import Component from '@glimmer/component'; import ghostPaths from 'ghost-admin/utils/ghost-paths'; import {action} from '@ember/object'; import {tracked} from '@glimmer/tracking'; export default class GhKoenigEditorReactComponent extends Component { containerElement = null; titleElement = null; koenigEditor = null; mousedownY = 0; uploadUrl = `${ghostPaths().apiRoot}/images/upload/`; @tracked titleIsHovered = false; @tracked titleIsFocused = false; get title() { return this.args.title === '(Untitled)' ? '' : this.args.title; } @action registerElement(element) { this.containerElement = element; } @action trackMousedown(event) { // triggered when a mousedown is registered on .gh-koenig-editor-pane this.mousedownY = event.clientY; } // Title actions ----------------------------------------------------------- @action registerTitleElement(element) { this.titleElement = element; // this is needed because focus event handler won't be fired if input has focus when rendering if (this.titleElement === document.activeElement) { this.titleIsFocused = true; } } @action updateTitle(event) { this.args.onTitleChange?.(; } @action focusTitle() { this.titleElement.focus(); } @action onTitleKeydown(event) { let value =; let selectionStart =; // enter will always focus the editor // down arrow will only focus the editor when the cursor is at the // end of the input to preserve the default OS behaviour if ( event.key === 'Enter' || event.key === 'Tab' || ((event.key === 'ArrowDown' || event.key === 'ArrowRight') && (!value || selectionStart === value.length)) ) { event.preventDefault(); // on Enter we also want to create a blank para if necessary if (event.key === 'Enter') { this._addParaAtTop(); } this.koenigEditor.focus(); } } // Body actions ------------------------------------------------------------ @action onEditorCreated(koenig) { this._setupEditor(koenig); this.args.onEditorCreated?.(koenig); } @action focusEditor(event) { if ('gh-koenig-editor-pane')) { let editorCanvas = this.koenigEditor.element; let {bottom} = editorCanvas.getBoundingClientRect(); // if a mousedown and subsequent mouseup occurs below the editor // canvas, focus the editor and put the cursor at the end of the // document if (this.mousedownY > bottom && event.clientY > bottom) { let {post} = this.koenigEditor; let range = post.toRange(); let {tailSection} = range; event.preventDefault(); this.koenigEditor.focus(); // we should always have a visible cursor when focusing // at the bottom so create an empty paragraph if last // section is a card if (tailSection.isCardSection) { => { let newSection = postEditor.builder.createMarkupSection('p'); postEditor.insertSectionAtEnd(newSection); tailSection = newSection; }); } this.koenigEditor.selectRange(tailSection.tailPosition()); // ensure we're scrolled to the bottom this.containerElement.scrollTop = this.containerElement.scrollHeight; } } } _setupEditor(koenig) { let component = this; this.koenigEditor = koenig; // focus the title when pressing SHIFT+TAB this.koenigEditor.registerKeyCommand({ str: 'SHIFT+TAB', run() { component.focusTitle(); return true; } }); } _addParaAtTop() { if (!this.koenigEditor) { return; } let editor = this.koenigEditor; let section =; // create a blank paragraph at the top of the editor unless it's already // a blank paragraph if (section.isListItem || !section.isBlank || section.text !== '') { => { let {builder} = postEditor; let newPara = builder.createMarkupSection('p'); let sections = section.isListItem ? section.parent.parent.sections : section.parent.sections; postEditor.insertSectionBefore(sections, newPara, section); }); } } }