import Component from '@ember/component'; import {computed} from '@ember/object'; import {currencies} from 'ghost-admin/utils/currency'; import {reads} from '@ember/object/computed'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; import {task, timeout} from 'ember-concurrency'; const RETRY_PRODUCT_SAVE_POLL_LENGTH = 1000; const RETRY_PRODUCT_SAVE_MAX_POLL = 15 * RETRY_PRODUCT_SAVE_POLL_LENGTH; export default Component.extend({ config: service(), ghostPaths: service(), ajax: service(), settings: service(), store: service(), topCurrencies: null, currencies: null, allCurrencies: null, stripePlanInvalidAmount: false, _scratchStripeYearlyAmount: null, _scratchStripeMonthlyAmount: null, // passed in actions setStripeConnectIntegrationTokenSetting() {}, stripeDirect: reads('config.stripeDirect'), /** OLD **/ stripeDirectPublicKey: reads('settings.stripePublishableKey'), stripeDirectSecretKey: reads('settings.stripeSecretKey'), stripeConnectAccountId: reads('settings.stripeConnectAccountId'), stripeConnectAccountName: reads('settings.stripeConnectDisplayName'), stripeConnectLivemode: reads('settings.stripeConnectLivemode'), selectedCurrency: computed('stripePlans.monthly.currency', function () { return this.currencies.findBy('value', this.get('stripePlans.monthly.currency')) || this.topCurrencies.findBy('value', this.get('stripePlans.monthly.currency')); }), stripePlans: computed('settings.stripePlans', function () { const plans = this.settings.get('stripePlans'); const monthly = plans.find(plan => plan.interval === 'month'); const yearly = plans.find(plan => plan.interval === 'year' && !== 'Complimentary'); return { monthly: { amount: parseInt(monthly.amount) / 100 || 5, currency: monthly.currency }, yearly: { amount: parseInt(yearly.amount) / 100 || 50, currency: yearly.currency } }; }), init() { this._super(...arguments); const noOfTopCurrencies = 5; this.set('topCurrencies', currencies.slice(0, noOfTopCurrencies).map((currency) => { return { value: currency.isoCode.toLowerCase(), label: `${currency.isoCode} - ${}`, isoCode: currency.isoCode }; })); this.set('currencies', currencies.slice(noOfTopCurrencies, currencies.length).map((currency) => { return { value: currency.isoCode.toLowerCase(), label: `${currency.isoCode} - ${}`, isoCode: currency.isoCode }; })); this.set('allCurrencies', [ { groupName: '—', options: this.topCurrencies }, { groupName: '—', options: this.currencies } ]); if (this.stripeConnectAccountId) { this.set('membersStripeOpen', false); } else { this.set('membersStripeOpen', true); } }, actions: { setStripeDirectPublicKey(event) { this.set('settings.stripeProductName', this.get('settings.title')); this.set('settings.stripePublishableKey',; }, setStripeDirectSecretKey(event) { this.set('settings.stripeProductName', this.get('settings.title')); this.set('settings.stripeSecretKey',; }, validateStripePlans() { this.validateStripePlans(); }, setStripePlansCurrency(event) { const newCurrency = event.value; const updatedPlans = this.get('settings.stripePlans').map((plan) => { if ( !== 'Complimentary') { return Object.assign({}, plan, { currency: newCurrency }); } return plan; }); const currentComplimentaryPlan = updatedPlans.find((plan) => { return === 'Complimentary' && plan.currency === event.value; }); if (!currentComplimentaryPlan) { updatedPlans.push({ name: 'Complimentary', currency: event.value, interval: 'year', amount: 0 }); } this.set('settings.stripePlans', updatedPlans); this.set('_scratchStripeYearlyAmount', null); this.set('_scratchStripeMonthlyAmount', null); this.validateStripePlans(); }, setStripeConnectIntegrationToken(event) { this.set('settings.stripeProductName', this.get('settings.title')); this.setStripeConnectIntegrationTokenSetting(; }, openDisconnectStripeModal() { this.openDisconnectStripeConnectModal.perform(); }, closeDisconnectStripeModal() { this.set('showDisconnectStripeConnectModal', false); }, disconnectStripeConnectIntegration() { this.disconnectStripeConnectIntegration.perform(); }, openStripeSettings() { this.set('membersStripeOpen', true); } }, validateStripePlans() { this.get('settings.errors').remove('stripePlans'); this.get('settings.hasValidated').removeObject('stripePlans'); if (this._scratchStripeYearlyAmount === null) { this._scratchStripeYearlyAmount = this.stripePlans.yearly.amount; } if (this._scratchStripeMonthlyAmount === null) { this._scratchStripeMonthlyAmount = this.stripePlans.monthly.amount; } try { const selectedCurrency = this.selectedCurrency; const yearlyAmount = parseInt(this._scratchStripeYearlyAmount); const monthlyAmount = parseInt(this._scratchStripeMonthlyAmount); if (!yearlyAmount || yearlyAmount < 1 || !monthlyAmount || monthlyAmount < 1) { const minimum = Intl.NumberFormat(this.settings.get('lang'), { currency: selectedCurrency.isoCode, style: 'currency' }).format(1); throw new TypeError(`Subscription amount must be at least ${minimum}`); } const updatedPlans = this.get('settings.stripePlans').map((plan) => { if ( !== 'Complimentary') { let newAmount; if (plan.interval === 'year') { newAmount = Math.round(yearlyAmount * 100); } else if (plan.interval === 'month') { newAmount = Math.round(monthlyAmount * 100); } return Object.assign({}, plan, { amount: newAmount }); } return plan; }); this.set('settings.stripePlans', updatedPlans); } catch (err) { this.get('settings.errors').add('stripePlans', err.message); } finally { this.get('settings.hasValidated').pushObject('stripePlans'); } }, openDisconnectStripeConnectModal: task(function* () { this.set('hasActiveStripeSubscriptions', false); if (!this.stripeConnectAccountId) { return; } const url = this.ghostPaths.url.api('/members/') + '?filter=status:paid&limit=0'; const response = yield this.ajax.request(url); if (response?.meta?.pagination?.total !== 0) { this.set('hasActiveStripeSubscriptions', true); return; } this.set('showDisconnectStripeConnectModal', true); }).drop(), disconnectStripeConnectIntegration: task(function* () { this.set('disconnectStripeError', false); const url = this.get('ghostPaths.url').api('/settings/stripe/connect'); yield this.ajax.delete(url); yield this.settings.reload(); this.onDisconnected?.(); }), calculateDiscount(monthly, yearly) { if (isNaN(monthly) || isNaN(yearly)) { return 0; } return monthly ? 100 - Math.floor((yearly / 12 * 100) / monthly) : 0; }, getActivePrice(prices, interval, amount, currency) { return prices.find((price) => { return ( && price.amount === amount && price.type === 'recurring' && price.interval === interval && price.currency.toLowerCase() === currency.toLowerCase() ); }); }, saveTier: task(function* () { const tiers = yield'tier', {filter: 'type:paid', include: 'monthly_price, yearly_price'}); this.tier = tiers.firstObject; if (this.tier) { const yearlyDiscount = this.calculateDiscount(5, 50); this.tier.set('monthlyPrice', { nickname: 'Monthly', amount: 500, active: 1, description: 'Full access', currency: 'usd', interval: 'month', type: 'recurring' }); this.tier.set('yearlyPrice', { nickname: 'Yearly', amount: 5000, active: 1, currency: 'usd', description: yearlyDiscount > 0 ? `${yearlyDiscount}% discount` : 'Full access', interval: 'year', type: 'recurring' }); let pollTimeout = 0; /** To allow Stripe config to be ready in backend, we poll the save tier request */ while (pollTimeout < RETRY_PRODUCT_SAVE_MAX_POLL) { yield timeout(RETRY_PRODUCT_SAVE_POLL_LENGTH); try { const updatedTier = yield; return updatedTier; } catch (error) { if (error.payload?.errors && error.payload.errors[0].code === 'STRIPE_NOT_CONFIGURED') { pollTimeout += RETRY_PRODUCT_SAVE_POLL_LENGTH; // no-op: will try saving again as stripe is not ready continue; } else { throw error; } } } } return this.tier; }), saveStripeSettings: task(function* () { this.set('stripeConnectError', null); this.set('stripeConnectSuccess', null); if (this.get('settings.stripeConnectIntegrationToken')) { try { let response = yield; yield this.saveTier.perform(); this.settings.set('portalPlans', ['free', 'monthly', 'yearly']); response = yield; this.set('membersStripeOpen', false); this.set('stripeConnectSuccess', true); this.onConnected?.(); return response; } catch (error) { if (error.payload && error.payload.errors) { this.set('stripeConnectError', 'Invalid secure key'); return false; } throw error; } } else { this.set('stripeConnectError', 'Please enter a secure key'); } }).drop(), saveSettings: task(function* () { return yield; }).drop(), get liveStripeConnectAuthUrl() { return this.ghostPaths.url.api('members/stripe_connect') + '?mode=live'; }, get testStripeConnectAuthUrl() { return this.ghostPaths.url.api('members/stripe_connect') + '?mode=test'; } });