import {helper} from '@ember/component/helper'; export const DEFAULT_QUERY_PARAMS = { posts: { type: null, visibility: null, author: null, tag: null, order: null }, pages: { type: null, visibility: null, author: null, tag: null, order: null }, 'members.index': { label: null, paid: null, search: null, filter: null, order: null }, 'members-activity': { excludedEvents: null, member: null }, 'settings.audit-log': { excludedEvents: null, excludedResources: null, user: null } }; // in order to reset query params to their defaults when using or // `transitionTo` it's necessary to explicitly set each param. This helper makes // it easier to provide a "resetting" link, especially when used with custom views export function resetQueryParams(routeName, newParams) { return Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_QUERY_PARAMS[routeName], newParams); } export default helper(function (params/*, hash*/) { return resetQueryParams(...params); });