const _ = require('lodash'); const url = require('url'); const crypto = require('crypto'); const moment = require('moment'); const Promise = require('bluebird'); const exec = require('child_process').exec; const tpl = require('@tryghost/tpl'); const errors = require('@tryghost/errors'); const debug = require('@tryghost/debug')('update-check'); const internal = {context: {internal: true}}; const messages = { checkingForUpdatesFailedError: 'Checking for updates failed, your site will continue to function.', checkingForUpdatesFailedHelp: 'If you get this error repeatedly, please seek help from {url}' }; /** * Update Checker Class * * Makes a request to to request release & custom notifications. * The service is provided in return for users opting in to anonymous usage data collection. * * Blog owners can opt-out of update checks by setting `privacy: { useUpdateCheck: false }` in their config file. */ class UpdateCheckService { /** * * @param {Object} options * @param {Object} options.api - set of Ghost's API methods needed for update check to function * @param {Object} options.api.settings - Settings API methods * @param {Function} - method allowing to read Ghost's settings * @param {Function} options.api.settings.edit - method allowing to edit Ghost's settings * @param {Object} options.api.posts - Posts API methods * @param {Function} options.api.posts.browse - method allowing to read Ghost's posts * @param {Object} options.api.users - Users API methods * @param {Function} options.api.users.browse - method allowing to read Ghost's users * @param {Object} options.api.notifications - Notification API methods * @param {Function} options.api.notifications.add - method allowing to add Ghost notifications * @param {Object} options.config * @param {Object} options.config.mail * @param {string} options.config.env * @param {string} options.config.databaseType * @param {string} options.config.checkEndpoint - update check service URL * @param {boolean} [options.config.isPrivacyDisabled] * @param {string[]} [options.config.notificationGroups] - example values ["migration", "something"] * @param {string} options.config.siteUrl - Ghost instance URL * @param {boolean} [options.config.forceUpdate] * @param {string} options.config.ghostVersion - Ghost instance version * @param {Object} [options.logging] - logging override defaults to @tryghost/logging if not specified * @param {Function} options.request - a HTTP request proxy function * @param {Function} options.sendEmail - function handling sending an email */ constructor({api, config, logging = require('@tryghost/logging'), request, sendEmail}) { this.api = api; this.config = config; this.logging = logging; this.request = request; this.sendEmail = sendEmail; } nextCheckTimestamp() { const now = Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000); return now + (24 * 3600); } /** * @description Centralized error handler for the update check unit. * * CASES: * - the update check service returns an error * - error during collecting blog stats * * We still need to ensure that we set the "next_update_check" to a new value, otherwise no more * update checks will happen. * * @param err */ updateCheckError(err) { this.api.settings.edit({ settings: [{ key: 'next_update_check', value: this.nextCheckTimestamp() }] }, internal); err.context = tpl(messages.checkingForUpdatesFailedError); = tpl(messages.checkingForUpdatesFailedHelp, {url: ''}); this.logging.error(err); } /** * @description Collect stats from your blog. * @returns {Promise} */ async updateCheckData() { let data = {}; let mailConfig = this.config.mail; data.ghost_version = this.config.ghostVersion; data.node_version = process.versions.node; data.env = this.config.env; data.database_type = this.config.databaseType; data.email_transport = mailConfig && (mailConfig.options && mailConfig.options.service ? mailConfig.options.service : mailConfig.transport); try { const hash = (await{key: 'db_hash'}, internal))).settings[0]; const theme = (await{key: 'active_theme'}, internal))).settings[0]; const posts = await this.api.posts.browse(); const users = await this.api.users.browse(internal); const npm = await Promise.promisify(exec)('npm -v'); const blogUrl = this.config.siteUrl; const parsedBlogUrl = url.parse(blogUrl); const blogId = parsedBlogUrl.hostname + parsedBlogUrl.pathname.replace(/\//, '') + hash.value; data.url = blogUrl; data.blog_id = crypto.createHash('md5').update(blogId).digest('hex'); data.theme = theme ? theme.value : ''; data.post_count = posts && posts.meta && posts.meta.pagination ? : 0; data.user_count = users && users.users && users.users.length ? users.users.length : 0; data.blog_created_at = users && users.users && users.users[0] && users.users[0].created_at ? moment(users.users[0].created_at).unix() : ''; data.npm_version = npm.trim(); return data; } catch (err) { this.updateCheckError(err); } } /** * @description Perform request to update check service. * * With the privacy setting `useUpdateCheck` you can control if you want to expose data/stats from your blog to the * service. Enabled or disabled, you will receive the latest notification available from the service. * * @see * @returns {Promise} */ async updateCheckRequest() { const reqData = await this.updateCheckData(); let reqObj = { timeout: 1000, headers: {} }; let checkEndpoint = this.config.checkEndpoint; let checkMethod = this.config.isPrivacyDisabled ? 'GET' : 'POST'; // CASE: Expose stats and do a check-in if (checkMethod === 'POST') { reqObj.json = true; reqObj.body = reqData; reqObj.headers['Content-Length'] = Buffer.byteLength(JSON.stringify(reqData)); reqObj.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'; } else { reqObj.json = true; reqObj.query = { ghost_version: reqData.ghost_version }; } debug('Request Update Check Service', checkEndpoint); try { const response = await this.request(checkEndpoint, reqObj); return response.body; } catch (err) { // CASE: no notifications available, ignore if (err.statusCode === 404) { return { next_check: this.nextCheckTimestamp(), notifications: [] }; } // CASE: service returns JSON error, deserialize into JS error if (err.response && err.response.body && typeof err.response.body === 'object') { throw errors.utils.deserialize(err.response.body); } else { throw err; } } } /** * @description This function handles the response from the update check service. * * The helper does three things: * * 1. Updates the time in the settings table to know when we can execute the next update check request. * 2. Iterates over the received notifications and filters them out based on your notification groups. * 3. Calls a custom helper to generate a Ghost notification for the database. * * The structure of the response is: * * { * id: 20, * version: 'all4', * messages: * [{ * id: 'f8ff6c80-aa61-11e7-a126-6119te37e2b8', * version: '^2', * content: 'Hallouuuu custom', * top: true, * dismissible: true, * type: 'info' * }], * created_at: '2021-10-06T07:00:00.000Z', * custom: 1, * next_check: 1555608722 * } * * * Example for grouped custom notifications in config: * * "notificationGroups": ["migration", "something"] * * The group 'all' is a reserved name for general custom notifications, which every self hosted blog can receive. * * @param {Object} response * @return {Promise} */ async updateCheckResponse(response) { let notifications = []; let notificationGroups = (this.config.notificationGroups || []).concat(['all']); debug('Notification Groups', notificationGroups); debug('Response Update Check Service', response); await this.api.settings.edit({ settings: [{ key: 'next_update_check', value: response.next_check }] }, internal); /** * @NOTE: * * When we refactored notifications in Ghost 1.20, the service did not support returning multiple messages. * But we wanted to already add the support for future functionality. * That's why this helper supports two ways: returning an array of messages or returning an object with * a "notifications" key. The second one is probably the best, because we need to support "next_check" * on the root level of the response. */ if (_.isArray(response)) { notifications = response; } else if ((, 'notifications') && _.isArray(response.notifications))) { notifications = response.notifications; } else { // CASE: default right now notifications = [response]; } // CASE: Hook into received notifications and decide whether you are allowed to receive custom group messages. if (notificationGroups.length) { notifications = notifications.filter(function (notification) { // CASE: release notification, keep if (!notification.custom) { return true; } // CASE: filter out messages based on your groups return _.includes( (groupIdentifier) { if (notification && notification.version && notification.version.match(new RegExp(groupIdentifier))) { return true; } return false; }), true) === true; }); } for (const notification of notifications) { await this.createCustomNotification(notification); } } /** * @description Create a Ghost notification and call the API controller. * * @param {Object} notification * @return {Promise} */ async createCustomNotification(notification) { if (!notification || !notification.messages || notification.messages.length === 0) { debug(`Skipping notification creation as there are no messages to process`); return; } debug(`creating custom notifications for ${notification.messages.length} notifications`); const {users} = await this.api.users.browse(Object.assign({ limit: 'all', include: ['roles'], filter: 'status:active' }, internal)); const adminEmails = users .filter(user => ['Owner', 'Administrator'].includes(user.roles[0].name)) .map(user =>; const siteUrl = this.config.siteUrl; for (const message of notification.messages) { const toAdd = { // @NOTE: the update check service returns "0" or "1" ( custom: !!notification.custom, createdAt: moment(notification.created_at).toDate(), status: message.status || 'alert', type: message.type || 'info', id:, dismissible:, 'dismissible') ? message.dismissible : true, top: !!, message: message.content }; if (toAdd.type === 'alert') { for (const email of adminEmails) { try { this.sendEmail({ to: email, subject: `Action required: Critical alert from Ghost instance ${siteUrl}`, html: toAdd.message, forceTextContent: true }); } catch (err) { this.logging.err(err); } } } debug('Add Custom Notification', toAdd); await this.api.notifications.add({notifications: [toAdd]}, {context: {internal: true}}); } } /** * @description Entry point to trigger the update check unit. * * Based on a settings value, we check if `next_update_check` is less than now to decide whether * we should request the update check service ( or not. * * @returns {Promise} */ async check() { try { const result = await{key: 'next_update_check'}, internal)); const nextUpdateCheck = result.settings[0]; // CASE: Next update check should happen now? // @NOTE: You can skip this check by adding a config value. This is helpful for developing. if (!this.config.forceUpdate && nextUpdateCheck && nextUpdateCheck.value && nextUpdateCheck.value > moment().unix()) { return; } const response = await this.updateCheckRequest(); return await this.updateCheckResponse(response); } catch (err) { this.updateCheckError(err); } } } module.exports = UpdateCheckService;