const logging = require('@tryghost/logging'); const errors = require('@tryghost/errors'); const debug = require('@tryghost/debug')('email-service:mailgun-provider-service'); /** * @typedef {object} Recipient * @prop {string} email * @prop {Replacement[]} replacements */ /** * @typedef {object} Replacement * @prop {string} token * @prop {string} value * @prop {string} id */ /** * @typedef {object} EmailSendingOptions * @prop {boolean} clickTrackingEnabled * @prop {boolean} openTrackingEnabled */ /** * @typedef {object} EmailProviderSuccessResponse * @prop {string} id */ class MailgunEmailProvider { #mailgunClient; #errorHandler; static BATCH_SIZE = 1000; /** * @param {object} dependencies * @param {import('@tryghost/mailgun-client/lib/mailgun-client')} dependencies.mailgunClient - mailgun client to send emails * @param {Function} [dependencies.errorHandler] - custom error handler for logging exceptions */ constructor({ mailgunClient, errorHandler }) { this.#mailgunClient = mailgunClient; this.#errorHandler = errorHandler; } #createRecipientData(replacements) { let recipientData = {}; recipientData = replacements.reduce((acc, replacement) => { const {id, value} = replacement; if (!acc[id]) { acc[id] = {}; } acc[id] = value; return acc; }, {}); return recipientData; } #updateRecipientVariables(data, replacementDefinitions) { for (const def of replacementDefinitions) { data = data.replace( def.token, `%recipient.${}%` ); } return data; } /** * Create mailgun error message for storing in the database * @param {Object} error * @param {string} error.message * @param {string} error.details * @returns {string} */ #createMailgunErrorMessage(error) { const message = (error?.message || 'Mailgun Error') + (error?.details ? (': ' + error.details) : ''); return message.slice(0, 2000); } /** * Send an email using the Mailgun API * @param {import('./sending-service').EmailData} data * @param {EmailSendingOptions} options * @returns {Promise} */ async send(data, options) { const { subject, html, plaintext, from, replyTo, emailId, recipients, replacementDefinitions } = data;`Sending email to ${recipients.length} recipients`); const startTime =; debug(`sending message to ${recipients.length} recipients`); try { const messageData = { subject, html, plaintext, from, replyTo, id: emailId, track_opens: !!options.openTrackingEnabled, track_clicks: !!options.clickTrackingEnabled }; // create recipient data for Mailgun using replacement definitions const recipientData = recipients.reduce((acc, recipient) => { acc[] = this.#createRecipientData(recipient.replacements); return acc; }, {}); // update content to use Mailgun variable syntax for all replacements ['html', 'plaintext'].forEach((key) => { if (messageData[key]) { messageData[key] = this.#updateRecipientVariables(messageData[key], replacementDefinitions); } }); // send the email using Mailgun // uses empty replacements array as we've already replaced all tokens with Mailgun variables const response = await this.#mailgunClient.send( messageData, recipientData, [] ); debug(`sent message (${ - startTime}ms)`);`Sent message (${ - startTime}ms)`); // Return mailgun provider id, trim <> from response return { id:^<|>$/g, '') }; } catch (e) { let ghostError; if (e.error && e.messageData) { const {error, messageData} = e; // REF: possible mailgun errors ghostError = new errors.EmailError({ statusCode: error.status, message: this.#createMailgunErrorMessage(error), errorDetails: JSON.stringify({error, messageData}), context: `Mailgun Error ${error.status}: ${error.details}`, help: ``, code: 'BULK_EMAIL_SEND_FAILED' }); } else { ghostError = new errors.EmailError({ statusCode: undefined, message: this.#createMailgunErrorMessage(e), errorDetails: undefined, context: e.context || 'Mailgun Error', code: 'BULK_EMAIL_SEND_FAILED' }); } logging.error(ghostError); debug(`failed to send message (${ - startTime}ms)`); // log error to custom error handler. ex sentry this.#errorHandler(ghostError); throw ghostError; } } getMaximumRecipients() { return MailgunEmailProvider.BATCH_SIZE; } } module.exports = MailgunEmailProvider;