import Component from '@glimmer/component'; import {action} from '@ember/object'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; export default class ChartPaidMembers extends Component { @service dashboardStats; /** * Call this method when you need to fetch new data from the server. In this component, it will get called * when the days parameter changes and on initialisation. */ @action loadCharts() { // The dashboard stats service will take care or reusing and limiting API-requests between charts this.dashboardStats.loadMemberCountStats(); } get loading() { return this.dashboardStats.memberCountStats === null; } get chartType() { return 'bar'; } get chartData() { const stats = this.dashboardStats.memberCountStats; const labels = =>; const newData = => stat.newPaid); const canceledData = => -stat.canceledPaid); return { labels: labels, datasets: [ { data: newData, fill: true, backgroundColor: '#14b8ff', tension: 0.1, borderWidth: 0, barThickness: 10, minBarLength: 3 },{ data: canceledData, fill: true, backgroundColor: '#E16262', tension: 0.1, borderWidth: 0, barThickness: 10, minBarLength: 3 }] }; } get chartOptions() { return { title: { display: false }, legend: { display: false }, scales: { yAxes: [{ gridLines: { drawTicks: false, display: true, drawBorder: false }, ticks: { display: false, maxTicksLimit: 5, fontColor: '#7C8B9A', padding: 8, precision: 0 } }], xAxes: [{ gridLines: { drawTicks: false, display: false, drawBorder: false }, ticks: { display: false, maxTicksLimit: 5, autoSkip: true, maxRotation: 0, minRotation: 0 }, type: 'time', time: { displayFormats: { 'millisecond': 'MMM DD', 'second': 'MMM DD', 'minute': 'MMM DD', 'hour': 'MMM DD', 'day': 'MMM DD', 'week': 'MMM DD', 'month': 'MMM DD', 'quarter': 'MMM DD', 'year': 'MMM DD', } } }] } }; } get chartHeight() { return 100; } }