import loginAsRole from '../../helpers/login-as-role'; import {currentURL} from '@ember/test-helpers'; import {expect} from 'chai'; import {setupApplicationTest} from 'ember-mocha'; import {setupMirage} from 'ember-cli-mirage/test-support'; import {visit} from '../../helpers/visit'; describe('Acceptance: Lexical editor', function () { let hooks = setupApplicationTest(); setupMirage(hooks); beforeEach(async function () { this.server.loadFixtures(); }); it('redirects to signin when not authenticated', async function () { await visit('/lexical-editor/post/'); expect(currentURL(), 'currentURL').to.equal('/signin'); }); it('redirects to posts screen if editor.lexicalUrl config is missing', async function () { await loginAsRole('Administrator', this.server); await visit('/lexical-editor/post/'); expect(currentURL(), 'currentURL').to.equal('/posts'); }); it('loads when editor.lexicalUrl is present', async function () { const config = this.server.schema.configs.find(1); config.attrs.editor = {lexicalUrl: 'https://cdn.pkg/editor.js'};; // stub loaded external module window.KoenigLexical = { KoenigComposer: () => null, KoenigEditor: () => null }; await loginAsRole('Administrator', this.server); await visit('/lexical-editor/post/'); expect(currentURL(), 'currentURL').to.equal('/lexical-editor/post/'); }); });