import {run} from '@ember/runloop'; // Text expansions watch text entry events and will look for matches, replacing // the matches with additional markup, atoms, or cards // export function replaceWithListSection(editor, matches, listTagName) { let {range, range: {head, head: {section}}} = editor; let text = section.textUntil(head); // we don't want to convert to a heading if the user has not just // finished typing the markdown (eg, they've made a previous // heading expansion then Cmd-Z'ed it to get the text back then // starts typing at the end of the heading) if (text !== matches[0]) { return; } if (section.isListItem) { if (section.parent.tagName === listTagName) { return; } // toggle all list items to the new list type => { let listRange = section.parent.toRange(); let {post} = editor; range = range.extend(-(matches[0].length)); postEditor.deleteRange(range); let cursorListItem; post.walkMarkerableSections(listRange, (listItem) => { let isCursorListItem = listItem === section; let changedListItem = postEditor.changeSectionTagName(listItem, listTagName); if (isCursorListItem) { cursorListItem = changedListItem; } }); postEditor.setRange(cursorListItem.headPosition().toRange()); }); return; } => { range = range.extend(-(matches[0].length)); let position = postEditor.deleteRange(range); postEditor.setRange(position); postEditor.toggleSection(listTagName); }); } function _addMarkdownMarkup(_this, editor, matches, markupStr) { let {range} = editor; let match = matches[0].trim(); let mdChars = (match.length - matches[1].length) / 2; range = range.extend(-(match.length)); => { let startPos = postEditor.deleteRange(range.head.toRange().extend(mdChars)); let textRange = startPos.toRange().extend(matches[1].length); let markup = editor.builder.createMarkup(markupStr); postEditor.addMarkupToRange(textRange, markup); let endPos = postEditor.deleteRange(textRange.tail.toRange().extend(mdChars)); postEditor.setRange(endPos.toRange()); }); // must be scheduled so that the toggle isn't reset automatically // by mobiledoc-kit re-setting state after the range is updated run.later(_this, function () { editor.toggleMarkup(markupStr); }, 10); } function _addNonReplacedMarkdownMarkup(_this, editor, matches, markupStr) { let {range} = editor; let match = matches[0].trim(); range = range.extend(-(match.length)); => { let markup = editor.builder.createMarkup(markupStr); postEditor.addMarkupToRange(range, markup); postEditor.setRange(range.tail.toRange()); }); // must be scheduled so that the toggle isn't reset automatically // by mobiledoc-kit re-setting state after the range is updated run.later(_this, function () { editor.toggleMarkup(markupStr); }, 10); } function _matchStrongStar(editor, text) { let matches = text.match(/(?:^|\s)\*\*([^\s*]+|[^\s*][^*]*[^\s])\*\*$/); if (matches) { _addMarkdownMarkup(this, editor, matches, 'strong'); } } function _matchStrongUnderscore(editor, text) { let matches = text.match(/(?:^|\s)__([^\s_]+|[^\s_][^_]*[^\s])__$/); if (matches) { _addMarkdownMarkup(this, editor, matches, 'strong'); } } function _matchEmStar(editor, text) { // (?:^|\s) - match beginning of input or a starting space (don't capture) // \* - match leading * // ( - start capturing group // [^\s*]+ - match a stretch with no spaces or * chars // | - OR // [^\s*] - match a single non-space or * char | this group will only match at // [^*]* - match zero or more non * chars | least two chars so we need the // [^\s] - match a single non-space char | [^\s*]+ to match single chars // ) - end capturing group // \* - match trailing * // // input = " *foo*" // matches[0] = " *foo*" // matches[1] = "foo" let matches = text.match(/(?:^|\s)\*([^\s*]+|[^\s*][^*]*[^\s])\*$/); if (matches) { _addMarkdownMarkup(this, editor, matches, 'em'); } } function _matchEmUnderscore(editor, text) { let matches = text.match(/(?:^|\s)_([^\s_]+|[^\s_][^_]*[^\s])_$/); if (matches) { _addMarkdownMarkup(this, editor, matches, 'em'); } } function _matchSub(editor, text) { let matches = text.match(/(^|[^~])~([^\s~]+|[^\s~][^~]*[^\s~])~$/); if (matches) { // re-adjust the matches to remove the first matched char if it // exists, otherwise our length calculations are off. This is // different to other matchers because we match any char at the // beginning rather than a blank space and need to allow ~~ for // the strikethrough expansion let newMatches = [ matches[1] ? matches[0].replace(matches[1], '').trim() : matches[0], matches[2] ]; _addMarkdownMarkup(this, editor, newMatches, 'sub'); } } function _matchStrikethrough(editor, text) { let matches = text.match(/(?:^|\s)~~([^\s~]+|[^\s~][^~]*[^\s])~~$/); if (matches) { _addMarkdownMarkup(this, editor, matches, 's'); } } function _matchCode(editor, text) { let matches = text.match(/(?:^|\s)`([^\s`]+|[^\s`][^`]*[^\s`])`$/); if (matches) { _addMarkdownMarkup(this, editor, matches, 'code'); } } function _matchSup(editor, text) { let matches = text.match(/\^([^\s^]+|[^\s^][^^]*[^\s^])\^$/); if (matches) { _addMarkdownMarkup(this, editor, matches, 'sup'); } } function _matchLink(editor, text) { let {range} = editor; let matches = text.match(/(?:^|\s)\[([^\s\]]*|[^\s\]][^\]]*[^\s\]])\]\(([^\s)]+|[^\s)][^)]*[^\s)])\)/); if (matches) { let url = matches[2]; let linkText = matches[1] || url; let hasLinkText = !!matches[1]; let match = matches[0].trim(); range = range.extend(-match.length); => { let startPos = postEditor.deleteRange(range.head.toRange().extend(hasLinkText ? 1 : 3)); let textRange = startPos.toRange().extend(linkText.length); let a = postEditor.builder.createMarkup('a', {href: url}); postEditor.addMarkupToRange(textRange, a); let remainingRange = textRange.tail.toRange().extend(hasLinkText ? (matches[2] || url).length + 3 : 1); let endPos = postEditor.deleteRange(remainingRange); postEditor.setRange(endPos.toRange()); }); // must be scheduled so that the toggle isn't reset automatically run.schedule('actions', this, function () { editor.toggleMarkup('a'); }); } } function _matchImage(editor, text) { let matches = text.match(/^!\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)$/); if (matches) { let {range: {head, head: {section}}} = editor; let src = matches[2].trim(); let alt = matches[1].trim(); // skip if cursor is not at end of section if (!head.isTail()) { return; } // mobiledoc lists don't support cards if (section.isListItem) { return; } => { let card = postEditor.builder.createCardSection('image', {src, alt}); // need to check the section before replacing else it will always // add a trailing paragraph let needsTrailingParagraph = !; editor.range.extend(-(matches[0].length)); postEditor.replaceSection(editor.range.headSection, card); if (needsTrailingParagraph) { let newSection = editor.builder.createMarkupSection('p'); postEditor.insertSectionAtEnd(newSection); postEditor.setRange(newSection.tailPosition()); } }); } } function registerDashTextExpansions(mobiledocEditor) { // --\s = en dash – // ---. = em dash — // separate to the grouped replacement functions because we're matching on // the trailing character which can be anything mobiledocEditor.onTextInput({ name: 'hyphens', match: /---?.$/, run(editor) { let {range} = editor; let text = editor.range.head.section.textUntil(editor.range.head); // do not match if we're in code formatting if (editor.hasActiveMarkup('code') || text.match(/[^\s]?`[^\s]/)) { return; } let ndashMatch = text.match(/[^-]--(\s)$/); if (ndashMatch) { let match = ndashMatch[0]; range = range.extend(-(match.length - 1)); if (editor.detectMarkupInRange(range, 'code')) { return; } return => { let position = postEditor.deleteRange(range); postEditor.insertText(position, `–${ndashMatch[1]}`); }); } let mdashMatch = text.match(/---([^-])$/); if (mdashMatch) { let match = mdashMatch[0]; range = range.extend(-(match.length)); if (editor.detectMarkupInRange(range, 'code')) { return; } return => { let position = postEditor.deleteRange(range); postEditor.insertText(position, `—${mdashMatch[1]}`); }); } } }); } function registerInlineMarkdownTextExpansions(mobiledocEditor) { // We don't want to run all our content rules on every text entry event, // instead we check to see if this text entry event could match a content // rule, and only then run the rules. Right now we only want to match // content ending with *, _, ), ~, and `. This could increase as we support // more markdown. mobiledocEditor.onTextInput({ name: 'inline_markdown', match: /[*_)~`^]$/, run(editor, matches) { let text = editor.range.head.section.textUntil(editor.range.head); switch (matches[0]) { case '*': _matchStrongStar(editor, text); _matchEmStar(editor, text); break; case '_': _matchStrongUnderscore(editor, text); _matchEmUnderscore(editor, text); break; case ')': _matchLink(editor, text); _matchImage(editor, text); break; case '~': _matchSub(editor, text); _matchStrikethrough(editor, text); break; case '`': _matchCode(editor, text); break; case '^': _matchSup(editor, text); break; } } }); } export default function (mobiledocEditor, koenig) { /* block level markdown ------------------------------------------------- */ mobiledocEditor.unregisterTextInputHandler('heading'); mobiledocEditor.onTextInput({ name: 'md_heading', match: /^(#{1,6}) /, run(editor, matches) { let hashes = matches[1]; let headingTag = `h${hashes.length}`; let {range} = editor; let text = range.head.section.textUntil(range.head); // we don't want to convert to a heading if the user has not just // finished typing the markdown (eg, they've made a previous // heading expansion then Cmd-Z'ed it to get the text back then // starts typing at the end of the heading) if (text !== matches[0]) { return; } => { range = range.extend(-(matches[0].length)); let position = postEditor.deleteRange(range); postEditor.setRange(position); // toggleHeaderSection will remove all formatting except links koenig.send('toggleHeaderSection', headingTag, postEditor); }); } }); mobiledocEditor.unregisterTextInputHandler('ul'); mobiledocEditor.onTextInput({ name: 'md_ul', match: /^\* |^- /, run(editor, matches) { replaceWithListSection(editor, matches, 'ul'); } }); mobiledocEditor.unregisterTextInputHandler('ol'); mobiledocEditor.onTextInput({ name: 'md_ol', match: /^1\.? /, run(editor, matches) { replaceWithListSection(editor, matches, 'ol'); } }); mobiledocEditor.onTextInput({ name: 'md_blockquote', match: /^> /, run(editor, matches) { let {range} = editor; let {head, head: {section}} = range; let text = section.textUntil(head); // ensure cursor is at the end of the matched text so we don't // convert text the users wants to start with `> ` and that we're // not already on a blockquote section if (text === matches[0] && section.tagName !== 'blockquote') { => { range = range.extend(-(matches[0].length)); let position = postEditor.deleteRange(range); postEditor.setRange(position); koenig.send('toggleSection', 'blockquote', postEditor); }); } } }); mobiledocEditor.onTextInput({ name: 'md_hr', match: /^---$/, run(editor) { let {range: {head, head: {section}}} = editor; // Skip if cursor is not at end of section if (!head.isTail()) { return; } // Skip if section is a list item if (section.isListItem) { return; } koenig.send('replaceWithCardSection', 'hr', section.toRange()); } }); mobiledocEditor.onTextInput({ name: 'md_code', match: /^```([a-zA-Z0-9]*)(\s)$/, run(editor, matches) { let {range: {head, head: {section}}} = editor; let payload = {}; // Skip if cursor is not at end of section if (!head.isTail()) { return; } // Skip if section is a list item if (section.isListItem) { return; } if (matches[1]) { payload.language = matches[1]; } if (matches[2] === '\n') { koenig.skipNewline(); } koenig.send('replaceWithCardSection', 'code', section.toRange(), payload); } }); /* non-markdown expansions -----------------------------------------------*/ mobiledocEditor.onTextInput({ name: 'paywall', match: /^===$/, run(editor) { let {range: {head, head: {section}}} = editor; // Skip if cursor is not at end of section if (!head.isTail()) { return; } // Skip if section is a list item if (section.isListItem) { return; } koenig.send('replaceWithCardSection', 'paywall', section.toRange()); } }); /* inline markdown -------------------------------------------------------*/ // must come after block expansions so that the smart hyphens expansion // doesn't break the divider card expansion registerDashTextExpansions(mobiledocEditor); registerInlineMarkdownTextExpansions(mobiledocEditor); } // TODO: reduce duplication export function registerBasicInputTextExpansions(mobiledocEditor) { // unregister mobiledoc-kit's block-level text handlers mobiledocEditor.unregisterTextInputHandler('heading'); mobiledocEditor.unregisterTextInputHandler('ul'); mobiledocEditor.unregisterTextInputHandler('ol'); registerDashTextExpansions(mobiledocEditor); registerInlineMarkdownTextExpansions(mobiledocEditor); } // TODO: reduce duplication export function registerBasicTextareaTextExpansions(mobiledocEditor, koenig) { // unregister mobiledoc-kit's block-level text handlers mobiledocEditor.unregisterTextInputHandler('heading'); mobiledocEditor.unregisterTextInputHandler('ul'); mobiledocEditor.onTextInput({ name: 'md_ul', match: /^\* |^- /, run(editor, matches) { replaceWithListSection(editor, matches, 'ul'); } }); mobiledocEditor.unregisterTextInputHandler('ol'); mobiledocEditor.onTextInput({ name: 'md_ol', match: /^1\.? /, run(editor, matches) { replaceWithListSection(editor, matches, 'ol'); } }); // must come after block expansions so that the smart hyphens expansion // doesn't break the divider card expansion registerDashTextExpansions(mobiledocEditor); registerInlineMarkdownTextExpansions(mobiledocEditor); } // TODO: reduce duplication export function registerTextReplacementTextExpansions(mobiledocEditor, koenig) { // unregister mobiledoc-kit's block-level text handlers mobiledocEditor.unregisterTextInputHandler('heading'); mobiledocEditor.unregisterTextInputHandler('ul'); mobiledocEditor.onTextInput({ name: 'md_ul', match: /^\* |^- /, run(editor, matches) { replaceWithListSection(editor, matches, 'ul'); } }); mobiledocEditor.unregisterTextInputHandler('ol'); mobiledocEditor.onTextInput({ name: 'md_ol', match: /^1\.? /, run(editor, matches) { replaceWithListSection(editor, matches, 'ol'); } }); mobiledocEditor.onTextInput({ name: 'md_blockquote', match: /^> /, run(editor, matches) { let {range} = editor; let {head, head: {section}} = range; let text = section.textUntil(head); // ensure cursor is at the end of the matched text so we don't // convert text the users wants to start with `> ` and that we're // not already on a blockquote section if (text === matches[0] && section.tagName !== 'blockquote') { => { range = range.extend(-(matches[0].length)); let position = postEditor.deleteRange(range); postEditor.setRange(position); koenig.send('toggleSection', 'blockquote', postEditor); }); } } }); // as per registerInlineMarkdownTextExpansions but without ` for code and image matches mobiledocEditor.onTextInput({ name: 'inline_markdown', match: /[*_)~^]$/, run(editor, matches) { let text = editor.range.head.section.textUntil(editor.range.head); switch (matches[0]) { case '*': _matchStrongStar(editor, text); _matchEmStar(editor, text); break; case '_': _matchStrongUnderscore(editor, text); _matchEmUnderscore(editor, text); break; case ')': _matchLink(editor, text); break; case '~': _matchSub(editor, text); _matchStrikethrough(editor, text); break; case '^': _matchSup(editor, text); break; } } }); mobiledocEditor.onTextInput({ name: 'text_replacement', match: /\}$/, run(editor) { let text = editor.range.head.section.textUntil(editor.range.head); let match = text.match(/(?:^|\s)\{([^\s{}]+|[^\s{}][^{}]*[^\s{}])\}$/); if (match) { _addNonReplacedMarkdownMarkup(this, editor, match, 'code'); } } }); }