import Component from '@glimmer/component'; import {action} from '@ember/object'; import {bind} from '@ember/runloop'; import {task} from 'ember-concurrency'; import {timeout} from 'ember-concurrency'; const CARD_SPACING = 20; const MIN_RIGHT_SPACING = 20; const MIN_TOP_SPACING = 66 + 20; // 66 is publish menu and word count size export default class KoenigSettingsPanelComponent extends Component { constructor() { super(...arguments); this._windowResizeHandler = bind(this, this.debounceWindowResizeTask.perform); window.addEventListener('resize', this._windowResizeHandler); } willDestroy() { super.willDestroy(...arguments); window.removeEventListener('resize', this._windowResizeHandler); } @action registerAndPosition(panelElem) { this.panelElem = panelElem; this.positionPanel(panelElem); } @action positionPanel(panelElem) { if (!panelElem) { return; } const panelRect = panelElem.getBoundingClientRect(); const containerRect = panelElem.parentElement.getBoundingClientRect(); const containerMiddle = + (containerRect.height / 2); // position vertically centered // if part of panel would be off screen adjust to keep minimum distance from window top/botom let top = Math.max(containerMiddle - (panelRect.height / 2), MIN_TOP_SPACING); if (top + panelRect.height > window.innerHeight - MIN_TOP_SPACING) { top = window.innerHeight - MIN_TOP_SPACING - panelRect.height; } // position to right of panel // if part of panel would be off screen adjust to keep minimum distance from window edge let left = containerRect.right + CARD_SPACING; if (left + panelRect.width > window.innerWidth - MIN_RIGHT_SPACING) { left = window.innerWidth - panelRect.width - MIN_RIGHT_SPACING; } = `${top}px`; = `${left}px`; } @task({restartable: true}) *debounceWindowResizeTask() { yield timeout(250); this.positionPanel(this.panelElem); } // called when panel is expanded/collapsed by changing settings @action calculateResizeAdjustment(panelElem, {x, y}) { const panelRect = panelElem.getBoundingClientRect(); const topIsOffscreen = < 0; const bottomIsOffscreen = panelRect.bottom > window.innerHeight; if (topIsOffscreen && bottomIsOffscreen) { // there's not much we can do here, the screen is too small. // leave as-is to avoid any weird jumping return {x, y}; } if (topIsOffscreen) { const yAdjustment = Math.abs( + 10; return {x, y: y + yAdjustment}; } if (bottomIsOffscreen) { const yAdjustment = -Math.abs(panelRect.bottom - window.innerHeight) - 10; return {x, y: y + yAdjustment}; } // no adjustment needed return {x, y}; } }