAPIError(error, {key: 'label.delete'}); } } }) });