/*global Ember */ import ghostPaths from 'ghost/utils/ghost-paths'; // ensure we don't share routes between all Router instances var Router = Ember.Router.extend(); Router.reopen({ location: 'trailing-history', // use HTML5 History API instead of hash-tag based URLs rootURL: ghostPaths().adminRoot, // admin interface lives under sub-directory /ghost clearNotifications: function () { this.notifications.closePassive(); this.notifications.displayDelayed(); }.on('didTransition') }); Router.map(function () { this.route('setup'); this.route('signin'); this.route('signout'); this.route('signup', {path: '/signup/:token'}); this.route('forgotten'); this.route('reset', {path: '/reset/:token'}); this.resource('posts', {path: '/'}, function () { this.route('post', {path: ':post_id'}); }); this.resource('editor', function () { this.route('new', {path: ''}); this.route('edit', {path: ':post_id'}); }); this.resource('settings', function () { this.route('general'); this.resource('settings.users', {path: '/users'}, function () { this.route('user', {path: '/:slug'}); }); this.route('about'); }); this.route('debug'); // Redirect legacy content to posts this.route('content'); this.route('error404', {path: '/*path'}); }); export default Router;