import Controller, {inject as controller} from '@ember/controller'; import config from 'ghost-admin/config/environment'; import copyTextToClipboard from 'ghost-admin/utils/copy-text-to-clipboard'; import {action} from '@ember/object'; import {getSymbol} from 'ghost-admin/utils/currency'; import {ghPriceAmount} from '../helpers/gh-price-amount'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; import {slugify} from '@tryghost/string'; import {task} from 'ember-concurrency-decorators'; import {timeout} from 'ember-concurrency'; import {tracked} from '@glimmer/tracking'; export default class OffersController extends Controller { @controller offers; @service config; @service settings; @service store; @service modals; @service feature; @service membersUtils; @service notifications; @tracked cadences = []; @tracked products = []; @tracked portalPreviewUrl = ''; @tracked showUnsavedChangesModal = false; @tracked defaultSiteUrl = this.config.get('blogUrl'); @tracked durations = [ { label: 'Forever', duration: 'forever' }, { label: 'First-payment', duration: 'once' }, { label: 'Multiple-months', duration: 'repeating' } ]; @tracked offertypes = [ { label: '%', offertype: 'percent' }, { label: 'USD', offertype: 'fixed' } ]; @tracked defaultProps = null; leaveScreenTransition = null; portalPreviewGuid =; constructor() { super(...arguments); if (this.isTesting === undefined) { this.isTesting = config.environment === 'test'; } } get offer() { return this.model; } set offer(offer) { this.model = offer; } get scratchOffer() { return { ...this.offer }; } get cadence() { if (this.offer.tier && this.offer.cadence) { const product = this.products.findBy('id',; return `${}-${this.offer.cadence}-${product?.monthlyPrice?.currency}`; } else if (this.defaultProps) { const product = this.products.findBy('id',; return `${}-${this.defaultProps.cadence}-${product?.monthlyPrice?.currency}`; } return ''; } get isDiscountSectionDisabled() { return !this.offer.isNew; } // Tasks ------------------------------------------------------------------- @task({drop: true}) *fetchProducts() { this.products = yield'product', {include: 'monthly_price,yearly_price'}); const cadences = []; this.products.forEach((product) => { let monthlyLabel; let yearlyLabel; const productCurrency = product.monthlyPrice.currency; const productCurrencySymbol = productCurrency.toUpperCase(); if (this.feature.get('multipleProducts')) { monthlyLabel = `${} - Monthly (${ghPriceAmount(product.monthlyPrice.amount)} ${productCurrencySymbol})`; yearlyLabel = `${} - Yearly (${ghPriceAmount(product.yearlyPrice.amount)} ${productCurrencySymbol})`; } else { monthlyLabel = `Monthly (${ghPriceAmount(product.monthlyPrice.amount)} ${productCurrencySymbol})`; yearlyLabel = `Yearly (${ghPriceAmount(product.yearlyPrice.amount)} ${productCurrencySymbol})`; } cadences.push({ label: monthlyLabel, name: `${}-month-${productCurrency}` }); cadences.push({ label: yearlyLabel, name: `${}-year-${productCurrency}` }); }); this.cadences = cadences; const defaultCadence = this.cadences[0]?.name; const [,interval, defaultCurrency] = (defaultCadence || '').split('-'); this.updateDurations(interval); if (this.offer && !this.offer.tier) { this.defaultProps = {}; this.updateCadence(defaultCadence, this.defaultProps); this.updatePortalPreview({forceRefresh: false}); } else if (defaultCadence) { this.offertypes = [ { label: '%', offertype: 'percent' }, { label: defaultCurrency.toUpperCase(), offertype: 'fixed' } ]; this.updatePortalPreview({forceRefresh: false}); } } @task({drop: true}) *copyOfferUrl() { copyTextToClipboard(this.offerUrl); yield timeout(this.isTesting ? 50 : 500); return true; } @task({drop: true}) *saveTask() { let {offer} = this; if (!offer.tier && this.defaultProps) { this.offer.tier = { id: this.defaultProps? }; this.offer.cadence = this.defaultProps.cadence; this.offer.currency = this.defaultProps.currency; } try { yield this.offer.validate(); yield; // replace '' route with 'offer' route this.replaceRoute('offer', offer); return offer; } catch (error) { if (error) { this.notifications.showAPIError(error, {key: ''}); } } } @task *fetchOfferTask(offerId) { this.isLoading = true; this.offer = yield'offer', { id: offerId }); this.isLoading = false; } @action portalPreviewInserted(iframe) { this.portalPreviewIframe = iframe; if (!this.portalMessageListener) { this.portalMessageListener = (event) => { const resizeEvents = ['portal-ready', 'portal-preview-updated']; if (resizeEvents.includes( && && this.portalPreviewIframe.parentNode) { = `${}px`; } }; window.addEventListener('message', this.portalMessageListener, true); } } @action portalPreviewDestroyed() { this.portalPreviewIframe = null; if (this.portalMessageListener) { window.removeEventListener('message', this.portalMessageListener); } } @action updatePortalPreview({forceRefresh} = {forceRefresh: false}) { const newUrl = new URL(this.membersUtils.getOfferPortalPreviewUrl({ name: || 'No Name', code: this.offer.code || 'no-code', displayTitle: this.offer.displayTitle, displayDescription: this.offer.displayDescription, type: this.offer.type, cadence: this.offer.cadence || this.defaultProps?.cadence, amount: this.offer.amount, duration: this.offer.duration, durationInMonths: this.offer.durationInMonths, currency: this.offer.currency || this.defaultProps?.currency, status: this.offer.currency, tierId: this.offer?.tier?.id || this.defaultProps?.tier?.id })); if (forceRefresh) { this.portalPreviewGuid =; } newUrl.searchParams.set('v', `${this.portalPreviewGuid}`); this.portalPreviewUrl = newUrl; } @action save() { return this.saveTask.perform(); } @action leaveScreen() { this.offer.rollbackAttributes(); return this.leaveScreenTransition.retry(); } @action toggleUnsavedChangesModal(transition) { let leaveTransition = this.leaveScreenTransition; if (!transition && this.showUnsavedChangesModal) { this.leaveScreenTransition = null; this.showUnsavedChangesModal = false; return; } if (!leaveTransition || transition.targetName === leaveTransition.targetName) { this.leaveScreenTransition = transition; // if a save is running, wait for it to finish then transition if ( { return => { transition.retry(); }); } // we genuinely have unsaved data, show the modal this.showUnsavedChangesModal = true; } } @action setup() { this.fetchProducts.perform(); } @action setProperty(propKey, value) { this._saveOfferProperty(propKey, value); } @action setDiscountType(discountType) { if (!this.isDiscountSectionDisabled) { const amount = this.offer.amount || 0; this._saveOfferProperty('type', discountType); if (this.offer.type === 'fixed' && this.offer.amount !== '') { this.offer.amount = amount * 100; } else if (this.offer.amount !== '') { this.offer.amount = amount / 100; } this.updatePortalPreview({forceRefresh: false}); } } @action setDiscountAmount(e) { let amount =; if (this.offer.type === 'fixed' && amount !== '') { amount = parseFloat(amount) * 100; } this._saveOfferProperty('amount', amount); } @action setOfferName(e) { this._saveOfferProperty('name',; } @action setPortalTitle(e) { this._saveOfferProperty('displayTitle',; } @action setPortalDescription(e) { this._saveOfferProperty('displayDescription',; } @action setOfferCode(e) { this._saveOfferProperty('code',; } @action setDurationInMonths(e) { this._saveOfferProperty('durationInMonths',; } @action openConfirmArchiveModal() { if (!this.offer.isNew) {'modals/archive-offer', { offer: this.offer }, { className: 'fullscreen-modal fullscreen-modal-action fullscreen-modal-wide' }); } } @action openConfirmUnarchiveModal() { if (!this.offer.isNew) {'modals/unarchive-offer', { offer: this.offer }, { className: 'fullscreen-modal fullscreen-modal-action fullscreen-modal-wide' }); } } get offerUrl() { const code = this.offer?.code || ''; if (code) { const siteUrl = this.config.get('blogUrl'); return `${siteUrl}/${slugify(code)}`; } return ''; } get displayCurrency() { const tierId = this.offer?.tier?.id; if (!tierId) { return '$'; } const product = this.products.findBy('id', tierId); const productCurrency = product?.monthlyPrice?.currency || 'usd'; return getSymbol(productCurrency); } get currencyLength() { return this.displayCurrency.length; } @action updateDurations(cadence) { if (cadence) { if (cadence === 'month') { this.durations = [ { label: 'First-payment', duration: 'once' }, { label: 'Multiple-months', duration: 'repeating' }, { label: 'Forever', duration: 'forever' } ]; } else { this.durations = [ { label: 'First-payment', duration: 'once' }, { label: 'Forever', duration: 'forever' } ]; if (this.offer.duration === 'repeating') { this._saveOfferProperty('duration', 'once'); } } } } @action updateCadence(cadence, offerObj) { offerObj = offerObj || this.offer; if (cadence) { const [tierId, tierCadence, currency] = cadence.split('-'); offerObj.tier = { id: tierId }; offerObj.cadence = tierCadence; offerObj.currency = currency; this.offertypes = [ { label: '%', offertype: 'percent' }, { label: currency.toUpperCase(), offertype: 'fixed' } ]; this.updateDurations(tierCadence); this.updatePortalPreview({forceRefresh: false}); } } @action updateDuration(duration) { this._saveOfferProperty('duration', duration); } // Private ----------------------------------------------------------------- _saveOfferProperty(propKey, newValue) { let currentValue = this.offer[propKey]; // avoid modifying empty values and triggering inadvertant unsaved changes modals if (newValue !== false && !newValue && !currentValue) { return; } this.offer[propKey] = newValue; this.updatePortalPreview({forceRefresh: false}); } }