// # Backup Database // Provides for backing up the database before making potentially destructive changes const fs = require('fs-extra'); const path = require('path'); const Promise = require('bluebird'); const config = require('../../../shared/config'); const logging = require('../../../shared/logging'); const urlUtils = require('../../../shared/url-utils'); const exporter = require('../exporter'); const writeExportFile = function writeExportFile(exportResult) { const filename = path.resolve(urlUtils.urlJoin(config.get('paths').contentPath, 'data', exportResult.filename)); return Promise.resolve(fs.writeFile(filename, JSON.stringify(exportResult.data))).return(filename); }; const readBackup = async (filename) => { const parsedFileName = path.parse(filename); const sanitized = `${parsedFileName.name}${parsedFileName.ext}`; const backupPath = path.resolve(urlUtils.urlJoin(config.get('paths').contentPath, 'data', sanitized)); const exists = await fs.pathExists(backupPath); if (exists) { const backupFile = await fs.readFile(backupPath); return JSON.parse(backupFile); } else { return null; } }; /** * ## Backup * does an export, and stores this in a local file * @returns {Promise<*>} */ const backup = function backup(options) { logging.info('Creating database backup'); options = options || {}; const props = { data: exporter.doExport(options), filename: exporter.fileName(options) }; return Promise.props(props) .then(writeExportFile) .then(function successMessage(filename) { logging.info('Database backup written to: ' + filename); return filename; }); }; module.exports = { backup, readBackup };