var util = require('util'), moment = require('moment'), request = require('superagent'), SchedulingBase = require(__dirname + '/SchedulingBase'), errors = require(__dirname + '/../errors'); /** * allJobs is a sorted list by time attribute */ function SchedulingDefault(options) {, options); this.runTimeoutInMs = 1000 * 60 * 5; this.offsetInMinutes = 10; this.beforePingInMs = -50; this.allJobs = {}; this.deletedJobs = {}; } util.inherits(SchedulingDefault, SchedulingBase); /** * add to list */ SchedulingDefault.prototype.schedule = function (object) { this._addJob(object); }; /** * remove from list * add to list */ SchedulingDefault.prototype.reschedule = function (object) { this._deleteJob({time: object.extra.oldTime, url: object.url}); this._addJob(object); }; /** * remove from list * deletion happens right before execution */ SchedulingDefault.prototype.unschedule = function (object) { this._deleteJob(object); }; /** * check if there are new jobs which needs to be published in the next x minutes * because allJobs is a sorted list, we don't have to iterate over all jobs, just until the offset is too big */ = function () { var self = this, timeout = null; timeout = setTimeout(function () { var times = Object.keys(self.allJobs), nextJobs = {}; times.every(function (time) { if (moment(Number(time)).diff(moment(), 'minutes') <= self.offsetInMinutes) { nextJobs[time] = self.allJobs[time]; delete self.allJobs[time]; return true; } // break! return false; }); clearTimeout(timeout); self._execute(nextJobs); // recursive!; }, self.runTimeoutInMs); }; /** * each timestamp key entry can have multiple jobs */ SchedulingDefault.prototype._addJob = function (object) { var timestamp = moment(object.time).valueOf(), keys = [], sortedJobs = {}, instantJob = {}, i = 0; // CASE: should have been already pinged or should be pinged soon if (moment(timestamp).diff(moment(), 'minutes') < this.offsetInMinutes) { instantJob[timestamp] = [object]; this._execute(instantJob); return; } // CASE: are there jobs already scheduled for the same time? if (!this.allJobs[timestamp]) { this.allJobs[timestamp] = []; } this.allJobs[timestamp].push(object); keys = Object.keys(this.allJobs); keys.sort(); for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i = i + 1) { sortedJobs[keys[i]] = this.allJobs[keys[i]]; } this.allJobs = sortedJobs; }; SchedulingDefault.prototype._deleteJob = function (object) { this.deletedJobs[object.url + '_' + moment(object.time).valueOf()] = true; }; /** * ping jobs * setTimeout is not accurate, but we can live with that fact and use setImmediate feature to qualify * we don't want to use process.nextTick, this would block any I/O operation */ SchedulingDefault.prototype._execute = function (jobs) { var keys = Object.keys(jobs), self = this; keys.forEach(function (timestamp) { var timeout = null, diff = moment(Number(timestamp)).diff(moment()); // awake a little before timeout = setTimeout(function () { clearTimeout(timeout); (function retry() { var immediate = setImmediate(function () { clearImmediate(immediate); if (moment().diff(moment(Number(timestamp))) <= self.beforePingInMs) { return retry(); } var toExecute = jobs[timestamp]; delete jobs[timestamp]; toExecute.forEach(function (job) { var deleteKey = job.url + '_' + moment(job.time).valueOf(); if (self.deletedJobs[deleteKey]) { delete self.deletedJobs[deleteKey]; return; } self._pingUrl(job); }); }); })(); }, diff - 200); }); }; /** * if we detect to publish a post in the past (case blog is down) * we add a force flag */ SchedulingDefault.prototype._pingUrl = function (object) { var url = object.url, time = object.time, httpMethod = object.extra.httpMethod, req = request[httpMethod.toLowerCase()](url); if (moment(time).isBefore(moment())) { if (httpMethod === 'GET') { req.query('force=true'); } else { req.send({ force: true }); } } req.end(function (err, response) { if (err) { // CASE: post/page was deleted already if (response && response.status === 404) { return; } errors.logError(err); } }); }; module.exports = SchedulingDefault;