const should = require('should'); const sinon = require('sinon'); const rewire = require('rewire'); const configUtils = require('../../../utils/configUtils'); const rssCache = rewire('../../../../core/frontend/services/rss/cache'); describe('RSS: Cache', function () { let generateSpy; let generateFeedReset; afterEach(function () { configUtils.restore(); sinon.restore(); generateFeedReset(); }); beforeEach(function () { configUtils.set({url: ''}); generateSpy = sinon.spy(rssCache.__get__('generateFeed')); generateFeedReset = rssCache.__set__('generateFeed', generateSpy); }); it('should not rebuild xml for same data and url', function (done) { const data = { title: 'Test Title', description: 'Testing Desc', posts: [], meta: {pagination: {pages: 1}} }; let xmlData1; rssCache.getXML('/rss/', data) .then(function (_xmlData) { xmlData1 = _xmlData; // We should have called generateFeed generateSpy.callCount.should.eql(1); // Call RSS again to check that we didn't rebuild return rssCache.getXML('/rss/', data); }) .then(function (xmlData2) { // Assertions // We should not have called generateFeed again generateSpy.callCount.should.eql(1); // The data should be identical, no changing lastBuildDate xmlData1.should.equal(xmlData2); done(); }) .catch(done); }); });