const {VersionMismatchError} = require('@tryghost/errors'); const debug = require('@tryghost/debug'); const Stripe = require('stripe').Stripe; const LeakyBucket = require('leaky-bucket'); const EXPECTED_API_EFFICIENCY = 0.95; const STRIPE_API_VERSION = '2020-08-27'; /** * @typedef {import('stripe').Stripe.Customer} ICustomer * @typedef {import('stripe').Stripe.DeletedCustomer} IDeletedCustomer * @typedef {import('stripe').Stripe.Product} IProduct * @typedef {import('stripe').Stripe.Plan} IPlan * @typedef {import('stripe').Stripe.Price} IPrice * @typedef {import('stripe').Stripe.WebhookEndpoint} IWebhookEndpoint */ /** * @typedef {object} ILogger * @prop {(x: any) => void} error * @prop {(x: any) => void} info * @prop {(x: any) => void} warn */ /** * @typedef {object} IStripeServiceConfig * @prop {string} secretKey * @prop {string} publicKey * @prop {object} appInfo * @prop {string} * @prop {string} appInfo.version * @prop {string} appInfo.partner_id * @prop {string} appInfo.url * @prop {boolean} enablePromoCodes */ module.exports = class StripeService { /** * StripeService * * @param {object} params * @param {ILogger} params.logger * @param {IStripeServiceConfig} params.config */ constructor({config, logger}) { /** @type {Stripe} */ this._stripe = null; this.logging = logger; this._configured = false; if (config.secretKey) { this.configure(config); } } get configured() { return this._configured; } get mode() { return this._testMode ? 'test' : 'live'; } /** * @param {IStripeServiceConfig} config * @returns {void} */ configure(config) { this._stripe = new Stripe(config.secretKey, { apiVersion: STRIPE_API_VERSION }); this._config = config; this._testMode = config.secretKey && config.secretKey.startsWith('sk_test_'); if (this._testMode) { this._rateLimitBucket = new LeakyBucket(EXPECTED_API_EFFICIENCY * 25, 1); } else { this._rateLimitBucket = new LeakyBucket(EXPECTED_API_EFFICIENCY * 100, 1); } this._configured = true; } /** * @param {object} options * @param {string} * * @returns {Promise} */ async createProduct(options) { await this._rateLimitBucket.throttle(); const product = await this._stripe.products.create(options); return product; } /** * @param {object} options * @param {string} options.product * @param {boolean} * @param {string} options.nickname * @param {string} options.currency * @param {number} options.amount * @param {'recurring'|'one-time'} options.type * @param {Stripe.Price.Recurring.Interval|null} options.interval * * @returns {Promise} */ async createPrice(options) { await this._rateLimitBucket.throttle(); const price = await this._stripe.prices.create({ currency: options.currency, product: options.product, unit_amount: options.amount, active:, nickname: options.nickname, recurring: options.type === 'recurring' ? { interval: options.interval } : undefined }); return price; } /** * @param {string} id * @param {object} options * @param {boolean} * @param {string=} options.nickname * * @returns {Promise} */ async updatePrice(id, options) { await this._rateLimitBucket.throttle(); const price = await this._stripe.prices.update(id, { active:, nickname: options.nickname }); return price; } /** * @param {string} id * @param {object} options * @param {string} * * @returns {Promise} */ async updateProduct(id, options) { await this._rateLimitBucket.throttle(); const product = await this._stripe.products.update(id, { name: }); return product; } /** * @param {string} id * @param {import('stripe').Stripe.CustomerRetrieveParams} options * * @returns {Promise} */ async getCustomer(id, options = {}) { debug(`getCustomer(${id}, ${JSON.stringify(options)})`); try { await this._rateLimitBucket.throttle(); if (options.expand) { options.expand.push('subscriptions'); } else { options.expand = ['subscriptions']; } const customer = await this._stripe.customers.retrieve(id, options); debug(`getCustomer(${id}, ${JSON.stringify(options)}) -> Success`); return customer; } catch (err) { debug(`getCustomer(${id}, ${JSON.stringify(options)}) -> ${err.type}`); throw err; } } /** * @deprecated * @param {any} member * * @returns {Promise} */ async getCustomerForMemberCheckoutSession(member) { await member.related('stripeCustomers').fetch(); const customers = member.related('stripeCustomers'); for (const data of customers.models) { try { const customer = await this.getCustomer(data.get('customer_id')); if (!customer.deleted) { return /** @type {ICustomer} */(customer); } } catch (err) { debug(`Ignoring Error getting customer for member ${err.message}`); } } debug(`Creating customer for member ${member.get('email')}`); const customer = await this.createCustomer({ email: member.get('email') }); return customer; } /** * @param {import('stripe').Stripe.CustomerCreateParams} options * * @returns {Promise} */ async createCustomer(options = {}) { debug(`createCustomer(${JSON.stringify(options)})`); try { await this._rateLimitBucket.throttle(); const customer = await this._stripe.customers.create(options); debug(`createCustomer(${JSON.stringify(options)}) -> Success`); return customer; } catch (err) { debug(`createCustomer(${JSON.stringify(options)}) -> ${err.type}`); throw err; } } /** * @param {string} id * @param {string} email * * @returns {Promise} */ async updateCustomerEmail(id, email) { debug(`updateCustomerEmail(${id}, ${email})`); try { await this._rateLimitBucket.throttle(); const customer = await this._stripe.customers.update(id, {email}); debug(`updateCustomerEmail(${id}, ${email}) -> Success`); return customer; } catch (err) { debug(`updateCustomerEmail(${id}, ${email}) -> ${err.type}`); throw err; } } /** * createWebhook. * * @param {string} url * @param {import('stripe').Stripe.WebhookEndpointUpdateParams.EnabledEvent[]} events * * @returns {Promise} */ async createWebhookEndpoint(url, events) { debug(`createWebhook(${url})`); try { await this._rateLimitBucket.throttle(); const webhook = await this._stripe.webhookEndpoints.create({ url, enabled_events: events, api_version: STRIPE_API_VERSION }); debug(`createWebhook(${url}) -> Success`); return webhook; } catch (err) { debug(`createWebhook(${url}) -> ${err.type}`); throw err; } } /** * @param {string} id * * @returns {Promise} */ async deleteWebhookEndpoint(id) { debug(`deleteWebhook(${id})`); try { await this._rateLimitBucket.throttle(); await this._stripe.webhookEndpoints.del(id); debug(`deleteWebhook(${id}) -> Success`); return; } catch (err) { debug(`deleteWebhook(${id}) -> ${err.type}`); throw err; } } /** * @param {string} id * @param {string} url * @param {import('stripe').Stripe.WebhookEndpointUpdateParams.EnabledEvent[]} events * * @returns {Promise} */ async updateWebhookEndpoint(id, url, events) { debug(`updateWebhook(${id}, ${url})`); try { await this._rateLimitBucket.throttle(); const webhook = await this._stripe.webhookEndpoints.update(id, { url, enabled_events: events }); if (webhook.api_version !== STRIPE_API_VERSION) { throw new VersionMismatchError('Webhook has incorrect api_version'); } debug(`updateWebhook(${id}, ${url}) -> Success`); return webhook; } catch (err) { debug(`updateWebhook(${id}, ${url}) -> ${err.type}`); throw err; } } /** * parseWebhook. * * @param {string} body * @param {string} signature * @param {string} secret * * @returns {import('stripe').Stripe.Event} */ parseWebhook(body, signature, secret) { debug(`parseWebhook(${body}, ${signature}, ${secret})`); try { const event = this._stripe.webhooks.constructEvent(body, signature, secret); debug(`parseWebhook(${body}, ${signature}, ${secret}) -> Success ${event.type}`); return event; } catch (err) { debug(`parseWebhook(${body}, ${signature}, ${secret}) -> ${err.type}`); throw err; } } /** * @param {string} priceId * @param {ICustomer} customer * * @param {object} options * @param {Object.} options.metadata * @param {string} options.successUrl * @param {string} options.cancelUrl * @param {string} options.customerEmail * * @returns {Promise} */ async createCheckoutSession(priceId, customer, options) { const metadata = options.metadata || undefined; const customerEmail = customer ? : options.customerEmail; await this._rateLimitBucket.throttle(); const session = await this._stripe.checkout.sessions.create({ payment_method_types: ['card'], success_url: options.successUrl, cancel_url: options.cancelUrl, customer_email: customerEmail, // @ts-ignore - we need to update to latest stripe library to correctly use newer features allow_promotion_codes: this._config.enablePromoCodes, metadata, /* line_items: [{ price: priceId }] */ // This is deprecated and using the old way of doing things with Plans. // It should be replaced with the line_items entry above when possible, // however, this would lose the "trial from plan" feature which has also // been deprecated by Stripe subscription_data: { trial_from_plan: true, items: [{ plan: priceId }] } }); return session; } /** * @param {ICustomer} customer * @param {object} options * * @returns {Promise} */ async createCheckoutSetupSession(customer, options) { await this._rateLimitBucket.throttle(); const session = await this._stripe.checkout.sessions.create({ mode: 'setup', payment_method_types: ['card'], success_url: options.successUrl, cancel_url: options.cancelUrl, customer_email:, setup_intent_data: { metadata: { customer_id: } } }); return session; } getPublicKey() { return this._config.publicKey; } /** * getPrice * * @param {string} id * @param {object} options * * @returns {Promise} */ async getPrice(id, options = {}) { debug(`getPrice(${id}, ${JSON.stringify(options)})`); return await this._stripe.prices.retrieve(id, options); } /** * getSubscription. * * @param {string} id * @param {import('stripe').Stripe.SubscriptionRetrieveParams} options * * @returns {Promise} */ async getSubscription(id, options = {}) { debug(`getSubscription(${id}, ${JSON.stringify(options)})`); try { await this._rateLimitBucket.throttle(); const subscription = await this._stripe.subscriptions.retrieve(id, options); debug(`getSubscription(${id}, ${JSON.stringify(options)}) -> Success`); return subscription; } catch (err) { debug(`getSubscription(${id}, ${JSON.stringify(options)}) -> ${err.type}`); throw err; } } /** * cancelSubscription. * * @param {string} id * * @returns {Promise} */ async cancelSubscription(id) { debug(`cancelSubscription(${id})`); try { await this._rateLimitBucket.throttle(); const subscription = await this._stripe.subscriptions.del(id); debug(`cancelSubscription(${id}) -> Success`); return subscription; } catch (err) { debug(`cancelSubscription(${id}) -> ${err.type}`); throw err; } } /** * @param {string} id - The ID of the Subscription to modify * @param {string} [reason=''] - The user defined cancellation reason * * @returns {Promise} */ async cancelSubscriptionAtPeriodEnd(id, reason = '') { await this._rateLimitBucket.throttle(); const subscription = await this._stripe.subscriptions.update(id, { cancel_at_period_end: true, metadata: { cancellation_reason: reason } }); return subscription; } /** * @param {string} id - The ID of the Subscription to modify * * @returns {Promise} */ async continueSubscriptionAtPeriodEnd(id) { await this._rateLimitBucket.throttle(); const subscription = await this._stripe.subscriptions.update(id, { cancel_at_period_end: false, metadata: { cancellation_reason: null } }); return subscription; } /** * @param {string} subscriptionId - The ID of the Subscription to modify * @param {string} id - The ID of the SubscriptionItem * @param {string} price - The ID of the new Price * * @returns {Promise} */ async updateSubscriptionItemPrice(subscriptionId, id, price) { await this._rateLimitBucket.throttle(); const subscription = await this._stripe.subscriptions.update(subscriptionId, { items: [{ id, price }], cancel_at_period_end: false, metadata: { cancellation_reason: null } }); return subscription; } /** * @param {string} customer - The ID of the Customer to create the subscription for * @param {string} price - The ID of the new Price * * @returns {Promise} */ async createSubscription(customer, price) { await this._rateLimitBucket.throttle(); const subscription = await this._stripe.subscriptions.create({ customer, items: [{price}] }); return subscription; } /** * @param {string} id * @param {import('stripe').Stripe.SetupIntentRetrieveParams} options * * @returns {Promise} */ async getSetupIntent(id, options = {}) { await this._rateLimitBucket.throttle(); return await this._stripe.setupIntents.retrieve(id, options); } /** * @param {string} customer * @param {string} paymentMethod * * @returns {Promise} */ async attachPaymentMethodToCustomer(customer, paymentMethod) { await this._rateLimitBucket.throttle(); await this._stripe.paymentMethods.attach(paymentMethod, {customer}); return; } /** * @param {string} id * * @returns {Promise} */ async getCardPaymentMethod(id) { await this._rateLimitBucket.throttle(); const paymentMethod = await this._stripe.paymentMethods.retrieve(id); if (paymentMethod.type !== 'card') { return null; } return paymentMethod; } /** * @param {string} subscription * @param {string} paymentMethod * * @returns {Promise} */ async updateSubscriptionDefaultPaymentMethod(subscription, paymentMethod) { await this._rateLimitBucket.throttle(); return await this._stripe.subscriptions.update(subscription, { default_payment_method: paymentMethod }); } };