const {agentProvider, mockManager, fixtureManager, matchers} = require('../../utils/e2e-framework'); const should = require('should'); const settingsCache = require('../../../core/shared/settings-cache'); const DomainEvents = require('@tryghost/domain-events'); const {anyErrorId} = matchers; let membersAgent, membersService; describe('sendMagicLink', function () { before(async function () { const agents = await agentProvider.getAgentsForMembers(); membersAgent = agents.membersAgent; membersService = require('../../../core/server/services/members'); await fixtureManager.init('members'); }); beforeEach(function () { mockManager.mockMail(); // Reset settings settingsCache.set('members_signup_access', {value: 'all'}); }); afterEach(function () { mockManager.restore(); }); it('Errors when passed multiple emails', async function () { await'/api/send-magic-link') .body({ email: ',', emailType: 'signup' }) .expectStatus(400); }); it('Throws an error when logging in to a email that does not exist', async function () { const email = ''; await'/api/send-magic-link') .body({ email, emailType: 'signin' }) .expectStatus(400) .matchBodySnapshot({ errors: [{ id: anyErrorId, // Add this here because it is easy to be overlooked (we need a human readable error!) // 'Please sign up first' should be included only when invite only is disabled. message: 'No member exists with this e-mail address. Please sign up first.' }] }); }); it('Throws an error when logging in to a email that does not exist (invite only)', async function () { settingsCache.set('members_signup_access', {value: 'invite'}); const email = ''; await'/api/send-magic-link') .body({ email, emailType: 'signin' }) .expectStatus(400) .matchBodySnapshot({ errors: [{ id: anyErrorId, // Add this here because it is easy to be overlooked (we need a human readable error!) // 'Please sign up first' should NOT be included message: 'No member exists with this e-mail address.' }] }); }); it('Throws an error when trying to sign up on an invite only site', async function () { settingsCache.set('members_signup_access', {value: 'invite'}); const email = ''; await'/api/send-magic-link') .body({ email, emailType: 'signup' }) .expectStatus(400) .matchBodySnapshot({ errors: [{ id: anyErrorId }] }); }); it('Creates a valid magic link with tokenData, and without urlHistory', async function () { const email = ''; await'/api/send-magic-link') .body({ email, emailType: 'signup' }) .expectEmptyBody() .expectStatus(201); // Check email is sent const mail = mockManager.assert.sentEmail({ to: email, subject: /Complete your sign up to Ghost!/ }); // Get link from email const [url] = mail.text.match(/https?:\/\/[^\s]+/); const parsed = new URL(url); const token = parsed.searchParams.get('token'); // Get data const data = await membersService.api.getTokenDataFromMagicLinkToken(token); should(data).match({ email, attribution: { id: null, url: null, type: null } }); }); it('Creates a valid magic link from custom signup with redirection', async function () { const customSignupUrl = 'http://localhost:2368/custom-signup-form-page'; const email = ''; await membersAgent .post('/api/send-magic-link') .header('Referer', customSignupUrl) .body({ email, emailType: 'signup', autoRedirect: true }) .expectEmptyBody() .expectStatus(201); const mail = await mockManager.assert.sentEmail({ to: email, subject: /Complete your sign up to Ghost!/ }); const [url] = mail.text.match(/https?:\/\/[^\s]+/); const parsed = new URL(url); const redirect = parsed.searchParams.get('r'); should(redirect).equal(customSignupUrl); }); it('Creates a valid magic link from custom signup with redirection disabled', async function () { const customSignupUrl = 'http://localhost:2368/custom-signup-form-page'; const email = ''; await membersAgent .post('/api/send-magic-link') .header('Referer', customSignupUrl) .body({ email, emailType: 'signup', autoRedirect: false }) .expectEmptyBody() .expectStatus(201); const mail = await mockManager.assert.sentEmail({ to: email, subject: /Complete your sign up to Ghost!/ }); const [url] = mail.text.match(/https?:\/\/[^\s]+/); const parsed = new URL(url); const redirect = parsed.searchParams.get('r'); should(redirect).equal(null); }); it('triggers email alert for free member signup', async function () { const email = ''; await'/api/send-magic-link') .body({ email, emailType: 'signup' }) .expectEmptyBody() .expectStatus(201); // Check email is sent const mail = mockManager.assert.sentEmail({ to: email, subject: /Complete your sign up to Ghost!/ }); // Get link from email const [url] = mail.text.match(/https?:\/\/[^\s]+/); const parsed = new URL(url); const token = parsed.searchParams.get('token'); // Get member data from token const data = await membersService.api.getMemberDataFromMagicLinkToken(token); // Wait for the dispatched events (because this happens async) await DomainEvents.allSettled(); // Check member alert is sent to site owners mockManager.assert.sentEmail({ to: '', subject: /🥳 Free member signup: }); // Check member data is returned should(data).match({ email }); }); it('Converts the urlHistory to the attribution and stores it in the token', async function () { const email = ''; await'/api/send-magic-link') .body({ email, emailType: 'signup', urlHistory: [ { path: '/test-path', time: } ] }) .expectEmptyBody() .expectStatus(201); // Check email is sent const mail = mockManager.assert.sentEmail({ to: email, subject: /Complete your sign up to Ghost!/ }); // Get link from email const [url] = mail.text.match(/https?:\/\/[^\s]+/); const parsed = new URL(url); const token = parsed.searchParams.get('token'); // Get data const data = await membersService.api.getTokenDataFromMagicLinkToken(token); should(data).match({ email, attribution: { id: null, url: '/test-path', type: 'url' } }); }); });