const assert = require('assert'); const {agentProvider, mockManager, fixtureManager, matchers} = require('../../utils/e2e-framework'); const {anyEtag, anyObjectId, anyLocationFor, anyISODateTime, anyUuid, anyNumber, anyBoolean} = matchers; const should = require('should'); const models = require('../../../core/server/models'); const moment = require('moment-timezone'); const settingsCache = require('../../../core/shared/settings-cache'); let membersAgent, membersAgent2, member, postId, commentId; const commentMatcherNoMember = { id: anyObjectId, created_at: anyISODateTime }; const commentMatcher = { id: anyObjectId, created_at: anyISODateTime, member: { id: anyObjectId, uuid: anyUuid }, likes_count: anyNumber, liked: anyBoolean }; const commentMatcherWithReply = { id: anyObjectId, created_at: anyISODateTime, member: { id: anyObjectId, uuid: anyUuid }, likes_count: anyNumber, liked: anyBoolean, replies: [commentMatcher] }; async function sleep(ms) { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(resolve, ms); }); } function escapeRegExp(string) { return string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'); } describe('Comments API', function () { before(async function () { membersAgent = await agentProvider.getMembersAPIAgent(); membersAgent2 = await agentProvider.getMembersAPIAgent(); await fixtureManager.init('posts', 'members', 'comments'); postId = fixtureManager.get('posts', 0).id; }); beforeEach(function () { mockManager.mockMail(); }); afterEach(function () { mockManager.restore(); }); describe('when not authenticated', function () { it('Can browse all comments of a post', async function () { const {body} = await membersAgent .get(`/api/comments/?filter=post_id:${postId}`) .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ comments: [commentMatcherWithReply] }); }); it('cannot report a comment', async function () { commentId = fixtureManager.get('comments', 0).id; // Create a temporary comment await membersAgent .post(`/api/comments/${commentId}/report/`) .expectStatus(401) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ errors: [{ id: anyUuid }] }); }); }); describe('when authenticated', function () { before(async function () { await membersAgent.loginAs(''); member = await models.Member.findOne({email: ''}, {require: true}); await membersAgent2.loginAs(''); }); it('Can comment on a post', async function () { await models.Member.edit({last_seen_at: null, last_commented_at: null}, {id: member.get('id')}); const {body} = await membersAgent .post(`/api/comments/`) .body({comments: [{ post_id: postId, html: '
This is a message
New line
' }]}) .expectStatus(201) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ etag: anyEtag, location: anyLocationFor('comments') }) .matchBodySnapshot({ comments: [commentMatcherNoMember] }); // Save for other tests commentId = body.comments[0].id; // Check if author got an email mockManager.assert.sentEmailCount(1); mockManager.assert.sentEmail({ subject: '💬 You have a new comment on one of your posts', to: fixtureManager.get('users', 0).email, // Note that the tag is removed by the sanitizer html: new RegExp(escapeRegExp('This is a message
New line
')) }); // Wait for the dispatched events (because this happens async) await sleep(200); // Check last_updated_at changed? member = await models.Member.findOne({id:}); should.notEqual(member.get('last_seen_at'), null, 'The member should have a `last_seen_at` property after posting a comment.'); // Check last_commented_at changed? should.notEqual(member.get('last_commented_at'), null, 'The member should have a `last_commented_at` property after posting a comment.'); }); it('Can browse all comments of a post', async function () { const {body} = await membersAgent .get(`/api/comments/?filter=post_id:${postId}`) .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ comments: [commentMatcherWithReply, commentMatcher] }); }); it('Can reply to your own comment', async function () { // Should not update last_seen_at or last_commented_at when both are already set to a value on the same day const timezone = settingsCache.get('timezone'); const date = moment.utc(new Date()).tz(timezone).startOf('day').toDate(); await models.Member.edit({last_seen_at: date, last_commented_at: date}, {id: member.get('id')}); const {body} = await membersAgent .post(`/api/comments/`) .body({comments: [{ post_id: postId, parent_id: commentId, html: 'This is a reply' }]}) .expectStatus(201) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ etag: anyEtag, location: anyLocationFor('comments') }) .matchBodySnapshot({ comments: [commentMatcherNoMember] }); // Check only the author got an email (because we are the author of this parent comment) mockManager.assert.sentEmailCount(1); mockManager.assert.sentEmail({ subject: '💬 You have a new comment on one of your posts', to: fixtureManager.get('users', 0).email }); // Wait for the dispatched events (because this happens async) await sleep(200); // Check last updated_at is not changed? member = await models.Member.findOne({id:}); should.equal(member.get('last_seen_at').getTime(), date.getTime(), 'The member should not update `last_seen_at` if last seen at is same day'); // Check last_commented_at changed? should.equal(member.get('last_commented_at').getTime(), date.getTime(), 'The member should not update `last_commented_at` f last seen at is same day'); }); it('Can reply to a comment', async function () { const date = new Date(0); await models.Member.edit({last_seen_at: date, last_commented_at: date}, {id: member.get('id')}); const {body} = await membersAgent .post(`/api/comments/`) .body({comments: [{ post_id: postId, parent_id: fixtureManager.get('comments', 0).id, html: 'This is a reply' }]}) .expectStatus(201) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ etag: anyEtag, location: anyLocationFor('comments') }) .matchBodySnapshot({ comments: [commentMatcherNoMember] }); mockManager.assert.sentEmailCount(2); mockManager.assert.sentEmail({ subject: '💬 You have a new comment on one of your posts', to: fixtureManager.get('users', 0).email }); mockManager.assert.sentEmail({ subject: '💬 You have a new reply on one of your comments', to: fixtureManager.get('members', 0).email }); // Wait for the dispatched events (because this happens async) await sleep(250); // Check last_updated_at changed? member = await models.Member.findOne({id:}); should.notEqual(member.get('last_seen_at').getTime(), date.getTime(), 'Should update `last_seen_at` property after posting a comment.'); // Check last_commented_at changed? should.notEqual(member.get('last_commented_at').getTime(), date.getTime(), 'Should update `last_commented_at` property after posting a comment.'); }); it('Can like a comment', async function () { // Check not liked await membersAgent .get(`/api/comments/${commentId}/`) .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ comments: new Array(1).fill(commentMatcherWithReply) }) .expect(({body}) => { body.comments[0].liked.should.eql(false); }); // Create a temporary comment await membersAgent .post(`/api/comments/${commentId}/like/`) .expectStatus(204) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ etag: anyEtag }) .expectEmptyBody(); // Check liked await membersAgent .get(`/api/comments/${commentId}/`) .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ comments: new Array(1).fill(commentMatcherWithReply) }) .expect(({body}) => { body.comments[0].liked.should.eql(true); }); }); it('Cannot like a comment multiple times', async function () { // Create a temporary comment await membersAgent .post(`/api/comments/${commentId}/like/`) .expectStatus(400) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ errors: [{ id: anyUuid }] }); }); it('Can remove a like', async function () { // Create a temporary comment await membersAgent .delete(`/api/comments/${commentId}/like/`) .expectStatus(204) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ etag: anyEtag }) .expectEmptyBody(); // Check liked await membersAgent .get(`/api/comments/${commentId}/`) .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ comments: new Array(1).fill(commentMatcherWithReply) }) .expect(({body}) => { body.comments[0].liked.should.eql(false); }); }); it('Can report a comment', async function () { // Create a temporary comment await membersAgent .post(`/api/comments/${commentId}/report/`) .expectStatus(204) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ etag: anyEtag }) .expectEmptyBody(); // Check report const reports = await models.CommentReport.findAll({filter: 'comment_id:' + commentId}); reports.models.length.should.eql(1); const report = reports.models[0]; report.get('member_id').should.eql(; mockManager.assert.sentEmail({ subject: '🚩 A comment has been reported on your post', to: fixtureManager.get('users', 0).email, html: new RegExp(escapeRegExp('This is a message
New line
')), text: new RegExp(escapeRegExp('This is a message\n\nNew line')) }); }); it('Cannot report a comment twice', async function () { // Create a temporary comment await membersAgent .post(`/api/comments/${commentId}/report/`) .expectStatus(204) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ etag: anyEtag }) .expectEmptyBody(); // Check report should be the same (no extra created) const reports = await models.CommentReport.findAll({filter: 'comment_id:' + commentId}); reports.models.length.should.eql(1); const report = reports.models[0]; report.get('member_id').should.eql(; mockManager.assert.sentEmailCount(0); }); it('Can edit a comment on a post', async function () { await membersAgent .put(`/api/comments/${commentId}`) .body({comments: [{ html: 'Updated comment' }]}) .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ comments: [commentMatcherWithReply] }); }); it('Can not edit a comment post_id', async function () { const anotherPostId = fixtureManager.get('posts', 1).id; await membersAgent .put(`/api/comments/${commentId}`) .body({comments: [{ post_id: anotherPostId }]}); const {body} = await membersAgent .get(`/api/comments/?filter=post_id:${anotherPostId}`); assert(!body.comments.find(comment => === commentId), 'The comment should not have moved post'); }); it('Can not edit a comment which does not belong to you', async function () { await membersAgent2 .put(`/api/comments/${commentId}`) .body({comments: [{ html: 'Illegal comment update' }]}) .expectStatus(403) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ errors: [{ type: 'NoPermissionError', id: anyUuid }] }); }); it('Can not edit a comment as a member who is not you', async function () { const memberId = fixtureManager.get('members', 1).id; await membersAgent .put(`/api/comments/${commentId}`) .body({comments: [{ html: 'Illegal comment update', member_id: memberId }]}); const { body: { comments: [ comment ] } } = await membersAgent.get(`/api/comments/${commentId}`) .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ comments: [commentMatcherWithReply] }); assert( !== memberId); }); it('Can not reply to a reply', async function () { const { body: { comments: [{ id: parentId }] } } = await membersAgent .post(`/api/comments/`) .body({comments: [{ post_id: postId, html: 'Parent' }]}); const { body: { comments: [{ id: replyId }] } } = await membersAgent .post(`/api/comments/`) .body({comments: [{ post_id: postId, parent_id: parentId, html: 'Reply' }]}); await membersAgent .post(`/api/comments/`) .body({comments: [{ post_id: postId, parent_id: replyId, html: 'Reply to a reply!' }]}) .expectStatus(400) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ errors: [{ type: 'BadRequestError', id: anyUuid }] }); }); it('Can not edit a replies parent', async function () { const { body: { comments: [{ id: parentId }] } } = await membersAgent .post(`/api/comments/`) .body({comments: [{ post_id: postId, html: 'Parent' }]}); const { body: { comments: [{ id: newParentId }] } } = await membersAgent .post(`/api/comments/`) .body({comments: [{ post_id: postId, html: 'New Parent' }]}); const { body: { comments: [{ id: replyId }] } } = await membersAgent .post(`/api/comments/`) .body({comments: [{ post_id: postId, parent_id: parentId, html: 'Reply' }]}); // Attempt to edit the parent await membersAgent .put(`/api/comments/${replyId}/`) .body({comments: [{ parent_id: newParentId, html: 'Changed parent' }]}); const {body: {comments: [comment]}} = await membersAgent.get(`api/comments/${newParentId}`); assert(comment.replies.length === 0, 'The parent comment should not have changed'); }); }); });