import $ from 'jquery'; import Component from '@ember/component'; import md5 from 'blueimp-md5'; import request from 'ember-ajax/request'; import validator from 'validator'; import {htmlSafe} from '@ember/template'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; import {task, timeout} from 'ember-concurrency'; const ANIMATION_TIMEOUT = 1000; /** * A component to manage a user profile image. By default it just handles picture uploads, * but if passed a bound 'email' property it will render the user's gravatar image * * Example: {{gh-profile-image email=controllerEmailProperty setImage="controllerActionName" debounce=500}} * * @param {int} size The size of the image to render * @param {String} email Reference to a bound email object if gravatar image behavior is desired. * @param {String|action} setImage The string name of the action on the controller to be called when an image is added. * @param {int} debounce Period to wait after changes to email before attempting to load gravatar * @property {Boolean} hasUploadedImage Whether or not the user has uploaded an image (whether or not to show the default image/gravatar image) * @property {String} defaultImage String containing the background-image css property of the default user profile image * @property {String} imageBackground String containing the background-image css property with the gravatar url */ export default Component.extend({ config: service(), ghostPaths: service(), email: '', size: 180, debounce: 300, imageFile: null, hasUploadedImage: false, _defaultImageUrl: '', // closure actions setImage() {}, placeholderStyle: htmlSafe('background-image: url()'), avatarStyle: htmlSafe('display: none'), init() { this._super(...arguments); let defaultImage = '/img/user-image.png'; this._defaultImageUrl = this.get('ghostPaths.assetRoot').replace(/\/$/, '') + defaultImage; this._setPlaceholderImage(this._defaultImageUrl); }, didReceiveAttrs() { this._super(...arguments); if (this.get('config.useGravatar')) { this.setGravatar.perform(); } }, actions: { imageSelected(fileList, resetInput) { // eslint-disable-next-line let imageFile = fileList[0]; if (imageFile) { let reader = new FileReader(); this.set('imageFile', imageFile); this.setImage(imageFile); reader.addEventListener('load', () => { let dataURL = reader.result; this.set('previewDataURL', dataURL); }, false); reader.readAsDataURL(imageFile); } resetInput(); }, openFileDialog(event) { // simulate click to open file dialog // using jQuery because IE11 doesn't support MouseEvent $( .closest('figure') .find('input[type="file"]') .click(); } }, dragOver(event) { if (!event.dataTransfer) { return; } // this is needed to work around inconsistencies with dropping files // from Chrome's downloads bar if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') > -1) { let eA = event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed; event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = (eA === 'move' || eA === 'linkMove') ? 'move' : 'copy'; } event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); }, dragLeave(event) { event.preventDefault(); }, drop(event) { event.preventDefault(); if (event.dataTransfer.files) { this.send('imageSelected', event.dataTransfer.files); } }, setGravatar: task(function* () { yield timeout(this.debounce); let email =; if (validator.isEmail(email || '')) { let size = this.size; let gravatarUrl = `//${md5(email)}?s=${size}&d=404`; try { // HEAD request is needed otherwise jquery attempts to process // binary data as JSON and throws an error yield request(gravatarUrl, {type: 'HEAD'}); // gravatar exists so switch style and let browser load it this._setAvatarImage(gravatarUrl); // wait for fade-in animation to finish before removing placeholder yield timeout(ANIMATION_TIMEOUT); this._setPlaceholderImage(''); } catch (e) { // gravatar doesn't exist so make sure we're still showing the placeholder this._setPlaceholderImage(this._defaultImageUrl); // then make sure the avatar isn't visible this._setAvatarImage(''); } } }).restartable(), _setPlaceholderImage(url) { this.set('placeholderStyle', htmlSafe(`background-image: url(${url});`)); }, _setAvatarImage(url) { let display = url ? 'block' : 'none'; this.set('avatarStyle', htmlSafe(`background-image: url(${url}); display: ${display}`)); }, queueFile(e, data) { let fileName = data.files[0].name; if ((/\.(gif|jpe?g|png|svg?z)$/i).test(fileName)) { let action = this.setImage; if (action) { action(data); } } } });