import ctrlOrCmd from 'ghost-admin/utils/ctrl-or-cmd'; import destroyApp from 'ghost-admin/tests/helpers/destroy-app'; import startApp from 'ghost-admin/tests/helpers/start-app'; import {afterEach, beforeEach, describe, it} from 'mocha'; import {authenticateSession} from 'ghost-admin/tests/helpers/ember-simple-auth'; import {click, fillIn, find, keyEvent, visit} from 'ember-native-dom-helpers'; import {expect} from 'chai'; // keyCodes const KEY_S = 83; describe('Acceptance: Custom Post Templates', function() { let application; beforeEach(function() { application = startApp(); server.loadFixtures('settings'); let role = server.create('role', {name: 'Administrator'}); server.create('user', {roles: [role]}); authenticateSession(application); }); afterEach(function() { destroyApp(application); }); describe('with custom templates', function () { beforeEach(function () { server.create('theme', { active: true, name: 'example-theme', package: { name: 'Example Theme', version: '0.1' }, templates: [ { filename: 'custom-news-bulletin.hbs', name: 'News Bulletin', for: ['post', 'page'], slug: null }, { filename: 'custom-big-images.hbs', name: 'Big Images', for: ['post', 'page'], slug: null }, { filename: 'post-one.hbs', name: 'One', for: ['post'], slug: 'one' }, { filename: 'page-about.hbs', name: 'About', for: ['page'], slug: 'about' } ] }); }); it('can change selected template', async function () { let post = server.create('post', {customTemplate: 'custom-news-bulletin.hbs'}); await visit('/editor/1'); await click('[data-test-psm-trigger]'); // template form should be shown expect(find('[data-test-custom-template-form]')).to.exist; // custom template should be selected let select = find('[data-test-select="custom-template"]'); expect(select.value, 'selected value').to.equal('custom-news-bulletin.hbs'); // templates list should contain default and custom templates in alphabetical order expect(select.options.length).to.equal(3); expect(select.options.item(0).value, 'default value').to.equal(''); expect(select.options.item(0).text, 'default text').to.equal('Default'); expect(select.options.item(1).value, 'first custom value').to.equal('custom-big-images.hbs'); expect(select.options.item(1).text, 'first custom text').to.equal('Big Images'); expect(select.options.item(2).value, 'second custom value').to.equal('custom-news-bulletin.hbs'); expect(select.options.item(2).text, 'second custom text').to.equal('News Bulletin'); // select the default template await fillIn(select, ''); // save then check server record await keyEvent('.gh-app', 'keydown', KEY_S, { metaKey: ctrlOrCmd === 'command', ctrlKey: ctrlOrCmd === 'ctrl' }); expect( server.db.posts.find(, 'saved custom template' ).to.equal(''); }); it('disables template selector if slug matches slug-based template'); it('doesn\'t query themes endpoint unncessarily', async function () { function themeRequests() { return server.pretender.handledRequests.filter(function (request) { return request.url.match(/\/themes\//); }); } server.create('post', {customTemplate: 'custom-news-bulletin.hbs'}); await visit('/editor/1'); await click('[data-test-psm-trigger]'); expect(themeRequests().length, 'after first open').to.equal(1); await click('[data-test-psm-trigger]'); // hide await click('[data-test-psm-trigger]'); // show expect(themeRequests().length, 'after second open').to.equal(1); }); }); describe('without custom templates', function () { beforeEach(function () { server.create('theme', { active: true, name: 'example-theme', package: { name: 'Example Theme', version: '0.1' }, templates: [] }); }); it('doesn\'t show template selector', async function () { server.create('post', {customTemplate: 'custom-news-bulletin.hbs'}); await visit('/editor/1'); await click('[data-test-psm-trigger]'); // template form should be shown expect(find('[data-test-custom-template-form]')).to.not.exist; }); }); });