import {describe, it} from 'mocha'; import {setupComponentTest} from 'ember-mocha'; describe('Unit: Component: gh-url-preview', function () { setupComponentTest('gh-url-preview', { unit: true, needs: ['service:config'] }); it('generates the correct preview URL with a prefix', function () { let component = this.subject({ prefix: 'tag', slug: 'test-slug', tagName: 'p', classNames: 'test-class', config: {blogUrl: ''} }); this.render(); expect(component.get('url')).to.equal(''); }); it('generates the correct preview URL without a prefix', function () { let component = this.subject({ slug: 'test-slug', tagName: 'p', classNames: 'test-class', config: {blogUrl: ''} }); this.render(); expect(component.get('url')).to.equal(''); }); });