import Component from '@glimmer/component'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; const CHART_COLORS = [ '#8e42ff', '#BB4AE5', '#DD97C9', '#E19A98', '#F5C9C2', '#E6E9EB' ]; export default class SourceAttributionChart extends Component { @service feature; get sources() { return this.args.sources; } get chartOptions() { let chartTitle = 'Free signups'; if (this.args.sortColumn === 'signups') { chartTitle = 'Free signups'; } else { chartTitle = 'Paid conversions'; } return { cutoutPercentage: 70, title: { display: false, text: chartTitle, position: 'bottom', padding: 12, fontFamily: 'Inter,-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,Segoe UI,Roboto,Oxygen,Ubuntu,Droid Sans,Helvetica Neue,sans-serif', color: '#7c8b9a', fontSize: 12, fontStyle: '600' }, legend: { display: false }, hover: { onHover: function (e) { = 'pointer'; } }, tooltips: { enabled: false, intersect: false, mode: 'single', custom: function (tooltip) { // get tooltip element const tooltipEl = document.getElementById('gh-dashboard-attribution-tooltip'); // only show tooltip when active if (tooltip.opacity === 0) { = 0; return; } let offsetX = 10; let offsetY = 15; // update tooltip styles = 1; = 'absolute'; = tooltip.x + offsetX + 'px'; = tooltip.y + offsetY + 'px'; }, callbacks: { label: (tooltipItems, data) => { const tooltipTextEl = document.querySelector('#gh-dashboard-attribution-tooltip .gh-dashboard-tooltip-value'); // const label = data.datasets[tooltipItems.datasetIndex].label || ''; const label = data.labels[tooltipItems.index] || ''; var value = data.datasets[tooltipItems.datasetIndex].data[tooltipItems.index] || 0; if (value < 0) { value = -value; } tooltipTextEl.innerHTML = `${value}%${label}`; }, title: () => { return null; } } }, aspectRatio: 1 }; } get chartData() { let borderColor = this.feature.nightShift ? '#101114' : '#fff'; return { labels: => source.source), datasets: [{ label: this.args.sortColumn === 'signups' ? 'Signups' : 'Paid conversions', data: => { return source.percentage; }), backgroundColor: CHART_COLORS.slice(0, 6), borderWidth: 2, borderColor: borderColor, hoverBorderWidth: 2, hoverBorderColor: borderColor }] }; } get allSources() { const mainSources = [...this.sortedSources.slice(0, 5)]; if (this.others) { mainSources.push(this.others); } // get percentage of each source const total = mainSources.reduce((acc, source) => { if (this.args.sortColumn === 'signups') { return acc + source.signups; } return acc + source.paidConversions; }, 0); return => { let value = 0; if (this.args.sortColumn === 'signups') { value = source.signups; } else { value = source.paidConversions; } return { ...source, percentage: Math.round((value / total) * 100) }; }); } // Others data includes all sources except the first 5 get others() { if (this.sortedSources.length <= 5) { return null; } return this.sortedSources.slice(5).reduce((acc, source) => { return { ...acc, signups: acc.signups + source.signups, paidConversions: acc.paidConversions + source.paidConversions }; }, { source: 'Others', signups: 0, paidConversions: 0 }); } get sortedSources() { return this.args.sources?.filter(source => source.source).sort((a, b) => { if (this.args.sortColumn === 'signups') { return b.signups - a.signups; } else { return b.paidConversions - a.paidConversions; } }) || []; } }