import classic from 'ember-classic-decorator'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; /* global noframe */ import Component from '@ember/component'; import {NO_CURSOR_MOVEMENT} from './koenig-editor'; import {action, computed, set} from '@ember/object'; import {utils as ghostHelperUtils} from '@tryghost/helpers'; import {isBlank} from '@ember/utils'; import {run} from '@ember/runloop'; import {task} from 'ember-concurrency'; const {countWords} = ghostHelperUtils; @classic export default class KoenigCardEmbed extends Component { @service ajax; @service ghostPaths; // attrs payload = null; isSelected = false; isEditing = false; // internal properties hasError = false; // closure actions selectCard() {} deselectCard() {} editCard() {} saveCard() {} deleteCard() {} moveCursorToNextSection() {} moveCursorToPrevSection() {} addParagraphAfterCard() {} registerComponent() {} @computed('payload.html') get isEmpty() { return isBlank(this.payload.html) && this.payload.type !== 'nft'; } @computed('payload.{html,caption}') get counts() { return { imageCount: this.payload.html ? 1 : 0, wordCount: countWords(this.payload.caption) }; } init() { super.init(...arguments); if (this.payload.url && !this.payload.html) { this.convertUrl.perform(this.payload.url); } this.registerComponent(this); } didInsertElement() { super.didInsertElement(...arguments); this._populateIframe(); this._focusInput(); } willDestroyElement() { super.willDestroyElement(...arguments); run.cancel(this._resizeDebounce); if (this._iframeMutationObserver) { this._iframeMutationObserver.disconnect(); } window.removeEventListener('resize', this._windowResizeHandler); } @action onDeselect() { if (this.payload.url && !this.payload.html && !this.hasError) { this.convertUrl.perform(this.payload.url); } else { if (this.isEmpty && !this.convertUrl.isRunning && !this.hasError) { this.deleteCard(NO_CURSOR_MOVEMENT); } } } @action updateUrl(event) { let url =; set(this.payload, 'url', url); } @action urlKeydown(event) { if (event.key === 'Enter') { event.preventDefault(); this.convertUrl.perform(this.payload.url); } if (event.key === 'Escape') {; this.deleteCard(); } } @action updateCaption(caption) { set(this.payload, 'caption', caption); this.saveCard(this.payload, false); } @action retry() { this.set('hasError', false); } @action insertAsLink(options = {linkOnError: false}) { let {range} = this.editor; => { let {builder} = postEditor; let cardSection = this.env.postModel; let p = builder.createMarkupSection('p'); let link = builder.createMarkup('a', {href: this.payload.url}); postEditor.replaceSection(cardSection, p); postEditor.insertTextWithMarkup(p.toRange().head, this.payload.url, [link]); // if a user is typing further on in the doc (possible if embed // was created automatically via paste of URL) then return the // cursor so the card->link change doesn't cause a cursor jump if (range.headSection !== cardSection) { postEditor.setRange(range); } // avoid adding an extra undo step when automatically creating // link after an error so that an Undo after pasting a URL // doesn't get stuck in a loop going through link->embed->link if (options.linkOnError) { postEditor.cancelSnapshot(); } }); } @action insertAsBookmark(payload) { let {range} = this.editor; => { let cardSection = this.env.postModel; let bookmarkCard = postEditor.builder.createCardSection('bookmark', payload); postEditor.replaceSection(cardSection, bookmarkCard); // if a user is typing further on in the doc (possible if embed // was created automatically via paste of URL) then return the // cursor so the card->link change doesn't cause a cursor jump if (range.headSection !== cardSection) { postEditor.setRange(range); } }); } @(task(function* (url) { if (isBlank(url)) { this.deleteCard(); return; } try { let oembedEndpoint = this.ghostPaths.url.api('oembed'); let requestData = { url }; if (!this.payload.isDirectUrl) { requestData.type = 'embed'; } let response = yield this.ajax.request(oembedEndpoint, { data: requestData }); if (response.type === 'bookmark') { this.send('insertAsBookmark', response); return; } if (!response.html && response.type !== 'nft') { throw 'No HTML returned'; } set(this.payload, 'linkOnError', undefined); set(this.payload, 'isDirectUrl', undefined); set(this.payload, 'html', response.html); delete response.html; set(this.payload, 'type', response.type); delete response.type; // store all other data returned from oembed such as thumbnails, sizing, etc set(this.payload, 'metadata', response); this.saveCard(this.payload, false); run.schedule('afterRender', this, this._populateIframe); } catch (err) { if (this.payload.linkOnError) { this.send('insertAsLink', {linkOnError: true}); return; } this.set('hasError', true); } }).drop()) convertUrl; _focusInput() { let urlInput = this.element.querySelector('[name="url"]'); if (urlInput) { urlInput.focus(); } } _populateIframe() { let iframe = this.element.querySelector('iframe'); if (iframe) {; iframe.contentWindow.document.write(this.payload.html); iframe.contentWindow.document.close(); = 'flex'; = '0'; = 'center'; let nestedIframe = iframe.contentDocument.body.firstChild; if (nestedIframe.nodeName === 'IFRAME') { noframe(nestedIframe, '[data-kg-embed]'); this._resizeIframe(iframe); } this._iframeResizeHandler = run.bind(this, this._resizeIframe, iframe); this._iframeMutationObserver = this._createMutationObserver( iframe.contentWindow.document, this._iframeResizeHandler ); this._setupWindowResizeHandler(iframe); } } _createMutationObserver(target, callback) { function addImageLoadListeners(mutation) { function addImageLoadListener(element) { if (element.complete === false) { element.addEventListener('load', imageEventTriggered, false); element.addEventListener('error', imageEventTriggered, false); imageElements.push(element); } } if (mutation.type === 'attributes' && mutation.attributeName === 'src') { addImageLoadListener(; } else if (mutation.type === 'childList') {'img'), addImageLoadListener ); } } function removeFromElements(element) { imageElements.splice(imageElements.indexOf(element), 1); } function removeImageLoadListener(element) { element.removeEventListener('load', imageEventTriggered, false); element.removeEventListener('error', imageEventTriggered, false); removeFromElements(element); } function imageEventTriggered(event) { removeImageLoadListener(; callback(); } function mutationObserved(mutations) { callback(); // deal with async image loads when tags are injected into the page mutations.forEach(addImageLoadListeners); } function createMutationObserver(mutationTarget) { let config = { attributes: true, attributeOldValue: false, characterData: true, characterDataOldValue: false, childList: true, subtree: true }; let observer = new MutationObserver(mutationObserved); observer.observe(mutationTarget, config); // eslint-disable-line ghost/ember/no-observers return observer; } let imageElements = []; let observer = createMutationObserver(target); return { disconnect() { if ('disconnect' in observer) { observer.disconnect(); // eslint-disable-line ghost/ember/no-observers imageElements.forEach(removeImageLoadListener); } } }; } _resizeIframe(iframe) { this._resizeDebounce = run.debounce(this, this.__debouncedResizeIframe, iframe, 66); } __debouncedResizeIframe(iframe) { = null; // get ratio from nested iframe if present (eg, Vimeo) const firstElement = iframe.contentDocument.body.firstChild; if (firstElement.tagName === 'IFRAME') { const widthAttr = firstElement.getAttribute('width'); if (widthAttr.indexOf('%') === -1) { const width = parseInt(firstElement.getAttribute('width')); const height = parseInt(firstElement.getAttribute('height')); if (width && height) { const ratio = width / height; const newHeight = iframe.offsetWidth / ratio; = `${newHeight}px`; = `${newHeight}px`; return; } } const heightAttr = firstElement.getAttribute('height'); if (heightAttr.indexOf('%') === -1) { const height = parseInt(firstElement.getAttribute('height')); = `${height}px`; return; } } // otherwise use iframes internal height (eg, Instagram) const height = iframe.contentDocument.scrollingElement.scrollHeight; = `${height}px`; } _setupWindowResizeHandler(iframe) { window.removeEventListener('resize', this._windowResizeHandler); this._windowResizeHandler = run.bind(this, this._resizeIframe, iframe); window.addEventListener('resize', this._windowResizeHandler, {passive: true}); } }