const {agentProvider, fixtureManager, matchers} = require('../../utils/e2e-framework'); const {anyEtag, stringMatching, anyContentLength} = matchers; const assert = require('assert/strict'); const models = require('../../../core/server/models'); describe('Site Public Settings', function () { let membersAgent; before(async function () { membersAgent = await agentProvider.getMembersAPIAgent(); await fixtureManager.init(); }); afterEach(async function () { await models.Settings.edit({ key: 'members_signup_access', value: 'all' }, {context: {internal: true}}); }); it('Can retrieve site pubic config', async function () { const {body} = await membersAgent .get('/api/site') .matchBodySnapshot({ site: { version: stringMatching(/\d+\.\d+/) } }) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ etag: anyEtag, 'content-length': anyContentLength }); assert.equal(, true); }); it('Sets allow_external_signup to false when members are invite only', async function () { await models.Settings.edit({ key: 'members_signup_access', value: 'invite' }, {context: {internal: true}}); const {body} = await membersAgent .get('/api/site') .matchBodySnapshot({ site: { version: stringMatching(/\d+\.\d+/) } }) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ etag: anyEtag, 'content-length': anyContentLength }); assert.equal(, false); }); it('Sets allow_external_signup to false when portal requires checkbox', async function () { const {body: initialBody} = await membersAgent .get('/api/site'); assert.equal(, true, 'This test requires the initial state to allow external signups'); await models.Settings.edit({ key: 'portal_signup_checkbox_required', value: true }, {context: {internal: true}}); await models.Settings.edit({ key: 'portal_signup_terms_html', value: 'I agree to the terms and conditions' }, {context: {internal: true}}); const {body} = await membersAgent .get('/api/site') .matchBodySnapshot({ site: { version: stringMatching(/\d+\.\d+/) } }) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ etag: anyEtag, 'content-length': anyContentLength }); assert.equal(, false); }); });