const {agentProvider, fixtureManager, matchers} = require('../../utils/e2e-framework'); const FormData = require('form-data'); const p = require('path'); const fsExtra = require('fs-extra'); const {promises: fs} = require('fs'); const assert = require('assert/strict'); const config = require('../../../core/shared/config'); const urlUtils = require('../../../core/shared/url-utils'); const imageTransform = require('@tryghost/image-transform'); const sinon = require('sinon'); const storage = require('../../../core/server/adapters/storage'); const {anyErrorId} = matchers; const {imageSize} = require('../../../core/server/lib/image'); const configUtils = require('../../utils/configUtils'); const logging = require('@tryghost/logging'); const images = []; let agent, frontendAgent, ghostServer; /** * * @param {object} options * @param {Buffer} options.fileContents * @param {string} options.filename * @param {string} options.contentType * @param {string} [options.ref] * @returns */ const uploadImageRequest = ({fileContents, filename, contentType, ref}) => { const form = new FormData(); form.append('file', fileContents, { filename, contentType }); form.append('purpose', 'image'); if (ref) { form.append('ref', ref); } return agent .post('/images/upload/') .body(form); }; /** * * @param {object} options * @param {string} options.path * @param {string} options.filename * @param {string} options.contentType * @param {string} [options.expectedFileName] * @param {string} [options.expectedOriginalFileName] * @param {string} [options.ref] * @param {boolean} [options.skipOriginal] * @returns */ const uploadImageCheck = async ({path, filename, contentType, expectedFileName, expectedOriginalFileName, ref, skipOriginal}) => { const fileContents = await fs.readFile(path); const {body} = await uploadImageRequest({fileContents, filename, contentType, ref}).expectStatus(201); expectedFileName = expectedFileName || filename; assert.match(body.images[0].url, new RegExp(`${urlUtils.urlFor('home', true)}content/images/\\d+/\\d+/${expectedFileName}`)); assert.equal(body.images[0].ref, ref === undefined ? null : ref); const relativePath = body.images[0].url.replace(urlUtils.urlFor('home', true), '/'); const filePath = config.getContentPath('images') + relativePath.replace('/content/images/', ''); images.push(filePath); // Get original image path const originalFilePath = skipOriginal ? filePath : (expectedOriginalFileName ? filePath.replace(expectedFileName, expectedOriginalFileName) : imageTransform.generateOriginalImageName(filePath)); images.push(originalFilePath); // Check the image is saved to disk const saved = await fs.readFile(originalFilePath); assert.equal(saved.length, fileContents.length); assert.deepEqual(saved, fileContents); const savedResized = await fs.readFile(filePath); assert.ok(savedResized.length <= fileContents.length); // should always be smaller // Check the image is served in the frontend using the provided URL const {body: data} = await frontendAgent .get(relativePath) //.expect('Content-Length', savedResized.length.toString()) // not working for SVG for some reason? .expect('Content-Type', contentType) .expect(200); assert.equal(Buffer.from(data).length, savedResized.length); // Make sure we support w10 configUtils.set('imageOptimization:contentImageSizes', { w10: {width: 10}, w1: {width: 1} }); // Check if image resizing and formatting works const resizedPath = relativePath.replace('/content/images/', '/content/images/size/w10/format/webp/'); await frontendAgent .get(resizedPath) .expect('Content-Type', 'image/webp') .expect(200); const resizedFilePath = filePath.replace('/images/', '/images/size/w10/format/webp/'); const size = await imageSize.getImageSizeFromPath(resizedFilePath); assert.equal(size.width, 10, 'Resized images should have a width that has actually changed'); if (!contentType.includes('svg')) { // Check if image resizing without formatting works const resizedPath2 = relativePath.replace('/content/images/', '/content/images/size/w1/'); await frontendAgent .get(resizedPath2) .expect('Content-Type', contentType) .expect(200); const resizedFilePath2 = filePath.replace('/images/', '/images/size/w1/'); const size2 = await imageSize.getImageSizeFromPath(resizedFilePath2); // Note: we chose width 1 because the resized image bytes should be less or it is ignored assert.equal(size2.width, 1, 'Resized images should have a width that has actually changed'); } return { relativePath, filePath, originalFilePath, fileContents }; }; describe('Images API', function () { before(async function () { const agents = await agentProvider.getAgentsWithFrontend(); agent = agents.adminAgent; frontendAgent = agents.frontendAgent; ghostServer = agents.ghostServer; await fixtureManager.init(); await agent.loginAsOwner(); }); after(function () { configUtils.restore(); ghostServer.stop(); }); afterEach(async function () { // Delete all images after each test for (const image of images) { try { await fs.unlink(image); } catch (e) { // ignore } } // Clean images.splice(0, images.length); sinon.restore(); }); it('Can upload a png', async function () { const originalFilePath = p.join(__dirname, '/../../utils/fixtures/images/ghost-logo.png'); await uploadImageCheck({path: originalFilePath, filename: 'ghost-logo.png', contentType: 'image/png', ref: ''}); }); it('Can upload a jpg', async function () { const originalFilePath = p.join(__dirname, '/../../utils/fixtures/images/ghosticon.jpg'); await uploadImageCheck({path: originalFilePath, filename: 'ghosticon.jpg', contentType: 'image/jpeg'}); }); it('Can upload a gif', async function () { const originalFilePath = p.join(__dirname, '/../../utils/fixtures/images/loadingcat.gif'); await uploadImageCheck({path: originalFilePath, filename: 'loadingcat.gif', contentType: 'image/gif'}); }); it('Can upload a webp', async function () { const originalFilePath = p.join(__dirname, '/../../utils/fixtures/images/ghosticon.webp'); await uploadImageCheck({path: originalFilePath, filename: 'ghosticon.webp', contentType: 'image/webp'}); }); it('Can upload a svg', async function () { const originalFilePath = p.join(__dirname, '/../../utils/fixtures/images/ghost-logo.svg'); await uploadImageCheck({path: originalFilePath, filename: 'ghost.svg', contentType: 'image/svg+xml', skipOriginal: true}); }); it('Can upload a square profile image', async function () { const originalFilePath = p.join(__dirname, '/../../utils/fixtures/images/loadingcat_square.gif'); await uploadImageCheck({path: originalFilePath, filename: 'loadingcat_square.gif', contentType: 'image/gif'}); }); it('Will error when filename is too long', async function () { const originalFilePath = p.join(__dirname, '/../../utils/fixtures/images/ghost-logo.png'); const fileContents = await fs.readFile(originalFilePath); const loggingStub = sinon.stub(logging, 'error'); await uploadImageRequest({fileContents, filename: `${'a'.repeat(300)}.png`, contentType: 'image/png'}) .expectStatus(400) .matchBodySnapshot({ errors: [{ id: anyErrorId }] }); sinon.assert.calledOnce(loggingStub); }); it('Can not upload a json file', async function () { const originalFilePath = p.join(__dirname, '/../../utils/fixtures/data/redirects.json'); const fileContents = await fs.readFile(originalFilePath); const loggingStub = sinon.stub(logging, 'error'); await uploadImageRequest({fileContents, filename: 'redirects.json', contentType: 'application/json'}) .expectStatus(415) .matchBodySnapshot({ errors: [{ id: anyErrorId }] }); sinon.assert.calledOnce(loggingStub); }); it('Can not upload a file without extension', async function () { const originalFilePath = p.join(__dirname, '/../../utils/fixtures/data/redirects.json'); const fileContents = await fs.readFile(originalFilePath); const loggingStub = sinon.stub(logging, 'error'); await uploadImageRequest({fileContents, filename: 'redirects', contentType: 'image/png'}) .expectStatus(415) .matchBodySnapshot({ errors: [{ id: anyErrorId }] }); sinon.assert.calledOnce(loggingStub); }); it('Can not upload a json file with image mime type', async function () { const originalFilePath = p.join(__dirname, '/../../utils/fixtures/data/redirects.json'); const fileContents = await fs.readFile(originalFilePath); const loggingStub = sinon.stub(logging, 'error'); await uploadImageRequest({fileContents, filename: 'redirects.json', contentType: 'image/gif'}) .expectStatus(415) .matchBodySnapshot({ errors: [{ id: anyErrorId }] }); sinon.assert.calledOnce(loggingStub); }); it('Can not upload a json file with image file extension', async function () { const originalFilePath = p.join(__dirname, '/../../utils/fixtures/data/redirects.json'); const fileContents = await fs.readFile(originalFilePath); const loggingStub = sinon.stub(logging, 'error'); await uploadImageRequest({fileContents, filename: 'redirects.png', contentType: 'application/json'}) .expectStatus(415) .matchBodySnapshot({ errors: [{ id: anyErrorId }] }); sinon.assert.calledOnce(loggingStub); }); it('Can upload multiple images with the same name', async function () { const originalFilePath = p.join(__dirname, '/../../utils/fixtures/images/ghost-logo.png'); const originalFilePath2 = p.join(__dirname, '/../../utils/fixtures/images/ghosticon.jpg'); await uploadImageCheck({path: originalFilePath, filename: 'a.png', contentType: 'image/png'}); await uploadImageCheck({path: originalFilePath2, filename: 'a.png', contentType: 'image/png', expectedFileName: 'a-1.png', expectedOriginalFileName: 'a-1_o.png'}); }); it('Can upload image with number suffix', async function () { const originalFilePath = p.join(__dirname, '/../../utils/fixtures/images/ghost-logo.png'); await uploadImageCheck({path: originalFilePath, filename: 'a-2.png', contentType: 'image/png'}); }); it('Trims _o suffix from uploaded files', async function () { const originalFilePath = p.join(__dirname, '/../../utils/fixtures/images/ghost-logo.png'); await uploadImageCheck({path: originalFilePath, filename: 'a-3_o.png', contentType: 'image/png', expectedFileName: 'a-3.png', expectedOriginalFileName: 'a-3_o.png'}); }); it('Can use _o in uploaded file name, as long as it is not at the end', async function () { const originalFilePath = p.join(__dirname, '/../../utils/fixtures/images/ghost-logo.png'); await uploadImageCheck({path: originalFilePath, filename: 'a_o-3.png', contentType: 'image/png', expectedFileName: 'a_o-3.png', expectedOriginalFileName: 'a_o-3_o.png'}); }); it('Can upload around midnight of month change', async function () { const clock = sinon.useFakeTimers({now: new Date(2022, 0, 31, 23, 59, 59), shouldAdvanceTime: true}); assert.equal(new Date().getMonth(), 0); const originalFilePath = p.join(__dirname, '/../../utils/fixtures/images/ghost-logo.png'); // Delay the first original file upload by 400ms to force race condition const store = storage.getStorage('images'); const saveStub = sinon.stub(store, 'save'); let calls = 0; saveStub.callsFake(async function (file) { if ('_o')) { calls += 1; if (calls === 1) { clock.tick(5000); assert.equal(new Date().getMonth(), 1); } } return, ...arguments); }); await uploadImageCheck({path: originalFilePath, filename: 'a.png', contentType: 'image/png'}); clock.restore(); }); it('Does not try to delete non-existing file upon invalid request', async function () { sinon.stub(logging, 'error'); const unlinkStub = sinon.stub(fsExtra, 'unlink'); await agent .post('/images/upload/') .body(JSON.stringify({})) .expectStatus(422) .matchBodySnapshot({ errors: [{ id: anyErrorId }] }); // We didn't upload an image, so we shouldn't have called unlink sinon.assert.notCalled(unlinkStub); }); it('Does not return HTTP 500 when image processing fails', async function () { sinon.stub(imageTransform, 'resizeFromPath').rejects(new Error('Image processing failed')); const originalFilePath = p.join(__dirname, '/../../utils/fixtures/images/ghost-logo.png'); const fileContents = await fs.readFile(originalFilePath); const loggingStub = sinon.stub(logging, 'error'); await uploadImageRequest({fileContents, filename: 'test.png', contentType: 'image/png'}) .expectStatus(400) .matchBodySnapshot({ errors: [{ id: anyErrorId }] }); sinon.assert.calledOnce(loggingStub); }); });