const should = require('should'); const assert = require('assert/strict'); const DomainEvents = require('@tryghost/domain-events'); const {agentProvider, fixtureManager, mockManager, matchers} = require('../../utils/e2e-framework'); const {anyArray, anyContentVersion, anyEtag, anyErrorId, anyLocationFor, anyObject, anyObjectId, anyISODateTime, anyString, anyStringNumber, anyUuid, stringMatching} = matchers; const models = require('../../../core/server/models'); const escapeRegExp = require('lodash/escapeRegExp'); const {mobiledocToLexical} = require('@tryghost/kg-converters'); const tierSnapshot = { id: anyObjectId, created_at: anyISODateTime, updated_at: anyISODateTime }; const matchPostShallowIncludes = { id: anyObjectId, uuid: anyUuid, comment_id: anyString, url: anyString, authors: anyArray, primary_author: anyObject, tags: anyArray, primary_tag: anyObject, tiers: Array(2).fill(tierSnapshot), created_at: anyISODateTime, updated_at: anyISODateTime, published_at: anyISODateTime }; const buildMatchPostShallowIncludes = (tiersCount = 2) => { return { id: anyObjectId, uuid: anyUuid, comment_id: anyString, url: anyString, authors: anyArray, primary_author: anyObject, tags: anyArray, primary_tag: anyObject, tiers: Array(tiersCount).fill(tierSnapshot), created_at: anyISODateTime, updated_at: anyISODateTime, published_at: anyISODateTime }; }; function testCleanedSnapshot(text, ignoreReplacements) { for (const {match, replacement} of ignoreReplacements) { if (match instanceof RegExp) { text = text.replace(match, replacement); } else { text = text.replace(new RegExp(escapeRegExp(match), 'g'), replacement); } } should({text}).matchSnapshot(); } const createLexical = (text) => { return JSON.stringify({ root: { children: [ { children: [ { detail: 0, format: 0, mode: 'normal', style: '', text, type: 'text', version: 1 } ], direction: 'ltr', format: '', indent: 0, type: 'paragraph', version: 1 } ], direction: 'ltr', format: '', indent: 0, type: 'root', version: 1 } }); }; const createMobiledoc = (text) => { return JSON.stringify({ version: '0.3.1', ghostVersion: '4.0', markups: [], atoms: [], cards: [], sections: [ [1, 'p', [ [0, [], 0, text] ]] ] }); }; describe('Posts API', function () { let agent; before(async function () { mockManager.mockLabsEnabled('collections', true); mockManager.mockLabsEnabled('collectionsCard', true); agent = await agentProvider.getAdminAPIAgent(); await fixtureManager.init('posts'); await agent.loginAsOwner(); // convert inserted pages to lexical so we can test page.html reset/re-render const pages = await models.Post.where('type', 'page').fetchAll(); for (const page of pages) { const lexical = mobiledocToLexical(page.get('mobiledoc')); await models.Base.knex.raw('UPDATE posts SET mobiledoc=NULL, lexical=? where id=?', [lexical,]); } }); afterEach(async function () { // gives pages some HTML back to alleviate test interdependence when pages are reset on create/update/delete await models.Base.knex.raw('update posts set html = "
" where type = \'page\''); mockManager.restore(); }); it('Can browse', async function () { await agent.get('posts/?limit=2') .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ posts: new Array(2).fill(matchPostShallowIncludes) }); }); it('Can browse with formats', async function () { await agent.get('posts/?formats=mobiledoc,lexical,html,plaintext&limit=2') .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ posts: new Array(2).fill(matchPostShallowIncludes) }); }); it('Can browse filtering by a collection', async function () { await agent.get('posts/?collection=featured') .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ posts: new Array(2).fill(matchPostShallowIncludes) }); }); it('Can browse filtering by collection using paging parameters', async function () { await agent .get(`posts/?collection=latest&limit=1&page=6`) .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ posts: Array(1).fill(buildMatchPostShallowIncludes(2)) }) .expect((res) => { // the total of posts with any status is 13 assert.equal(, 13); }); }); describe('Export', function () { it('Can export', async function () { const {text} = await agent.get('posts/export') .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag, 'content-disposition': stringMatching(/^Attachment; filename="post-analytics.\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}.csv"$/) }); // body snapshot doesn't work with text/csv testCleanedSnapshot(text, [ { match: /\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.000Z/g, replacement: '2050-01-01T00:00:00.000Z' } ]); }); it('Can export with order', async function () { const {text} = await agent.get('posts/export?order=published_at%20ASC') .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag, 'content-disposition': stringMatching(/^Attachment; filename="post-analytics.\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}.csv"$/) }); // body snapshot doesn't work with text/csv testCleanedSnapshot(text, [ { match: /\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.000Z/g, replacement: '2050-01-01T00:00:00.000Z' } ]); }); it('Can export with limit', async function () { const {text} = await agent.get('posts/export?limit=1') .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag, 'content-disposition': stringMatching(/^Attachment; filename="post-analytics.\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}.csv"$/) }); // body snapshot doesn't work with text/csv testCleanedSnapshot(text, [ { match: /\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.000Z/g, replacement: '2050-01-01T00:00:00.000Z' } ]); }); it('Can export with filter', async function () { const {text} = await agent.get('posts/export?filter=featured:true') .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag, 'content-disposition': stringMatching(/^Attachment; filename="post-analytics.\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}.csv"$/) }); // body snapshot doesn't work with text/csv testCleanedSnapshot(text, [ { match: /\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.000Z/g, replacement: '2050-01-01T00:00:00.000Z' } ]); }); }); describe('Create', function () { it('Can create a post with mobiledoc', async function () { const post = { title: 'Mobiledoc test', mobiledoc: createMobiledoc('Testing post creation with mobiledoc'), lexical: null }; await agent .post('/posts/?formats=mobiledoc,lexical,html', { headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' } }) .body({posts: [post]}) .expectStatus(201) .matchBodySnapshot({ posts: [Object.assign({}, matchPostShallowIncludes, {published_at: null})] }) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag, location: anyLocationFor('posts') }); }); it('Can create a post with lexical', async function () { const lexical = createLexical('Testing post creation with lexical'); const post = { title: 'Lexical test', mobiledoc: null, lexical }; const {body} = await agent .post('/posts/?formats=mobiledoc,lexical,html') .body({posts: [post]}) .expectStatus(201) .matchBodySnapshot({ posts: [Object.assign({}, matchPostShallowIncludes, {published_at: null})] }) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag, location: anyLocationFor('posts') }); const [postResponse] = body.posts; // post revision is created const postRevisions = await models.PostRevision .where('post_id', .orderBy('created_at_ts', 'desc') .fetchAll(); postRevisions.length.should.equal(1);'lexical').should.equal(lexical); // mobiledoc revision is not created const mobiledocRevisions = await models.MobiledocRevision .where('post_id', .orderBy('created_at_ts', 'desc') .fetchAll(); mobiledocRevisions.length.should.equal(0); }); it('Can create a post with html', async function () { const post = { title: 'HTML test', html: 'Testing post creation with html
' }; await agent .post('/posts/?source=html&formats=mobiledoc,lexical,html') .body({posts: [post]}) .expectStatus(201) .matchBodySnapshot({ posts: [Object.assign({}, matchPostShallowIncludes, {published_at: null})] }) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag, location: anyLocationFor('posts') }); }); it('Errors if both mobiledoc and lexical are present', async function () { const post = { title: 'Mobiledoc+lexical test', mobiledoc: createMobiledoc('Testing post creation with mobiledoc'), lexical: createLexical('Testing post creation with lexical') }; await agent .post('/posts/?formats=mobiledoc,lexical') .body({posts: [post]}) .expectStatus(422) .matchBodySnapshot({ errors: [{ id: anyErrorId }] }) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag }); }); it('Errors with an invalid lexical state object', async function () { const post = { title: 'Invalid lexical state', lexical: JSON.stringify({ notLexical: true }) }; await agent .post('/posts/?formats=mobiledoc,lexical,html') .body({posts: [post]}) .expectStatus(422) .matchBodySnapshot({ errors: [{ id: anyErrorId, context: stringMatching(/Invalid lexical structure\..*/) }] }) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ etag: anyEtag, 'content-version': anyContentVersion, 'content-length': anyStringNumber }); }); it('Clears all page html fields when creating published post', async function () { const totalPageCount = await models.Post.where({type: 'page'}).count(); should.exist(totalPageCount, 'total page count'); // sanity check for pages with no html const sanityCheckEmptyPageCount = await models.Post.where({html: 'null', type: 'page'}).count(); should.exist(sanityCheckEmptyPageCount); sanityCheckEmptyPageCount.should.equal(0, 'initial empty page count'); const post = { title: 'Page reset test', lexical: createLexical('Testing page.html reset when creating post'), status: 'published' }; await agent .post('/posts/?source=html&formats=mobiledoc,lexical,html') .body({posts: [post]}) .expectStatus(201); // all pages have html cleared const emptyPageCount = await models.Post.where({html: null, type: 'page'}).count(); should.exist(emptyPageCount); emptyPageCount.should.equal(totalPageCount, 'post-creation empty page count'); }); it('Does not clear page html fields when creating draft post', async function () { const post = { title: 'Page reset test', lexical: createLexical('Testing page.html reset when creating post'), status: 'draft' }; await agent .post('/posts/?source=html&formats=mobiledoc,lexical,html') .body({posts: [post]}) .expectStatus(201); // no pages have html cleared const emptyPageCount = await models.Post.where({html: null, type: 'page'}).count(); should.exist(emptyPageCount); emptyPageCount.should.equal(0, 'post-creation empty page count'); }); }); describe('Update', function () { it('Can update a post with mobiledoc', async function () { const originalMobiledoc = createMobiledoc('Original text'); const updatedMobiledoc = createMobiledoc('Updated text'); const {body: postBody} = await agent .post('/posts/?formats=mobiledoc,lexical,html') .body({posts: [{ title: 'Mobiledoc update test', mobiledoc: originalMobiledoc }]}) .expectStatus(201) .matchBodySnapshot({ posts: [Object.assign({}, matchPostShallowIncludes, {published_at: null})] }) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag, location: anyLocationFor('posts') }); const [postResponse] = postBody.posts; await agent .put(`/posts/${}/?formats=mobiledoc,lexical,html`) .body({posts: [Object.assign({}, postResponse, {mobiledoc: updatedMobiledoc})]}) .expectStatus(200) .matchBodySnapshot({ posts: [Object.assign({}, matchPostShallowIncludes, {published_at: null})] }) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag, 'x-cache-invalidate': anyString }); // mobiledoc revisions are created const mobiledocRevisions = await models.MobiledocRevision .where('post_id', .orderBy('created_at_ts', 'desc') .fetchAll(); mobiledocRevisions.length.should.equal(2);'mobiledoc').should.equal(updatedMobiledoc);'mobiledoc').should.equal(originalMobiledoc); // post revisions are not created const postRevisions = await models.PostRevision .where('post_id', .orderBy('created_at_ts', 'desc') .fetchAll(); postRevisions.length.should.equal(0); }); it('Can update a post with lexical', async function () { const originalLexical = createLexical('Original text'); const updatedLexical = createLexical('Updated text'); const {body: postBody} = await agent .post('/posts/?formats=mobiledoc,lexical,html') .body({posts: [{ title: 'Lexical update test', lexical: originalLexical }]}) .expectStatus(201) .matchBodySnapshot({ posts: [Object.assign({}, matchPostShallowIncludes, {published_at: null})] }) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag, location: anyLocationFor('posts') }); const [postResponse] = postBody.posts; await agent .put(`/posts/${}/?formats=mobiledoc,lexical,html&save_revision=true`) .body({posts: [Object.assign({}, postResponse, {lexical: updatedLexical})]}) .expectStatus(200) .matchBodySnapshot({ posts: [Object.assign({}, matchPostShallowIncludes, {published_at: null})] }) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag, 'x-cache-invalidate': anyString }); // post revisions are created const postRevisions = await models.PostRevision .where('post_id', .orderBy('created_at_ts', 'desc') .fetchAll(); postRevisions.length.should.equal(2);'lexical').should.equal(updatedLexical);'lexical').should.equal(originalLexical); // mobiledoc revisions are not created const mobiledocRevisions = await models.MobiledocRevision .where('post_id', .orderBy('created_at_ts', 'desc') .fetchAll(); mobiledocRevisions.length.should.equal(0); }); it('Can add and remove collections', async function () { const {body: postBody} = await agent .post('/posts/') .body({ posts: [{ title: 'Collection update test' }] }) .expectStatus(201) .matchBodySnapshot({ posts: [Object.assign({}, matchPostShallowIncludes, {published_at: null})] }) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag, location: anyLocationFor('posts') }); const [postResponse] = postBody.posts; const {body: { collections: [collectionToAdd] }} = await agent .post('/collections/') .body({ collections: [{ title: 'Collection to add.' }] }); const {body: { collections: [collectionToRemove] }} = await agent .post('/collections/') .body({ collections: [{ title: 'Collection to remove.' }] }); const collectionPostMatcher = { id: anyObjectId }; const collectionMatcher = { id: anyObjectId, created_at: stringMatching(/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{3}Z/), updated_at: stringMatching(/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{3}Z/), posts: [{ id: anyObjectId }] }; const buildCollectionMatcher = (postsCount) => { return { id: anyObjectId, created_at: stringMatching(/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{3}Z/), updated_at: stringMatching(/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{3}Z/), posts: Array(postsCount).fill(collectionPostMatcher) }; }; await agent.put(`/posts/${}/`) .body({posts: [Object.assign({}, postResponse, {collections: []})]}) .expectStatus(200) .matchBodySnapshot({ posts: [ Object.assign({}, matchPostShallowIncludes, {published_at: null}, {collections: [ // collectionToRemove collectionMatcher, // automatic "latest" collection which cannot be removed buildCollectionMatcher(21) ]})] }) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag, 'x-cache-invalidate': stringMatching(/\/p\/[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}/) }); await agent.put(`/posts/${}/`) .body({posts: [Object.assign({}, postResponse, {collections: []})]}) .expectStatus(200) .matchBodySnapshot({ posts: [ Object.assign({}, matchPostShallowIncludes, {published_at: null}, {collections: [ // collectionToAdd collectionMatcher, // automatic "latest" collection which cannot be removed buildCollectionMatcher(21) ]})] }) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag, 'x-cache-invalidate': stringMatching(/\/p\/[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}/) }); }); it('Clears all page html fields when publishing a post', async function () { const totalPageCount = await models.Post.where({type: 'page'}).count(); should.exist(totalPageCount, 'total page count'); // sanity check for pages with no html const sanityCheckEmptyPageCount = await models.Post.where({html: 'null', type: 'page'}).count(); should.exist(sanityCheckEmptyPageCount); sanityCheckEmptyPageCount.should.equal(0, 'initial empty page count'); const {body: postBody} = await agent .post('/posts/?source=html&formats=mobiledoc,lexical,html') .body({posts: [{ title: 'Page reset test', lexical: createLexical('Testing page.html reset when updating post'), status: 'draft' }]}) .expectStatus(201); const [postResponse] = postBody.posts; await agent .put(`/posts/${}/?source=html&formats=mobiledoc,lexical,html`) .body({posts: [Object.assign({}, postResponse, {status: 'published'})]}) .expectStatus(200); // all pages have html cleared const emptyPageCount = await models.Post.where({html: null, type: 'page'}).count(); should.exist(emptyPageCount); emptyPageCount.should.equal(totalPageCount, 'post-update empty page count'); }); }); describe('Delete', function () { it('Can destroy a post', async function () { await agent .delete(`posts/${fixtureManager.get('posts', 0).id}/`) .expectStatus(204) .expectEmptyBody() .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag }); }); it('Cannot delete a non-existent posts', async function () { // This error message from the API is not really what I would expect // Adding this as a guard to demonstrate how future refactoring improves the output await agent .delete('/posts/abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234/') .expectStatus(404) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ errors: [{ id: anyErrorId }] }); }); it('Can delete posts belonging to a collection and returns empty response when filtering by that collection', async function () { const res = await agent.get('posts/?collection=featured') .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ posts: new Array(2).fill(matchPostShallowIncludes) }); const posts = res.body.posts; await agent.delete(`posts/${posts[0].id}/`).expectStatus(204); await agent.delete(`posts/${posts[1].id}/`).expectStatus(204); await DomainEvents.allSettled(); await agent .get(`posts/?collection=featured`) .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot(); }); it('Clears all page html fields when deleting a published post', async function () { const totalPageCount = await models.Post.where({type: 'page'}).count(); should.exist(totalPageCount, 'total page count'); // sanity check for pages with no html const sanityCheckEmptyPageCount = await models.Post.where({html: 'null', type: 'page'}).count(); should.exist(sanityCheckEmptyPageCount); sanityCheckEmptyPageCount.should.equal(0, 'initial empty page count'); const {body: postBody} = await agent .get('/posts/?limit=1&filter=status:published') .expectStatus(200); const [postResponse] = postBody.posts; await agent .delete(`/posts/${}/`) .expectStatus(204); // all pages have html cleared const emptyPageCount = await models.Post.where({html: null, type: 'page'}).count(); should.exist(emptyPageCount); emptyPageCount.should.equal(totalPageCount, 'post-deletion empty page count'); }); }); describe('Copy', function () { it('Can copy a post', async function () { const post = { title: 'Test Post', status: 'published' }; const {body: postBody} = await agent .post('/posts/?formats=mobiledoc,lexical,html', { headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' } }) .body({posts: [post]}) .expectStatus(201); const [postResponse] = postBody.posts; await agent .post(`/posts/${}/copy?formats=mobiledoc,lexical`) .expectStatus(201) .matchBodySnapshot({ posts: [Object.assign({}, matchPostShallowIncludes, {published_at: null})] }) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag, location: anyLocationFor('posts') }); }); }); describe('Convert', function () { it('can convert a mobiledoc post to lexical', async function () { const mobiledoc = createMobiledoc('This is some great content.'); const expectedLexical = createLexical('This is some great content.'); const postData = { title: 'Test Post', status: 'published', mobiledoc: mobiledoc, lexical: null }; const {body} = await agent .post('/posts/?formats=mobiledoc,lexical,html', { headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' } }) .body({posts: [postData]}) .expectStatus(201); const [postResponse] = body.posts; const conversionResponse = await agent .put(`/posts/${}/?formats=mobiledoc,lexical,html&convert_to_lexical=true`) .body({posts: [Object.assign({}, postResponse)]}) .expectStatus(200) .matchBodySnapshot({ posts: [Object.assign({}, matchPostShallowIncludes, {lexical: expectedLexical, mobiledoc: null})] }) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag }); const convertedPost = conversionResponse.body.posts[0]; const expectedConvertedLexical = convertedPost.lexical; await agent .put(`/posts/${}/?formats=mobiledoc,lexical,html&convert_to_lexical=true`) .body({posts: [Object.assign({}, convertedPost)]}) .expectStatus(200) .matchBodySnapshot({ posts: [Object.assign({}, matchPostShallowIncludes, {lexical: expectedConvertedLexical, mobiledoc: null})] }) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag }); }); }); });