import assert from 'assert'; import {CollectionsService} from '../src/index'; import {CollectionsRepositoryInMemory} from '../src/CollectionsRepositoryInMemory'; describe('collections', function () { let collectionsService: CollectionsService; beforeEach(function () { const repository = new CollectionsRepositoryInMemory(); collectionsService = new CollectionsService({repository}); }); it('Instantiates a CollectionsService', function () { assert.ok(collectionsService, 'CollectionsService should initialize'); }); it('Can do CRUD operations on a collection', async function () { const savedCollection = await{ title: 'testing collections', description: 'testing collections description', type: 'manual', filter: null, feature_image: null, deleted: false }); const createdCollection = await collectionsService.getById(; assert.ok(createdCollection, 'Collection should be saved'); assert.ok(, 'Collection should have an id'); assert.equal(createdCollection.title, 'testing collections', 'Collection title should match'); const allCollections = await collectionsService.getAll(); assert.equal(, 1, 'There should be one collection'); await collectionsService.destroy(; const deletedCollection = await collectionsService.getById(; assert.equal(deletedCollection, null, 'Collection should be deleted'); }); describe('edit', function () { it('Can edit existing collection', async function () { const savedCollection = await{ title: 'testing collections', description: 'testing collections description', type: 'manual', deleted: false }); const editedCollection = await collectionsService.edit({ id:, description: 'Edited description' }); assert.equal(editedCollection?.description, 'Edited description', 'Collection description should be edited'); }); it('Resolves to null when editing unexistend collection', async function () { const editedCollection = await collectionsService.edit({ id: '12345' }); assert.equal(editedCollection, null, 'Collection should be null'); }); }); });