const moment = require('moment'); const errors = require('@tryghost/errors'); const urlUtils = require('../../../../shared/url-utils'); const getSignedAdminToken = require('./scheduling-auth-token'); class PostScheduler { constructor({apiUrl, integration, adapter, scheduledResources, events} = {}) { if (!apiUrl) { throw new errors.IncorrectUsageError({message: 'post-scheduling: no apiUrl was provided'}); } if (Object.keys(scheduledResources).length) { // Reschedules all scheduled resources on boot // NOTE: We are using reschedule, because custom scheduling adapter could use a database, which needs to be updated // and not an in-process implementation! Object.keys(scheduledResources).forEach((resourceType) => { scheduledResources[resourceType].forEach((model) => { adapter.unschedule(this.normalize({model, apiUrl, integration, resourceType}, 'unscheduled'), {bootstrap: true}); adapter.schedule(this.normalize({model, apiUrl, integration, resourceType})); }); }); }; const SCHEDULED_RESOURCES = ['post', 'page']; SCHEDULED_RESOURCES.forEach((resource) => { events.on(`${resource}.scheduled`, (model) => { adapter.schedule(this.normalize({model, apiUrl, integration, resourceType: resource})); }); /** We want to do reschedule as (unschedule + schedule) due to how token(+url) is generated * We want to first remove existing schedule by generating a matching token(+url) * followed by generating a new token(+url) for the new schedule */ events.on(`${resource}.rescheduled`, (model) => { adapter.unschedule(this.normalize({model, apiUrl, integration, resourceType: resource}, 'unscheduled')); adapter.schedule(this.normalize({model, apiUrl, integration, resourceType: resource})); }); events.on(`${resource}.unscheduled`, (model) => { adapter.unschedule(this.normalize({model, apiUrl, integration, resourceType: resource}, 'unscheduled')); }); }); } /** * @description Normalize model data into scheduler notation. * @param {Object} options * @return {Object} */ normalize({model, apiUrl, resourceType, integration}, event = '') { const resource = `${resourceType}s`; const publishedAt = (event === 'unscheduled') ? model.previous('published_at') : model.get('published_at'); const signedAdminToken = getSignedAdminToken({ publishedAt, apiUrl, key: { id: integration.api_keys[0].id, secret: integration.api_keys[0].secret } }); let url = `${urlUtils.urlJoin(apiUrl, 'schedules', resource, model.get('id'))}/?token=${signedAdminToken}`; return { // NOTE: The scheduler expects a unix timestamp. time: moment(publishedAt).valueOf(), url: url, extra: { httpMethod: 'PUT', oldTime: model.previous('published_at') ? moment(model.previous('published_at')).valueOf() : null } }; } } module.exports = PostScheduler;