const assert = require('assert'); const ObjectID = require('bson-objectid'); const Tier = require('../lib/Tier'); const TierActivatedEvent = require('../lib/TierActivatedEvent'); const TierArchivedEvent = require('../lib/TierArchivedEvent'); const TierNameChangeEvent = require('../lib/TierNameChangeEvent'); const TierPriceChangeEvent = require('../lib/TierPriceChangeEvent'); async function assertError(fn, checkError) { let error; try { await fn(); error = false; } catch (err) { error = err; } finally { assert(error); if (checkError) { checkError(error); } } } const validInput = { name: 'Tier Name', slug: 'tier-name', description: 'My First Tier', welcomePageURL: null, status: 'active', visibility: 'public', type: 'paid', trialDays: 10, currency: 'usd', monthlyPrice: 5000, yearlyPrice: 50000, benefits: [] }; const invalidInputs = [ {id: [100]}, {name: 100}, {name: ('a').repeat(200)}, {slug: ('slug').repeat(50)}, {description: ['whatever?']}, {description: ('b').repeat(200)}, {welcomePageURL: {cool: 'beans'}}, {status: 'something random'}, {visibility: 'highly visible'}, {type: 'comped'}, {trialDays: -10}, {trialDays: 10, type: 'free', currency: null, monthlyPrice: null, yearlyPrice: null}, {currency: 'dollar bills'}, {currency: 25}, {currency: 'USD', type: 'free'}, {monthlyPrice: 2000, type: 'free', trialDays: null, currency: null, yearlyPrice: null}, {monthlyPrice: null}, {monthlyPrice: -20}, {monthlyPrice: 10000000000}, {yearlyPrice: 2000, type: 'free', trialDays: null, monthlyPrice: null, currency: null}, {yearlyPrice: null}, {yearlyPrice: -20}, {yearlyPrice: 10000000000}, {createdAt: 'Today'}, {updatedAt: 'Tomorrow'} ]; const validInputs = [ {welcomePageURL: ''}, {id: (new ObjectID()).toHexString()}, {id: new ObjectID()}, {type: 'free', currency: null, monthlyPrice: null, yearlyPrice: null, trialDays: null}, {createdAt: new Date()}, {updatedAt: new Date()}, {status: undefined}, {type: undefined}, {visibility: undefined} ]; describe('Tier', function () { describe('create', function () { it('Errors if passed an invalid input', async function () { for (const invalidInput of invalidInputs) { let input = {}; Object.assign(input, validInput, invalidInput); await assertError(async function () { await Tier.create(input); }); } }); it('Does not error for valid inputs', async function () { for (const validInputItem of validInputs) { let input = {}; Object.assign(input, validInput, validInputItem); await Tier.create(input); } }); it('Can create a Tier with valid input', async function () { const tier = await Tier.create(validInput); const expectedProps = [ 'slug', 'name', 'description', 'welcomePageURL', 'status', 'visibility', 'type', 'trialDays', 'currency', 'monthlyPrice', 'yearlyPrice', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt', 'benefits' ]; for (const prop of expectedProps) { assert(tier[prop] === tier.toJSON()[prop]); } assert( === tier.toJSON().id); }); it('Errors when attempting to set invalid properties', async function () { const tier = await Tier.create(validInput); assertError(() => { = 20; }); assertError(() => { tier.benefits = 20; }); assertError(() => { tier.description = 20; }); assertError(() => { tier.welcomePageURL = 20; }); assertError(() => { tier.status = 20; }); assertError(() => { tier.visibility = 20; }); assertError(() => { tier.trialDays = 'one hundred'; }); assertError(() => { tier.currency = 'one hundred'; }); assertError(() => { tier.monthlyPrice = 'one hundred'; }); assertError(() => { tier.yearlyPrice = 'one hundred'; }); }); it('Can change name and adds an event', async function () { const tier = await Tier.create(validInput); = 'New name'; assert( => { return event instanceof TierNameChangeEvent; })); }); it('Can update pricing information and adds an event', async function () { const tier = await Tier.create(validInput); tier.updatePricing({ currency: 'eur', monthlyPrice: 1000, yearlyPrice: 6000 }); assert(tier.currency === 'EUR'); assert(tier.monthlyPrice === 1000); assert(tier.yearlyPrice === 6000); assert( => { return event instanceof TierPriceChangeEvent; })); }); it('Can archive tier and adds an event', async function () { const tier = await Tier.create(validInput); tier.status = 'archived'; assert( => { return event instanceof TierArchivedEvent; })); }); it('Can activate tier and adds an event', async function () { const tier = await Tier.create({...validInput, status: 'archived'}); tier.status = 'active'; assert( => { return event instanceof TierActivatedEvent; })); }); it('Does not add event if values not changed', async function () { const tier = await Tier.create(validInput); tier.status = 'active'; assert(! => { return event instanceof TierActivatedEvent; })); = 'Tier Name'; assert(! => { return event instanceof TierNameChangeEvent; })); tier.updatePricing({ currency: tier.currency, monthlyPrice: tier.monthlyPrice, yearlyPrice: tier.yearlyPrice }); assert(! => { return event instanceof TierPriceChangeEvent; })); }); it('Cannot set pricing data on a free tier', async function () { const tier = await Tier.create({ ...validInput, type: 'free', currency: null, monthlyPrice: null, yearlyPrice: null, trialDays: null }); assertError(() => { tier.updatePricing({ currency: 'usd', monthlyPrice: 1000, yearlyPrice: 10000 }); }); }); it('Can set the description of a Tier', async function () { const tier = await Tier.create(validInput); tier.description = 'Updated description'; assert.strictEqual('Updated description', tier.description); }); }); });