const {i18n} = require('../../../../server/lib/common'); const errors = require('@tryghost/errors'); const urlUtils = require('../../../../shared/url-utils'); /** * @description Middleware, which validates and interprets the page param e.g. /page/1 * @param {Object} req * @param {Object} res * @param {Function} next * @param {Number} page * @returns {*} */ module.exports = function handlePageParam(req, res, next, page) { // 'page' const pageRegex = new RegExp('/page/(.*)?/'); page = parseInt(page, 10); if (page === 1) { // CASE: page 1 is an alias for the collection index, do a permanent 301 redirect return urlUtils.redirect301(res, req.originalUrl.replace(pageRegex, '/')); } else if (page < 1 || isNaN(page)) { return next(new errors.NotFoundError({ message: i18n.t('errors.errors.pageNotFound') })); } else { = page; return next(); } };