{{!-- template-lint-disable no-invalid-interactive --}}
  • {{!-- Title column --}} {{#if (and this.session.user.isContributor @post.isPublished)}} {{else}}

    {{@post.title}} {{#if @post.lexical}} L {{/if}}

    {{#unless @hideAuthor }}

    {{#if @post.isScheduled}} Scheduled {{#if this.isHovered}} to be published {{if @post.newsletter "and sent "}}{{this.scheduledText}} to {{humanize-recipient-filter @post.emailSegment}} {{/if}} {{/if}} {{#if @post.isDraft}} Draft {{/if}} {{#if @post.isPublished}} Published {{#if @post.didEmailFail}} but failed to send newsletter {{else if @post.hasBeenEmailed}} and sent {{#if this.isHovered}} to {{gh-pluralize @post.email.emailCount "member"}} {{/if}} {{/if}} {{/if}} {{#if @post.isSent}} {{#if @post.didEmailFail}} Failed to send newsletter {{else}} Sent {{#if this.isHovered}} to {{gh-pluralize @post.email.emailCount "member"}} {{/if}} {{/if}} {{/if}}

    {{/if}} {{!-- Opened / Signups column --}} {{#if (and @post.showEmailOpenAnalytics @post.showEmailClickAnalytics) }} {{#if this.isHovered}} {{format-number @post.email.openedCount}} {{else}} {{@post.email.openRate}}% {{/if}} opened {{else if (and @post.isPage @post.showAttributionAnalytics) }} {{@post.count.signups}} signups {{else}} {{!-- Empty on purpose --}} {{/if}} {{!-- Clicked / Conversions column --}} {{#if @post.showEmailClickAnalytics }} {{#if this.isHovered}} {{format-number @post.count.clicks}} {{else}} {{@post.clickRate}}% {{/if}} clicked {{else if (and @post.isPage @post.showPaidAttributionAnalytics) }} {{@post.count.paid_conversions}} conversions {{else}} {{#if @post.showEmailOpenAnalytics }} {{#if this.isHovered}} {{format-number @post.email.openedCount}} {{else}} {{@post.email.openRate}}% {{/if}} opened {{else}} {{!-- Empty on purpose --}} {{/if}} {{/if}} {{!-- Button column --}} {{#if @post.hasAnalyticsPage }} {{svg-jar "stats" title="Go to Analytics"}} {{else}} {{svg-jar "pen" title="Go to Editor"}} {{/if}}