import Mirage from 'ember-cli-mirage'; import ctrlOrCmd from 'ghost-admin/utils/ctrl-or-cmd'; import mockThemes from 'ghost-admin/mirage/config/themes'; import setupMirage from 'ember-cli-mirage/test-support/setup-mirage'; import {authenticateSession, invalidateSession} from 'ember-simple-auth/test-support'; import {beforeEach, describe, it} from 'mocha'; import {blur, click, currentRouteName, currentURL, fillIn, find, findAll, triggerEvent, typeIn} from '@ember/test-helpers'; import {expect} from 'chai'; import {fileUpload} from '../../helpers/file-upload'; import {setupApplicationTest} from 'ember-mocha'; import {visit} from '../../helpers/visit'; // simulate jQuery's `:visible` pseudo-selector function withText(elements) { return Array.from(elements).filter(elem => elem.textContent.trim() !== ''); } describe('Acceptance: Settings - Design', function () { let hooks = setupApplicationTest(); setupMirage(hooks); it('redirects to signin when not authenticated', async function () { await invalidateSession(); await visit('/settings/design'); expect(currentURL(), 'currentURL').to.equal('/signin'); }); it('redirects to staff page when authenticated as contributor', async function () { let role = this.server.create('role', {name: 'Contributor'}); this.server.create('user', {roles: [role], slug: 'test-user'}); await authenticateSession(); await visit('/settings/design'); expect(currentURL(), 'currentURL').to.equal('/staff/test-user'); }); it('redirects to staff page when authenticated as author', async function () { let role = this.server.create('role', {name: 'Author'}); this.server.create('user', {roles: [role], slug: 'test-user'}); await authenticateSession(); await visit('/settings/design'); expect(currentURL(), 'currentURL').to.equal('/staff/test-user'); }); describe('when logged in', function () { beforeEach(async function () { let role = this.server.create('role', {name: 'Administrator'}); this.server.create('user', {roles: [role]}); await authenticateSession(); }); it('can visit /settings/design', async function () { await visit('/settings/design'); expect(currentRouteName()).to.equal(''); expect(find('[data-test-save-button]').textContent.trim(), 'save button text').to.equal('Save'); // fixtures contain two nav items, check for three rows as we // should have one extra that's blank expect( findAll('[data-test-navitem]').length, 'navigation items count' ).to.equal(3); }); it('saves navigation settings', async function () { await visit('/settings/design'); await fillIn('[data-test-navitem="0"] [data-test-input="label"]', 'Test'); await typeIn('[data-test-navitem="0"] [data-test-input="url"]', '/test'); await click('[data-test-save-button]'); let [navSetting] = this.server.db.settings.where({key: 'navigation'}); expect(navSetting.value).to.equal('[{"label":"Test","url":"/test/"},{"label":"About","url":"/about"}]'); // don't test against .error directly as it will pick up failed // tests "pre.error" elements expect(findAll('span.error').length, 'error messages count').to.equal(0); expect(findAll('.gh-alert').length, 'alerts count').to.equal(0); expect(withText(findAll('[data-test-error]')).length, 'validation errors count') .to.equal(0); }); it('validates new item correctly on save', async function () { await visit('/settings/design'); await click('[data-test-save-button]'); expect( findAll('[data-test-navitem]').length, 'number of nav items after saving with blank new item' ).to.equal(3); await fillIn('[data-test-navitem="new"] [data-test-input="label"]', 'Test'); await fillIn('[data-test-navitem="new"] [data-test-input="url"]', ''); await typeIn('[data-test-navitem="new"] [data-test-input="url"]', 'http://invalid domain/'); await click('[data-test-save-button]'); expect( findAll('[data-test-navitem]').length, 'number of nav items after saving with invalid new item' ).to.equal(3); expect( withText(findAll('[data-test-navitem="new"] [data-test-error]')).length, 'number of invalid fields in new item' ).to.equal(1); }); it('clears unsaved settings when navigating away but warns with a confirmation dialog', async function () { await visit('/settings/design'); await fillIn('[data-test-navitem="0"] [data-test-input="label"]', 'Test'); await blur('[data-test-navitem="0"] [data-test-input="label"]'); expect(find('[data-test-navitem="0"] [data-test-input="label"]').value).to.equal('Test'); await visit('/settings/code-injection'); expect(findAll('.fullscreen-modal').length, 'modal exists').to.equal(1); // Leave without saving await click('.fullscreen-modal [data-test-leave-button]'), 'leave without saving'; expect(currentURL(), 'currentURL').to.equal('/settings/code-injection'); await visit('/settings/design'); expect(find('[data-test-navitem="0"] [data-test-input="label"]').value).to.equal('Home'); }); it('can add and remove items', async function () { await visit('/settings/design'); await click('.gh-blognav-add'); expect( find('[data-test-navitem="new"] [data-test-error="label"]').textContent.trim(), 'blank label has validation error' ); await fillIn('[data-test-navitem="new"] [data-test-input="label"]', ''); await typeIn('[data-test-navitem="new"] [data-test-input="label"]', 'New'); expect( find('[data-test-navitem="new"] [data-test-error="label"]').textContent.trim(), 'label validation is visible after typing' ); await fillIn('[data-test-navitem="new"] [data-test-input="url"]', ''); await typeIn('[data-test-navitem="new"] [data-test-input="url"]', '/new'); await blur('[data-test-navitem="new"] [data-test-input="url"]'); expect( find('[data-test-navitem="new"] [data-test-error="url"]').textContent.trim(), 'url validation is visible after typing' ); expect( find('[data-test-navitem="new"] [data-test-input="url"]').value ).to.equal(`${window.location.origin}/new/`); await click('.gh-blognav-add'); expect( findAll('[data-test-navitem]').length, 'number of nav items after successful add' ).to.equal(4); expect( find('[data-test-navitem="new"] [data-test-input="label"]').value, 'new item label value after successful add' ); expect( find('[data-test-navitem="new"] [data-test-input="url"]').value, 'new item url value after successful add' ).to.equal(`${window.location.origin}/`); expect( withText(findAll('[data-test-navitem] [data-test-error]')).length, 'number or validation errors shown after successful add' ).to.equal(0); await click('[data-test-navitem="0"] .gh-blognav-delete'); expect( findAll('[data-test-navitem]').length, 'number of nav items after successful remove' ).to.equal(3); // CMD-S shortcut works await triggerEvent('.gh-app', 'keydown', { keyCode: 83, // s metaKey: ctrlOrCmd === 'command', ctrlKey: ctrlOrCmd === 'ctrl' }); let [navSetting] = this.server.db.settings.where({key: 'navigation'}); expect(navSetting.value).to.equal('[{"label":"About","url":"/about"},{"label":"New","url":"/new/"}]'); }); it('allows management of themes', async function () { // lists available themes + active theme is highlighted // theme upload // - displays modal // - validates mime type // - validates // - handles validation errors // - handles upload and close // - handles upload and activate // - displays overwrite warning if theme already exists // theme activation // - switches theme // theme deletion // - displays modal // - deletes theme and refreshes list this.server.loadFixtures('themes'); await visit('/settings/design'); // lists available themes (themes are specified in mirage/fixtures/settings) expect( findAll('[data-test-theme-id]').length, 'shows correct number of themes' ).to.equal(3); expect( find('[data-test-theme-active="true"] [data-test-theme-title]').textContent.trim(), 'Blog theme marked as active' ).to.equal('Blog (default)'); // theme upload displays modal await click('[data-test-upload-theme-button]'); expect( findAll('[data-test-modal="upload-theme"]').length, 'theme upload modal displayed after button click' ).to.equal(1); // cancelling theme upload closes modal await click('.fullscreen-modal [data-test-close-button]'); expect( findAll('.fullscreen-modal').length === 0, 'upload theme modal is closed when cancelling' ); // theme upload validates mime type await click('[data-test-upload-theme-button]'); await fileUpload('.fullscreen-modal input[type="file"]', ['test'], {type: 'text/csv'}); expect( find('.fullscreen-modal .failed').textContent, 'validation error is shown for invalid mime type' ).to.match(/is not supported/); // theme upload validates await click('[data-test-upload-try-again-button]'); await fileUpload('.fullscreen-modal input[type="file"]', ['test'], {name: '', type: 'application/zip'}); expect( find('.fullscreen-modal .failed').textContent, 'validation error is shown when uploading' ).to.match(/default Casper theme cannot be overwritten/); // theme upload handles upload errors'/themes/upload/', function () { return new Mirage.Response(422, {}, { errors: [{ message: 'Invalid theme' }] }); }); await click('[data-test-upload-try-again-button]'); await fileUpload('.fullscreen-modal input[type="file"]', ['test'], {name: '', type: 'application/zip'}); expect( find('.fullscreen-modal .failed').textContent.trim(), 'validation error is passed through from server' ).to.equal('Invalid theme'); // reset to default mirage handlers mockThemes(this.server); // theme upload handles validation errors'/themes/upload/', function () { return new Mirage.Response(422, {}, { errors: [ { message: 'Theme is not compatible or contains errors.', errorType: 'ThemeValidationError', errorDetails: [ { level: 'error', rule: 'Assets such as CSS & JS must use the {{asset}} helper', details: '

The listed files should be included using the {{asset}} helper.

', failures: [ { ref: '/assets/javascripts/ui.js' } ] }, { level: 'error', rule: 'Templates must contain valid Handlebars.', failures: [ { ref: 'index.hbs', message: 'The partial index_meta could not be found' }, { ref: 'tag.hbs', message: 'The partial index_meta could not be found' } ] } ] } ] }); }); await click('[data-test-upload-try-again-button]'); await fileUpload('.fullscreen-modal input[type="file"]', ['test'], {name: '', type: 'application/zip'}); expect( find('.fullscreen-modal h1').textContent.trim(), 'modal title after uploading invalid theme' ).to.equal('Invalid theme'); expect( findAll('.theme-validation-rule-text')[1].textContent, 'top-level errors are displayed' ).to.match(/Templates must contain valid Handlebars/); await click('[data-test-toggle-details]'); expect( find('.theme-validation-details').textContent, 'top-level errors do not escape HTML' ).to.match(/The listed files should be included using the {{asset}} helper/); expect( find('.theme-validation-list ul li').textContent, 'individual failures are displayed' ).to.match(/\/assets\/javascripts\/ui\.js/); // reset to default mirage handlers mockThemes(this.server); await click('.fullscreen-modal [data-test-try-again-button]'); expect( findAll('.theme-validation-errors').length, '"Try Again" resets form after theme validation error' ).to.equal(0); expect( findAll('.gh-image-uploader').length, '"Try Again" resets form after theme validation error' ).to.equal(1); expect( find('.fullscreen-modal h1').textContent.trim(), '"Try Again" resets form after theme validation error' ).to.equal('Upload a theme'); // theme upload handles validation warnings'/themes/upload/', function ({themes}) { let theme = { name: 'blackpalm', package: { name: 'BlackPalm', version: '1.0.0' } }; themes.create(theme); theme.warnings = [{ level: 'warning', rule: 'Assets such as CSS & JS must use the {{asset}} helper', details: '

The listed files should be included using the {{asset}} helper. For more information, please see the asset helper documentation.

', failures: [ { ref: '/assets/dist/img/apple-touch-icon.png' }, { ref: '/assets/dist/img/favicon.ico' }, { ref: '/assets/dist/css/blackpalm.min.css' }, { ref: '/assets/dist/js/blackpalm.min.js' } ], code: 'GS030-ASSET-REQ' }]; return new Mirage.Response(200, {}, { themes: [theme] }); }); await fileUpload('.fullscreen-modal input[type="file"]', ['test'], {name: '', type: 'application/zip'}); expect( find('.fullscreen-modal h1').textContent.trim(), 'modal title after uploading theme with warnings' ).to.equal('Upload successful with warnings'); await click('[data-test-toggle-details]'); expect( find('.theme-validation-details').textContent, 'top-level warnings are displayed' ).to.match(/The listed files should be included using the {{asset}} helper/); expect( find('.theme-validation-list ul li').textContent, 'individual warning failures are displayed' ).to.match(/\/assets\/dist\/img\/apple-touch-icon\.png/); // reset to default mirage handlers mockThemes(this.server); await click('.fullscreen-modal [data-test-close-button]'); // theme upload handles success then close await click('[data-test-upload-theme-button]'); await fileUpload('.fullscreen-modal input[type="file"]', ['test'], {name: '', type: 'application/zip'}); expect( find('.fullscreen-modal h1').textContent.trim(), 'modal header after successful upload' ).to.equal('Upload successful!'); expect( find('.modal-body').textContent, 'modal displays theme name after successful upload' ).to.match(/"Test 1 - 0\.1" uploaded successfully/); expect( findAll('[data-test-theme-id]').length, 'number of themes in list grows after upload' ).to.equal(5); expect( find('[data-test-theme-active="true"] [data-test-theme-title]').textContent.trim(), 'newly uploaded theme is not active' ).to.equal('Blog (default)'); await click('.fullscreen-modal [data-test-close-button]'); // theme upload handles success then activate await click('[data-test-upload-theme-button]'); await fileUpload('.fullscreen-modal input[type="file"]', ['test'], {name: '', type: 'application/zip'}); await click('.fullscreen-modal [data-test-activate-now-button]'); expect( findAll('[data-test-theme-id]').length, 'number of themes in list grows after upload and activate' ).to.equal(6); expect( find('[data-test-theme-active="true"] [data-test-theme-title]').textContent.trim(), 'newly uploaded+activated theme is active' ).to.equal('Test 2'); // theme activation switches active theme await click('[data-test-theme-id="casper"] [data-test-theme-activate-button]'); expect( find('[data-test-theme-id="test-2"] .apps-card-app').classList.contains('theme-list-item--active'), 'previously active theme is not active' ); expect( find('[data-test-theme-id="casper"] .apps-card-app').classList.contains('theme-list-item--active'), 'activated theme is active' ); // theme activation shows errors this.server.put('themes/:theme/activate', function () { return new Mirage.Response(422, {}, { errors: [ { message: 'Theme is not compatible or contains errors.', errorType: 'ThemeValidationError', errorDetails: [ { level: 'error', rule: 'Assets such as CSS & JS must use the {{asset}} helper', details: '

The listed files should be included using the {{asset}} helper.

', failures: [ { ref: '/assets/javascripts/ui.js' } ] }, { level: 'error', rule: 'Templates must contain valid Handlebars.', failures: [ { ref: 'index.hbs', message: 'The partial index_meta could not be found' }, { ref: 'tag.hbs', message: 'The partial index_meta could not be found' } ] } ] } ] }); }); await click('[data-test-theme-id="test-2"] [data-test-theme-activate-button]'); expect(find('[data-test-theme-warnings-modal]')).to.exist; expect( find('[data-test-theme-warnings-title]').textContent.trim(), 'modal title after activating invalid theme' ).to.equal('Activation failed'); expect( find('[data-test-theme-warnings]').textContent, 'top-level errors are displayed in activation errors' ).to.match(/Templates must contain valid Handlebars/); await click('[data-test-toggle-details]'); expect( find('.theme-validation-details').textContent, 'top-level errors do not escape HTML in activation errors' ).to.match(/The listed files should be included using the {{asset}} helper/); expect( find('.theme-validation-list ul li').textContent, 'individual failures are displayed in activation errors' ).to.match(/\/assets\/javascripts\/ui\.js/); // restore default mirage handlers mockThemes(this.server); await click('[data-test-modal-close-button]'); expect(find('[data-test-theme-warnings-modal]')).to.not.exist; // theme activation shows warnings this.server.put('themes/:theme/activate', function ({themes}, {params}) { themes.all().update('active', false); let theme = themes.findBy({name: params.theme}).update({active: true}); theme.update({warnings: [{ level: 'warning', rule: 'Assets such as CSS & JS must use the {{asset}} helper', details: '

The listed files should be included using the {{asset}} helper. For more information, please see the asset helper documentation.

', failures: [ { ref: '/assets/dist/img/apple-touch-icon.png' }, { ref: '/assets/dist/img/favicon.ico' }, { ref: '/assets/dist/css/blackpalm.min.css' }, { ref: '/assets/dist/js/blackpalm.min.js' } ], code: 'GS030-ASSET-REQ' }]}); return {themes: [theme]}; }); await click('[data-test-theme-id="test-2"] [data-test-theme-activate-button]'); expect(find('[data-test-theme-warnings-modal]')).to.exist; expect( find('[data-test-theme-warnings-title]').textContent.trim(), 'modal title after activating theme with warnings' ).to.equal('Activation successful with warnings'); await click('[data-test-toggle-details]'); expect( find('.theme-validation-details').textContent, 'top-level warnings are displayed in activation warnings' ).to.match(/The listed files should be included using the {{asset}} helper/); expect( find('.theme-validation-list ul li').textContent, 'individual warning failures are displayed in activation warnings' ).to.match(/\/assets\/dist\/img\/apple-touch-icon\.png/); // restore default mirage handlers mockThemes(this.server); await click('[data-test-modal-close-button]'); // reactivate casper to continue tests await click('[data-test-theme-id="casper"] [data-test-theme-activate-button]'); // theme deletion displays modal await click('[data-test-theme-id="test-1"] [data-test-theme-delete-button]'); expect( findAll('[data-test-delete-theme-modal]').length, 'theme deletion modal displayed after button click' ).to.equal(1); // cancelling theme deletion closes modal await click('.fullscreen-modal [data-test-cancel-button]'); expect( findAll('.fullscreen-modal').length === 0, 'delete theme modal is closed when cancelling' ); // confirming theme deletion closes modal and refreshes list await click('[data-test-theme-id="test-1"] [data-test-theme-delete-button]'); await click('.fullscreen-modal [data-test-delete-button]'); expect( findAll('.fullscreen-modal').length === 0, 'delete theme modal closes after deletion' ); expect( findAll('[data-test-theme-id]').length, 'number of themes in list shrinks after delete' ).to.equal(5); expect( find('[data-test-theme-title]').textContent, 'correct theme is removed from theme list after deletion' ).to.not.match(/Test 1/); // validation errors are handled when deleting a theme this.server.del('/themes/:theme/', function () { return new Mirage.Response(422, {}, { errors: [{ message: 'Can\'t delete theme' }] }); }); await click('[data-test-theme-id="test-2"] [data-test-theme-delete-button]'); await click('.fullscreen-modal [data-test-delete-button]'); expect( findAll('.fullscreen-modal').length === 0, 'delete theme modal closes after failed deletion' ); expect( findAll('.gh-alert').length, 'alert is shown when deletion fails' ).to.equal(1); expect( find('.gh-alert').textContent, 'failed deletion alert has correct text' ).to.match(/Can't delete theme/); // restore default mirage handlers mockThemes(this.server); }); it('can delete then re-upload the same theme', async function () { this.server.loadFixtures('themes'); // mock theme upload to emulate uploading theme with same id'/themes/upload/', function ({themes}) { let theme = themes.create({ name: 'foo', package: { name: 'Foo', version: '0.1' } }); return {themes: [theme]}; }); await visit('/settings/design'); await click('[data-test-theme-id="foo"] [data-test-theme-delete-button]'); await click('.fullscreen-modal [data-test-delete-button]'); await click('[data-test-upload-theme-button]'); await fileUpload('.fullscreen-modal input[type="file"]', ['test'], {name: '', type: 'application/zip'}); // this will fail if upload failed because there won't be an activate now button await click('.fullscreen-modal [data-test-activate-now-button]'); }); }); });