const {expect, test} = require('@playwright/test'); const {DateTime} = require('luxon'); const checkPostStatus = async (page, status, hoverStatus) => { await expect(page.locator('[data-test-editor-post-status]')).toContainText(status); if (hoverStatus) { await page.locator('[data-test-editor-post-status]').hover(); await expect(page.locator('[data-test-editor-post-status]')).toContainText(hoverStatus); } }; /** * Start a post draft with a filled in title and body. We can consider to move this to utils later. * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page * @param {Object} options * @param {String} [options.title] * @param {String} [options.body] */ const createPost = async (page, {title = 'Hello world', body = 'This is my post body.'} = {}) => { await page.locator('.gh-nav a[href="#/posts/"]').click(); // Create a new post await page.locator('[data-test-new-post-button]').click(); // Fill in the post title await page.locator('[data-test-editor-title-input]').click(); await page.locator('[data-test-editor-title-input]').fill(title); // Continue to the body by pressing enter await'Enter'); await page.waitForTimeout(100); // allow new->draft switch to occur fully, without this some initial typing events can be missed await page.keyboard.type(body); }; /** * Start a page draft with a filled in title and body. We can consider to move this to utils later. * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page * @param {Object} options * @param {String} [options.title] * @param {String} [options.body] */ const createPage = async (page, {title = 'Hello world', body = 'This is my post body.'} = {}) => { await page.locator('.gh-nav a[href="#/pages/"]').click(); // Create a new post await page.locator('[data-test-new-page-button]').click(); // Fill in the post title await page.locator('[data-test-editor-title-input]').click(); await page.locator('[data-test-editor-title-input]').fill(title); // Continue to the body by pressing enter await'Enter'); await page.waitForTimeout(100); // allow new->draft switch to occur fully, without this some initial typing events can be missed await page.keyboard.type(body); }; /** * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page */ const openPublishFlow = async (page) => { await page.locator('[data-test-button="publish-flow"]').click(); }; /** * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page */ const closePublishFlow = async (page) => { await page.locator('[data-test-button="close-publish-flow"]').click(); }; /** * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page */ const openPostSettingsMenu = async (page) => { await page.locator('[data-test-psm-trigger]').click(); }; /** * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page * @param {'public'|'members'|'paid'|'tiers'} visibility */ const setPostVisibility = async (page, visibility) => { await page.locator('[data-test-select="post-visibility"]').selectOption(visibility); }; /** * @typedef {Object} PublishOptions * @property {'publish'|'publish+send'|'send'|null} [type] * @property {String} [recipientFilter] * @property {String} [newsletter] * @property {String} [date] * @property {String} [time] */ /** * Open and complete publish flow, filling in all necessary fields based on publish options * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page * @param {PublishOptions} options */ const publishPost = async (page, {type = 'publish', time, date} = {}) => { await openPublishFlow(page); // set the publish type if (type) { // Type is nullable because Pages don't have a publish type button await page.locator('[data-test-setting="publish-type"] > button').click(); // NOTE: the if/else below should be reworked into data-test-publish style selectors // await page.locator(`[data-test-publish-type="${type}"]`).setChecked(true); if (type === 'publish') { await page.getByText('Publish only').click(); } else if (type === 'publish+send') { await page.getByText('Publish and email').click(); } else if (type === 'send') { await page.getByText('Email only').click(); } } // Schedule the post if (date || time) { await page.locator('[data-test-setting="publish-at"] > button').click(); await page.locator('[data-test-radio="schedule"] + label').click(); } if (date) { await page.locator('[data-test-date-time-picker-date-input]').fill(date); } if (time) { await page.locator('[data-test-date-time-picker-time-input]').fill(time); } // TODO: set other publish options // continue to confirmation step await page.locator('[data-test-modal="publish-flow"] [data-test-button="continue"]').click(); // TODO: assert publish flow has expected confirmation details // (we need force because the button is animating) await page.locator('[data-test-modal="publish-flow"] [data-test-button="confirm-publish"]').click({force: true}); // TODO: assert publish flow has expected completion details // open the published post in a new tab const [frontendPage] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForEvent('popup'), page.locator('[data-test-complete-bookmark]').click() ]); await closePublishFlow(page); return frontendPage; }; test.describe('Publishing', () => { test.describe('Publish post', () => { test('Post should only be available on web', async ({page}) => { await page.goto('/ghost'); await createPost(page); const frontendPage = await publishPost(page); await checkPostStatus(page, 'Published'); // Check if 'This is my post body.' is present on page1 await expect(frontendPage.locator('.gh-canvas .article-title')).toHaveText('Hello world'); await expect(frontendPage.locator(' > p')).toHaveText('This is my post body.'); }); }); test.describe('Publish page', () => { test('Page can be published and become visible on web', async ({page}) => { await page.goto('/ghost'); await createPage(page); const frontendPage = await publishPost(page, {type: null}); await checkPostStatus(page, 'Published'); // Check if 'This is my post body.' is present on page1 await expect(frontendPage.locator('.gh-canvas .article-title')).toHaveText('Hello world'); await expect(frontendPage.locator(' > p')).toHaveText('This is my post body.'); }); }); test.describe('Update post', () => { test('Can update a published post', async ({page: adminPage, browser}) => { await adminPage.goto('/ghost'); const date =; await createPost(adminPage, {title: 'Testing publish update', body: 'This is the initial published text.'}); const frontendPage = await publishPost(adminPage); const publishedBody = frontendPage.locator('main > article > section > p'); const publishedHeader = frontendPage.locator('main > article > header'); // check front-end post has the initial body text await expect(publishedBody).toContainText('This is the initial published text.'); await expect(publishedHeader).toContainText(date.toFormat('LLL d, yyyy')); // add some extra text to the post await adminPage.locator('[data-kg="editor"]').click(); await adminPage.waitForTimeout(200); // await adminPage.keyboard.type(' This is some updated text.'); // change some post settings await openPostSettingsMenu(adminPage); await adminPage.fill('[data-test-date-time-picker-date-input]', '2022-01-07'); await adminPage.fill('[data-test-field="custom-excerpt"]', 'Short description and meta'); // save await adminPage.locator('[data-test-button="publish-save"]').click(); // check front-end has new text after reloading await frontendPage.waitForTimeout(300); // let save go through await frontendPage.reload(); await expect(publishedBody).toContainText('This is some updated text.'); await expect(publishedHeader).toContainText('Jan 7, 2022'); const metaDescription = frontendPage.locator('meta[name="description"]'); await expect(metaDescription).toHaveAttribute('content', 'Short description and meta'); }); }); test.describe('Schedule post', () => { test('Post should be published to web only at the scheduled time', async ({page}) => { await page.goto('/ghost'); await createPost(page, { title: 'Scheduled post test', body: 'This is my scheduled post body.' }); // Schedule the post to publish asap (by setting it to 00:00, it will get auto corrected to the minimum time possible - 5 seconds in the future) await publishPost(page, {time: '00:00'}); await checkPostStatus(page, 'Scheduled', 'Scheduled to be published in a few seconds'); // Go to the homepage and check if the post is not yet visible there await page.goto('/'); let lastPost = await page.locator('.post-card-content-link').first(); await expect(lastPost).not.toHaveAttribute('href', '/scheduled-post-test/'); // Now wait 5 seconds for the scheduled post to be published await page.waitForTimeout(5000); // Check again, now it should have been added to the page await page.reload(); lastPost = await page.locator('.post-card-content-link').first(); await expect(lastPost).toHaveAttribute('href', '/scheduled-post-test/'); // Go to the page await; // Check if the title and body are present on this page await expect(page.locator('.gh-canvas .article-title')).toHaveText('Scheduled post test'); await expect(page.locator(' > p')).toHaveText('This is my scheduled post body.'); }); test('A previously scheduled post can be unscheduled, which resets it to a draft', async ({page, context}) => { await page.goto('/ghost'); await createPost(page, { title: 'Unschedule post test', body: 'This is my unscheduled post body.' }); // Schedule far in the future await publishPost(page, {date: '2050-01-01', time: '10:09'}); // Check status await checkPostStatus(page, 'Scheduled', 'Scheduled to be published at 10:09 (UTC) on 01 Jan 2050'); // Check not published const testPage = await context.newPage(); const response = await testPage.goto('/unschedule-post-test/'); expect(response.status()).toBe(404); await page.pause(); // Now unschedule this post await page.locator('[data-test-button="update-flow"]').click(); await page.locator('[data-test-button="revert-to-draft"]').click(); // Check status await checkPostStatus(page, 'Draft - Saved'); // Check not published const response2 = await testPage.goto('/unschedule-post-test/'); expect(response2.status()).toBe(404); }); }); test.describe('Schedule page', () => { test('Page should be published at the scheduled time', async ({page}) => { await page.goto('/ghost'); await createPage(page, { title: 'Scheduled page test', body: 'This is my scheduled page body.' }); // Schedule the post to publish asap (by setting it to 00:00, it will get auto corrected to the minimum time possible - 5 seconds in the future) await publishPost(page, {time: '00:00', type: null}); await checkPostStatus(page, 'Scheduled', 'Scheduled to be published in a few seconds'); // Go to the page and check if the status code is 404 const response = await page.goto('/scheduled-page-test/'); expect(response.status()).toBe(404); // Now wait for 5 seconds await page.waitForTimeout(5000); // Check again, now it should have been added to the page await page.reload(); // Check if the title and body are present on this page await expect(page.locator('.gh-canvas .article-title')).toHaveText('Scheduled page test'); await expect(page.locator(' > p')).toHaveText('This is my scheduled page body.'); }); }); }); test.describe('Updating post access', () => { test.describe('Change post visibility to members-only', () => { test('Only logged-in members (free or paid) can see', async ({page}) => { await page.goto('/ghost'); await createPost(page); await openPostSettingsMenu(page); await setPostVisibility(page, 'members'); const frontendPage = await publishPost(page); // Check if content gate for members is present on front-end await expect(frontendPage.locator('.gh-post-upgrade-cta-content h2')).toHaveText('This post is for subscribers only'); }); }); test.describe('Change post visibility to paid-members-only', () => { test('Only logged-in, paid members can see', async ({page}) => { await page.goto('/ghost'); await createPost(page); await openPostSettingsMenu(page); await setPostVisibility(page, 'paid'); const frontendPage = await publishPost(page); // Check if content gate for paid members is present on front-end await expect(frontendPage.locator('.gh-post-upgrade-cta-content h2')).toHaveText('This post is for paying subscribers only'); }); }); test.describe('Change post visibility to public', () => { test('Everyone can see', async ({page}) => { await page.goto('/ghost'); await createPost(page); await openPostSettingsMenu(page); await setPostVisibility(page, 'public'); const frontendPage = await publishPost(page); // Check if post content is publicly visible on front-end await expect(frontendPage.locator(' > p')).toHaveText('This is my post body.'); }); }); });