const {PostsService} = require('../index'); const assert = require('assert/strict'); const sinon = require('sinon'); describe('Posts Service', function () { it('Can construct class', function () { new PostsService({}); }); describe('shouldSendEmail', function () { it('calculates if an email should be sent', async function () { const postsService = new PostsService({}); assert.deepEqual([ postsService.shouldSendEmail('published', 'draft'), postsService.shouldSendEmail('published', 'scheduled'), postsService.shouldSendEmail('sent', 'draft'), postsService.shouldSendEmail('sent', 'scheduled'), postsService.shouldSendEmail('published', 'published'), postsService.shouldSendEmail('published', 'sent'), postsService.shouldSendEmail('published', 'published'), postsService.shouldSendEmail('published', 'sent'), postsService.shouldSendEmail('sent', 'published'), postsService.shouldSendEmail('sent', 'sent'), postsService.shouldSendEmail() ], [ true, true, true, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false ]); }); }); describe('copyPost', function () { const makeModelStub = (key, value) => ({ get(k) { if (k === key) { return value; } } }); const POST_ID = 'abc123'; let postModelStub, existingPostModel, frame; const makePostService = () => new PostsService({ models: { Post: postModelStub } }); beforeEach(function () { postModelStub = { add: sinon.stub(), findOne: sinon.stub() }; existingPostModel = { attributes: { id: POST_ID, title: 'Test Post', slug: 'test-post', status: 'published' }, related: sinon.stub() }; frame = { options: { id: POST_ID } }; postModelStub.findOne.withArgs({ id: POST_ID, status: 'all' }, frame.options).resolves(existingPostModel); postModelStub.add.resolves(); existingPostModel.related.withArgs('authors').returns([]); existingPostModel.related.withArgs('tags').returns([]); existingPostModel.related.withArgs('posts_meta').returns({ isNew: () => true }); existingPostModel.related.withArgs('tiers').returns([]); }); it('copies a post', async function () { const copiedPost = { attributes: { id: 'def789' } }; postModelStub.add.resolves(copiedPost); const result = await makePostService().copyPost(frame); // Ensure copied post is created assert.equal( postModelStub.add.calledOnceWithExactly( sinon.match.object, frame.options ), true ); // Ensure copied post is returned assert.deepEqual(result, copiedPost); }); it('omits unnecessary data from the copied post', async function () { await makePostService().copyPost(frame); const copiedPostData = postModelStub.add.getCall(0).args[0]; assert.equal(, undefined); assert.equal(copiedPostData.slug, undefined); }); it('updates the title of the copied post', async function () { await makePostService().copyPost(frame); const copiedPostData = postModelStub.add.getCall(0).args[0]; assert.equal(copiedPostData.title, 'Test Post (Copy)'); }); it('updates the status of the copied post', async function () { await makePostService().copyPost(frame); const copiedPostData = postModelStub.add.getCall(0).args[0]; assert.equal(copiedPostData.status, 'draft'); }); it('adds authors to the copied post', async function () { existingPostModel.related.withArgs('authors').returns([ makeModelStub('id', 'author-1'), makeModelStub('id', 'author-2') ]); await makePostService().copyPost(frame); const copiedPostData = postModelStub.add.getCall(0).args[0]; assert.deepEqual(copiedPostData.authors, [ {id: 'author-1'}, {id: 'author-2'} ]); }); it('adds tags to the copied post', async function () { existingPostModel.related.withArgs('tags').returns([ makeModelStub('id', 'tag-1'), makeModelStub('id', 'tag-2') ]); await makePostService().copyPost(frame); const copiedPostData = postModelStub.add.getCall(0).args[0]; assert.deepEqual(copiedPostData.tags, [ {id: 'tag-1'}, {id: 'tag-2'} ]); }); it('adds meta data to the copied post', async function () { const postMetaModel = { attributes: { meta_title: 'Test Post', meta_description: 'Test Post Description' }, isNew: () => false }; existingPostModel.related.withArgs('posts_meta').returns(postMetaModel); await makePostService().copyPost(frame); const copiedPostData = postModelStub.add.getCall(0).args[0]; assert.deepEqual(copiedPostData.posts_meta, postMetaModel.attributes); }); it('adds tiers to the copied post', async function () { existingPostModel.related.withArgs('tiers').returns([ makeModelStub('id', 'tier-1'), makeModelStub('id', 'tier-2') ]); await makePostService().copyPost(frame); const copiedPostData = postModelStub.add.getCall(0).args[0]; assert.deepEqual(copiedPostData.tiers, [ {id: 'tier-1'}, {id: 'tier-2'} ]); }); it('omits unnecessary meta data from the copied post', async function () { const postMetaModel = { attributes: { post_id: POST_ID, meta_title: 'Test Post', meta_description: 'Test Post Description' }, isNew: () => false }; existingPostModel.related.withArgs('posts_meta').returns(postMetaModel); await makePostService().copyPost(frame); const copiedPostData = postModelStub.add.getCall(0).args[0]; assert.deepEqual(copiedPostData.posts_meta, { meta_title: postMetaModel.attributes.meta_title, meta_description: postMetaModel.attributes.meta_description }); }); }); describe('generateCopiedPostLocationFromUrl', function () { it('generates a location from the provided url', function () { const postsService = new PostsService({}); const url = ''; const expectedUrl = ''; assert.equal(postsService.generateCopiedPostLocationFromUrl(url), expectedUrl); }); }); });