/* eslint-disable ghost/ember/alias-model-in-controller */ import $ from 'jquery'; import Controller from '@ember/controller'; import generatePassword from 'ghost-admin/utils/password-generator'; import validator from 'validator'; import { IMAGE_EXTENSIONS, IMAGE_MIME_TYPES } from 'ghost-admin/components/gh-image-uploader'; import {computed} from '@ember/object'; import {htmlSafe} from '@ember/string'; import {run} from '@ember/runloop'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; import {task} from 'ember-concurrency'; const ICON_EXTENSIONS = ['ico', 'png']; function randomPassword() { let word = generatePassword(6); let randomN = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000); return word + randomN; } export default Controller.extend({ config: service(), ghostPaths: service(), notifications: service(), session: service(), settings: service(), ui: service(), availableTimezones: null, iconExtensions: null, iconMimeTypes: 'image/png,image/x-icon', imageExtensions: IMAGE_EXTENSIONS, imageMimeTypes: IMAGE_MIME_TYPES, _scratchFacebook: null, _scratchTwitter: null, init() { this._super(...arguments); this.iconExtensions = ICON_EXTENSIONS; }, privateRSSUrl: computed('config.blogUrl', 'settings.publicHash', function () { let blogUrl = this.get('config.blogUrl'); let publicHash = this.get('settings.publicHash'); return `${blogUrl}/${publicHash}/rss`; }), backgroundStyle: computed('settings.brand.primaryColor', function () { let color = this.get('settings.brand.primaryColor') || '#ffffff'; return htmlSafe(`background-color: ${color}`); }), brandColor: computed('settings.brand.primaryColor', function () { let color = this.get('settings.brand.primaryColor'); if (color && color[0] === '#') { return color.slice(1); } return color; }), actions: { save() { this.save.perform(); }, setTimezone(timezone) { this.set('settings.activeTimezone', timezone.name); }, removeImage(image) { // setting `null` here will error as the server treats it as "null" this.settings.set(image, ''); }, /** * Opens a file selection dialog - Triggered by "Upload Image" buttons, * searches for the hidden file input within the .gh-setting element * containing the clicked button then simulates a click * @param {MouseEvent} event - MouseEvent fired by the button click */ triggerFileDialog(event) { // simulate click to open file dialog // using jQuery because IE11 doesn't support MouseEvent $(event.target) .closest('.gh-setting-action') .find('input[type="file"]') .click(); }, /** * Fired after an image upload completes * @param {string} property - Property name to be set on `this.settings` * @param {UploadResult[]} results - Array of UploadResult objects * @return {string} The URL that was set on `this.settings.property` */ imageUploaded(property, results) { if (results[0]) { return this.settings.set(property, results[0].url); } }, toggleIsPrivate(isPrivate) { let settings = this.settings; settings.set('isPrivate', isPrivate); settings.get('errors').remove('password'); let changedAttrs = settings.changedAttributes(); // set a new random password when isPrivate is enabled if (isPrivate && changedAttrs.isPrivate) { settings.set('password', randomPassword()); // reset the password when isPrivate is disabled } else if (changedAttrs.password) { settings.set('password', changedAttrs.password[0]); } }, toggleLeaveSettingsModal(transition) { let leaveTransition = this.leaveSettingsTransition; if (!transition && this.showLeaveSettingsModal) { this.set('leaveSettingsTransition', null); this.set('showLeaveSettingsModal', false); return; } if (!leaveTransition || transition.targetName === leaveTransition.targetName) { this.set('leaveSettingsTransition', transition); // if a save is running, wait for it to finish then transition if (this.save.isRunning) { return this.save.last.then(() => { transition.retry(); }); } // we genuinely have unsaved data, show the modal this.set('showLeaveSettingsModal', true); } }, leaveSettings() { let transition = this.leaveSettingsTransition; let settings = this.settings; if (!transition) { this.notifications.showAlert('Sorry, there was an error in the application. Please let the Ghost team know what happened.', {type: 'error'}); return; } // roll back changes on settings props settings.rollbackAttributes(); return transition.retry(); }, validateFacebookUrl() { let newUrl = this._scratchFacebook; let oldUrl = this.get('settings.facebook'); let errMessage = ''; // reset errors and validation this.get('settings.errors').remove('facebook'); this.get('settings.hasValidated').removeObject('facebook'); if (newUrl === '') { // Clear out the Facebook url this.set('settings.facebook', ''); return; } // _scratchFacebook will be null unless the user has input something if (!newUrl) { newUrl = oldUrl; } try { // strip any facebook URLs out newUrl = newUrl.replace(/(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?facebook\.com/i, ''); // don't allow any non-facebook urls if (newUrl.match(/^(http|\/\/)/i)) { throw 'invalid url'; } // strip leading / if we have one then concat to full facebook URL newUrl = newUrl.replace(/^\//, ''); newUrl = `https://www.facebook.com/${newUrl}`; // don't allow URL if it's not valid if (!validator.isURL(newUrl)) { throw 'invalid url'; } this.set('settings.facebook', ''); run.schedule('afterRender', this, function () { this.set('settings.facebook', newUrl); }); } catch (e) { if (e === 'invalid url') { errMessage = 'The URL must be in a format like ' + 'https://www.facebook.com/yourPage'; this.get('settings.errors').add('facebook', errMessage); return; } throw e; } finally { this.get('settings.hasValidated').pushObject('facebook'); } }, validateTwitterUrl() { let newUrl = this._scratchTwitter; let oldUrl = this.get('settings.twitter'); let errMessage = ''; // reset errors and validation this.get('settings.errors').remove('twitter'); this.get('settings.hasValidated').removeObject('twitter'); if (newUrl === '') { // Clear out the Twitter url this.set('settings.twitter', ''); return; } // _scratchTwitter will be null unless the user has input something if (!newUrl) { newUrl = oldUrl; } if (newUrl.match(/(?:twitter\.com\/)(\S+)/) || newUrl.match(/([a-z\d.]+)/i)) { let username = []; if (newUrl.match(/(?:twitter\.com\/)(\S+)/)) { [, username] = newUrl.match(/(?:twitter\.com\/)(\S+)/); } else { [username] = newUrl.match(/([^/]+)\/?$/mi); } // check if username starts with http or www and show error if so if (username.match(/^(http|www)|(\/)/) || !username.match(/^[a-z\d._]{1,15}$/mi)) { errMessage = !username.match(/^[a-z\d._]{1,15}$/mi) ? 'Your Username is not a valid Twitter Username' : 'The URL must be in a format like https://twitter.com/yourUsername'; this.get('settings.errors').add('twitter', errMessage); this.get('settings.hasValidated').pushObject('twitter'); return; } newUrl = `https://twitter.com/${username}`; this.get('settings.hasValidated').pushObject('twitter'); this.set('settings.twitter', ''); run.schedule('afterRender', this, function () { this.set('settings.twitter', newUrl); }); } else { errMessage = 'The URL must be in a format like ' + 'https://twitter.com/yourUsername'; this.get('settings.errors').add('twitter', errMessage); this.get('settings.hasValidated').pushObject('twitter'); return; } }, validateBrandColor() { let newColor = this.get('brandColor'); let oldColor = this.get('settings.brand.primaryColor'); let errMessage = ''; // reset errors and validation this.get('settings.errors').remove('brandColor'); this.get('settings.hasValidated').removeObject('brandColor'); if (newColor === '') { // Clear out the brand color this.set('settings.brand.primaryColor', ''); return; } // brandColor will be null unless the user has input something if (!newColor) { newColor = oldColor; } if (newColor[0] !== '#') { newColor = `#${newColor}`; } if (newColor.match(/#[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}$/)) { this.set('settings.brand.primaryColor', ''); run.schedule('afterRender', this, function () { this.set('settings.brand.primaryColor', newColor); }); } else { errMessage = 'The color should be in valid hex format'; this.get('settings.errors').add('brandColor', errMessage); this.get('settings.hasValidated').pushObject('brandColor'); return; } } }, _deleteTheme() { let theme = this.store.peekRecord('theme', this.themeToDelete.name); if (!theme) { return; } return theme.destroyRecord().catch((error) => { this.notifications.showAPIError(error); }); }, save: task(function* () { let notifications = this.notifications; let config = this.config; try { let settings = yield this.settings.save(); config.set('blogTitle', settings.get('title')); // this forces the document title to recompute after a blog title change this.ui.updateDocumentTitle(); return settings; } catch (error) { if (error) { notifications.showAPIError(error, {key: 'settings.save'}); } throw error; } }) });