import Component from '@ember/component'; import Key from 'mobiledoc-kit/utils/key'; import {computed} from '@ember/object'; import {kgStyle} from '../helpers/kg-style'; import {run} from '@ember/runloop'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; export default Component.extend({ koenigUi: service(), tagName: 'figcaption', classNameBindings: ['figCaptionClass'], caption: '', captureInput: false, placeholder: '', _keypressHandler: null, _keydownHandler: null, update() {}, addParagraphAfterCard() {}, moveCursorToNextSection() {}, moveCursorToPrevSection() {}, figCaptionClass: computed(function () { return `${kgStyle(['figcaption'])} w-100 relative`; }), didReceiveAttrs() { this._super(...arguments); if (this.captureInput && !this._keypressHandler) { this._attachHandlers(); } if (!this.captureInput && this._keypressHandler) { this._detachHandlers(); } }, willDestroyElement() { this._super(...arguments); this.koenigUi.captionLostFocus(this); this._detachHandlers(); }, actions: { registerEditor(editor) { let commands = { ENTER: run.bind(this, this._enter), ESC: run.bind(this, this._escape), UP: run.bind(this, this._upOrLeft), LEFT: run.bind(this, this._upOrLeft), DOWN: run.bind(this, this._rightOrDown), RIGHT: run.bind(this, this._rightOrDown) }; Object.keys(commands).forEach((str) => { editor.registerKeyCommand({ str, run() { return commands[str](editor, str); } }); }); this.editor = editor; }, handleEnter() { this.addParagraphAfterCard(); } }, // events ------------------------------------------------------------------ focusIn() { this.koenigUi.captionGainedFocus(this); }, focusOut() { this.koenigUi.captionLostFocus(this); }, // private ----------------------------------------------------------------- _attachHandlers() { if (!this._keypressHandler) { this._keypressHandler = run.bind(this, this._handleKeypress); window.addEventListener('keypress', this._keypressHandler); } }, _detachHandlers() { window.removeEventListener('keypress', this._keypressHandler); this._keypressHandler = null; this._keydownHandler = null; }, // only fires if the card is selected, moves focus to the caption input so // that it's possible to start typing without explicitly focusing the input _handleKeypress(event) { let key = new Key(event); let {editor} = this; if ('[data-kg="editor"]') && editor && !editor._hasFocus() && key.isPrintableKey() && !key.isEnter()) { editor.focus(); => { postEditor.insertText(, key.toString()); }); event.preventDefault(); } }, /* key commands ----------------------------------------------------------*/ _enter() { this.send('handleEnter'); }, _escape(editor) { editor.element.blur(); }, _upOrLeft(editor, key) { let {isCollapsed, head} = editor.range; if (isCollapsed && head.isEqual(head.section.headPosition())) { return this.moveCursorToPrevSection(); } // we're simulating a text input so up/down move the cursor to the // beginning/end of the input if (isCollapsed && key === 'UP') { return editor.selectRange(head.section.headPosition().toRange()); } return false; }, _rightOrDown(editor, key) { let {isCollapsed, tail} = editor.range; if (isCollapsed && tail.isEqual(tail.section.tailPosition())) { return this.moveCursorToNextSection(); } // we're simulating a text input so up/down move the cursor to the // beginning/end of the input if (isCollapsed && key === 'DOWN') { return editor.selectRange(tail.section.tailPosition().toRange()); } return false; } });