import Ember from 'ember'; import Component from 'ember-component'; import computed, {alias} from 'ember-computed'; import {guidFor} from 'ember-metal/utils'; import injectService from 'ember-service/inject'; import {htmlSafe} from 'ember-string'; import {invokeAction} from 'ember-invoke-action'; import SettingsMenuMixin from 'ghost-admin/mixins/settings-menu-component'; import boundOneWay from 'ghost-admin/utils/bound-one-way'; import isNumber from 'ghost-admin/utils/isNumber'; import moment from 'moment'; const {Handlebars} = Ember; export default Component.extend(SettingsMenuMixin, { selectedAuthor: null, authors: [], store: injectService(), config: injectService(), ghostPaths: injectService(), notifications: injectService(), slugGenerator: injectService(), session: injectService(), settings: injectService(), slugValue: boundOneWay('model.slug'), metaTitleScratch: alias('model.metaTitleScratch'), metaDescriptionScratch: alias('model.metaDescriptionScratch'), didReceiveAttrs() { this._super(...arguments); this.get('store').query('user', {limit: 'all'}).then((users) => { this.set('authors', users.sortBy('name')); }); this.get('').then((author) => { this.set('selectedAuthor', author); }); }, seoTitle: computed('model.titleScratch', 'metaTitleScratch', function () { let metaTitle = this.get('metaTitleScratch') || ''; metaTitle = metaTitle.length > 0 ? metaTitle : this.get('model.titleScratch'); if (metaTitle.length > 70) { metaTitle = metaTitle.substring(0, 70).trim(); metaTitle = Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(metaTitle); metaTitle = htmlSafe(`${metaTitle}…`); } return metaTitle; }), seoDescription: computed('model.html', 'metaDescriptionScratch', function () { let metaDescription = this.get('metaDescriptionScratch') || ''; let placeholder; if (metaDescription.length > 0) { placeholder = metaDescription; } else { let html = this.get('model.html'); // Strip HTML placeholder = this.$('
', {html}).text(); // Replace new lines and trim placeholder = placeholder.replace(/\n+/g, ' ').trim(); } if (placeholder.length > 156) { // Limit to 156 characters placeholder = placeholder.substring(0, 156).trim(); placeholder = Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(placeholder); placeholder = htmlSafe(`${placeholder}…`); } return placeholder; }), seoURL: computed('model.slug', 'config.blogUrl', function () { let blogUrl = this.get('config.blogUrl'); let seoSlug = this.get('model.slug') ? this.get('model.slug') : ''; let seoURL = `${blogUrl}/${seoSlug}`; // only append a slash to the URL if the slug exists if (seoSlug) { seoURL += '/'; } if (seoURL.length > 70) { seoURL = seoURL.substring(0, 70).trim(); seoURL = Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(seoURL); seoURL = htmlSafe(`${seoURL}…`); } return seoURL; }), // live-query of all tags for tag input autocomplete availableTags: computed(function () { return this.get('store').filter('tag', {limit: 'all'}, () => { return true; }); }), showError(error) { // TODO: remove null check once ValidationEngine has been removed if (error) { this.get('notifications').showAPIError(error); } }, actions: { discardEnter() { return false; }, togglePage() { this.toggleProperty(''); // If this is a new post. Don't save the model. Defer the save // to the user pressing the save button if (this.get('model.isNew')) { return; } this.get('model').save().catch((error) => { this.showError(error); this.get('model').rollbackAttributes(); }); }, toggleFeatured() { this.toggleProperty('model.featured'); // If this is a new post. Don't save the model. Defer the save // to the user pressing the save button if (this.get('model.isNew')) { return; } this.get('model').save(this.get('saveOptions')).catch((error) => { this.showError(error); this.get('model').rollbackAttributes(); }); }, /** * triggered by user manually changing slug */ updateSlug(newSlug) { let slug = this.get('model.slug'); newSlug = newSlug || slug; newSlug = newSlug && newSlug.trim(); // Ignore unchanged slugs or candidate slugs that are empty if (!newSlug || slug === newSlug) { // reset the input to its previous state this.set('slugValue', slug); return; } this.get('slugGenerator').generateSlug('post', newSlug).then((serverSlug) => { // If after getting the sanitized and unique slug back from the API // we end up with a slug that matches the existing slug, abort the change if (serverSlug === slug) { return; } // Because the server transforms the candidate slug by stripping // certain characters and appending a number onto the end of slugs // to enforce uniqueness, there are cases where we can get back a // candidate slug that is a duplicate of the original except for // the trailing incrementor (e.g., this-is-a-slug and this-is-a-slug-2) // get the last token out of the slug candidate and see if it's a number let slugTokens = serverSlug.split('-'); let check = Number(slugTokens.pop()); // if the candidate slug is the same as the existing slug except // for the incrementor then the existing slug should be used if (isNumber(check) && check > 0) { if (slug === slugTokens.join('-') && serverSlug !== newSlug) { this.set('slugValue', slug); return; } } this.set('model.slug', serverSlug); if (this.hasObserverFor('model.titleScratch')) { this.removeObserver('model.titleScratch', this, 'titleObserver'); } // If this is a new post. Don't save the model. Defer the save // to the user pressing the save button if (this.get('model.isNew')) { return; } return this.get('model').save(); }).catch((error) => { this.showError(error); this.get('model').rollbackAttributes(); }); }, setPublishedAtBlogDate(date) { let post = this.get('model'); let dateString = moment(date).format('YYYY-MM-DD'); post.get('errors').remove('publishedAtBlogDate'); if (post.get('isNew') || date === post.get('publishedAtBlogDate')) { post.validate({property: 'publishedAtBlog'}); } else { post.set('publishedAtBlogDate', dateString); return; } }, setPublishedAtBlogTime(time) { let post = this.get('model'); post.get('errors').remove('publishedAtBlogDate'); if (post.get('isNew') || time === post.get('publishedAtBlogTime')) { post.validate({property: 'publishedAtBlog'}); } else { post.set('publishedAtBlogTime', time); return; } }, setMetaTitle(metaTitle) { // Grab the model and current stored meta title let model = this.get('model'); let currentTitle = model.get('metaTitle'); // If the title entered matches the stored meta title, do nothing if (currentTitle === metaTitle) { return; } // If the title entered is different, set it as the new meta title model.set('metaTitle', metaTitle); // Make sure the meta title is valid and if so, save it into the model return model.validate({property: 'metaTitle'}).then(() => { if (model.get('isNew')) { return; } return; }); }, setMetaDescription(metaDescription) { // Grab the model and current stored meta description let model = this.get('model'); let currentDescription = model.get('metaDescription'); // If the title entered matches the stored meta title, do nothing if (currentDescription === metaDescription) { return; } // If the title entered is different, set it as the new meta title model.set('metaDescription', metaDescription); // Make sure the meta title is valid and if so, save it into the model return model.validate({property: 'metaDescription'}).then(() => { if (model.get('isNew')) { return; } return; }); }, setCoverImage(image) { this.set('model.image', image); if (this.get('model.isNew')) { return; } this.get('model').save().catch((error) => { this.showError(error); this.get('model').rollbackAttributes(); }); }, clearCoverImage() { this.set('model.image', ''); if (this.get('model.isNew')) { return; } this.get('model').save().catch((error) => { this.showError(error); this.get('model').rollbackAttributes(); }); }, closeNavMenu() { invokeAction(this, 'closeNavMenu'); }, closeMenus() { invokeAction(this, 'closeMenus'); }, changeAuthor(newAuthor) { let author = this.get(''); let model = this.get('model'); // return if nothing changed if (newAuthor.get('id') === author.get('id')) { return; } model.set('author', newAuthor); // if this is a new post (never been saved before), don't try to save it if (this.get('model.isNew')) { return; } => { this.showError(error); this.set('selectedAuthor', author); model.rollbackAttributes(); }); }, addTag(tagName, index) { let currentTags = this.get('model.tags'); let currentTagNames = => { return tag.get('name').toLowerCase(); }); let availableTagNames, tagToAdd; tagName = tagName.trim(); // abort if tag is already selected if (currentTagNames.includes(tagName.toLowerCase())) { return; } this.get('availableTags').then((availableTags) => { availableTagNames = => { return tag.get('name').toLowerCase(); }); // find existing tag or create new if (availableTagNames.includes(tagName.toLowerCase())) { tagToAdd = availableTags.find((tag) => { return tag.get('name').toLowerCase() === tagName.toLowerCase(); }); } else { tagToAdd = this.get('store').createRecord('tag', { name: tagName }); // we need to set a UUID so that selectize has a unique value // it will be ignored when sent to the server tagToAdd.set('uuid', guidFor(tagToAdd)); } // push tag onto post relationship if (tagToAdd) { this.get('model.tags').insertAt(index, tagToAdd); } }); }, removeTag(tag) { this.get('model.tags').removeObject(tag); if (tag.get('isNew')) { tag.destroyRecord(); } }, deletePost() { if (this.get('deletePost')) { this.get('deletePost')(); } } } });