const should = require('should'); const errors = require('@tryghost/errors'); const commands = require('../../../../core/server/data/schema/commands'); describe('schema commands', function () { it('_hasForeignSQLite throws when knex is nox configured to use sqlite3', async function () { const Knex = require('knex'); const knex = Knex({ client: 'mysql' }); try { await commands._hasForeignSQLite({transaction: knex});'addForeign did not throw'); } catch (err) { should.equal(err instanceof errors.GhostError, true); err.message.should.equal('Must use hasForeignSQLite3 on an SQLite3 database'); } }); it('_hasPrimaryKeySQLite throws when knex is configured to use sqlite', async function () { const Knex = require('knex'); const knex = Knex({ client: 'mysql' }); try { await commands._hasPrimaryKeySQLite(null, knex);'hasPrimaryKeySQLite did not throw'); } catch (err) { should.equal(err instanceof errors.GhostError, true); err.message.should.equal('Must use hasPrimaryKeySQLite on an SQLite3 database'); } }); });