var should = require('should'), // jshint ignore:line sinon = require('sinon'), fs = require('fs'), tmp = require('tmp'), join = require('path').join, config = require('../../../server/config'), themes = require('../../../server/themes'), themeList = themes.list, sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create(); describe('Themes', function () { afterEach(function () { sandbox.restore(); }); describe('Loader', function () { var themePath; beforeEach(function () { themePath = tmp.dirSync({unsafeCleanup: true}); sandbox.stub(config, 'getContentPath').withArgs('themes').returns(; }); afterEach(function () { themePath.removeCallback(); }); describe('Load All', function () { it('should load directory and include only folders', function (done) { // create trash fs.writeFileSync(join(, '')); fs.writeFileSync(join(, '.DS_Store')); // create actual theme fs.mkdirSync(join(, 'casper')); fs.mkdirSync(join(, 'casper', 'partials')); fs.writeFileSync(join(, 'casper', 'index.hbs')); fs.writeFileSync(join(, 'casper', 'partials', 'navigation.hbs')); themes.loadAll() .then(function (result) { var themeResult = themeList.getAll(); // Loader doesn't return anything should.not.exist(result); themeResult.should.eql({ casper: { name: 'casper', path: join(, 'casper'), 'package.json': null } }); done(); }) .catch(done); }); it('should read directory and read package.json if present', function (done) { // create trash fs.writeFileSync(join(, '')); fs.writeFileSync(join(, 'Thumbs.db')); // create actual theme fs.mkdirSync(join(, 'casper')); fs.mkdirSync(join(, 'not-casper')); fs.writeFileSync( join(, 'casper', 'package.json'), JSON.stringify({name: 'casper', version: '0.1.2'}) ); themes.loadAll() .then(function (result) { var themeResult = themeList.getAll(); // Loader doesn't return anything should.not.exist(result); themeResult.should.eql({ casper: { name: 'casper', path: join(, 'casper'), 'package.json': {name: 'casper', version: '0.1.2'} }, 'not-casper': { name: 'not-casper', path: join(, 'not-casper'), 'package.json': null } }); done(); }) .catch(done); }); }); describe('Load One', function () { it('should read directory and include only single requested theme', function (done) { // create trash fs.writeFileSync(join(, '')); fs.writeFileSync(join(, '.DS_Store')); // create actual theme fs.mkdirSync(join(, 'casper')); fs.writeFileSync(join(, 'casper', 'index.hbs')); fs.writeFileSync( join(, 'casper', 'package.json'), JSON.stringify({name: 'casper', version: '0.1.2'}) ); fs.mkdirSync(join(, 'not-casper')); fs.writeFileSync(join(, 'not-casper', 'index.hbs')); themes.loadOne('casper') .then(function (themeResult) { themeResult.should.eql({ name: 'casper', path: join(, 'casper'), 'package.json': {name: 'casper', version: '0.1.2'} }); done(); }) .catch(done); }); it('should throw an error if theme cannot be found', function (done) { // create trash fs.writeFileSync(join(, '')); fs.writeFileSync(join(, '.DS_Store')); themes.loadOne('casper') .then(function () { done('Should have thrown an error'); }) .catch(function (err) { err.message.should.eql('Package not found'); done(); }); }); }); }); });