import $ from 'jquery'; import Component from '@ember/component'; import EmberObject, {computed, set} from '@ember/object'; import countWords, {stripTags} from '../utils/count-words'; import layout from '../templates/components/koenig-card-gallery'; import { IMAGE_EXTENSIONS, IMAGE_MIME_TYPES } from 'ghost-admin/components/gh-image-uploader'; import {htmlSafe} from '@ember/string'; import {isEmpty} from '@ember/utils'; import {run} from '@ember/runloop'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; const MAX_IMAGES = 9; const MAX_PER_ROW = 3; export default Component.extend({ koenigDragDropHandler: service(), layout, // attrs files: null, images: null, payload: null, isSelected: false, isEditing: false, imageExtensions: IMAGE_EXTENSIONS, imageMimeTypes: IMAGE_MIME_TYPES, // properties errorMessage: null, handlesDragDrop: true, _dragDropContainer: null, // closure actions selectCard() { }, deselectCard() { }, editCard() { }, saveCard() { }, deleteCard() { }, moveCursorToNextSection() { }, moveCursorToPrevSection() { }, addParagraphAfterCard() { }, registerComponent() { }, counts: computed('payload.{caption,payload.images.[]}', function () { let wordCount = 0; let imageCount = this.payload.images.length; if (this.payload.caption) { wordCount += countWords(stripTags(this.payload.caption)); } return {wordCount, imageCount}; }), toolbar: computed('images.[]', function () { let items = []; if (!isEmpty(this.images)) { items.push({ title: 'Add images', icon: 'koenig/kg-add', iconClass: 'fill-white', action: run.bind(this, this._triggerFileDialog) }); } if (items.length > 0) { return {items}; } }), imageRows: computed('images.@each.{src,previewSrc,width,height,row}', function () { let rows = []; let noOfImages = this.images.length; // 3 images per row unless last row would have a single image in which // case the last 2 rows will have 2 images let maxImagesInRow = function (idx) { return noOfImages > 1 && (noOfImages % 3 === 1) && (idx === (noOfImages - 2)); }; this.images.forEach((image, idx) => { let row = image.row; let classes = ['relative', 'hide-child']; // start a new display row if necessary if (maxImagesInRow(idx)) { row = row + 1; } // apply classes to the image containers if (!rows[row]) { // first image in row rows[row] = []; classes.push('mr2'); } else if (((idx + 1) % 3 === 0) || maxImagesInRow(idx + 1) || idx + 1 === noOfImages) { // last image in row classes.push('ml2'); } else { // middle of row classes.push('ml2', 'mr2'); } if (row > 0) { classes.push('mt4'); } let styledImage = Object.assign({}, image); let aspectRatio = (image.width || 1) / (image.height || 1); = htmlSafe(`flex: ${aspectRatio} 1 0%`); styledImage.classes = classes.join(' '); rows[row].push(styledImage); }); return rows; }), init() { this._super(...arguments); if (!this.payload || isEmpty(this.payload.images)) { this._updatePayloadAttr('images', []); } this._buildImages(); this.registerComponent(this); }, willDestroyElement() { this._super(...arguments); if (this._dragDropContainer) { this._dragDropContainer.destroy(); } }, actions: { addImage(file) { let count = this.images.length + 1; let row = Math.ceil(count / MAX_PER_ROW) - 1; let image = this._readDataFromImageFile(file); image.row = row; this.images.pushObject(image); }, setImageSrc(uploadResult) { let image = this.images.findBy('fileName', uploadResult.fileName); image.set('src', uploadResult.url); this._buildAndSaveImagesPayload(); }, setFiles(files) { this._startUpload(files); }, deleteImage(image) { let localImage = this.images.findBy('fileName', image.fileName); this.images.removeObject(localImage); this._recalculateImageRows(); this._buildAndSaveImagesPayload(); }, updateCaption(caption) { this._updatePayloadAttr('caption', caption); }, triggerFileDialog(event) { this._triggerFileDialog(event); }, uploadFailed(uploadResult) { let image = this.images.findBy('fileName', uploadResult.fileName); this.images.removeObject(image); this._buildAndSaveImagesPayload(); let fileName = (uploadResult.fileName.length > 20) ? `${uploadResult.fileName.substr(0, 20)}...` : uploadResult.fileName; this.set('errorMessage', `${fileName} failed to upload`); }, handleErrors(errors) { let errorMssg = ((errors[0] && errors[0].message)) || 'Some images failed to upload'; this.set('errorMessage', errorMssg); }, clearErrorMessage() { this.set('errorMessage', null); }, didSelect() { if (this._dragDropContainer) { // add a delay when enabling reorder drag/drop so that the card // must be selected before a reorder drag can be initiated // - allows for cards to be drag and dropped themselves run.later(this, function () { if (!this.isDestroyed && !this.isDestroying) { this._dragDropContainer.enableDrag(); } }, 100); } }, didDeselect() { if (this._dragDropContainer) { this._dragDropContainer.disableDrag(); } } }, // Ember event handlers ---------------------------------------------------- dragOver(event) { if (!event.dataTransfer) { return; } // this is needed to work around inconsistencies with dropping files // from Chrome's downloads bar if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') > -1) { let eA = event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed; event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = (eA === 'move' || eA === 'linkMove') ? 'move' : 'copy'; } event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); this.set('isDraggedOver', true); }, dragLeave(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.set('isDraggedOver', false); }, drop(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.set('isDraggedOver', false); if (event.dataTransfer.files) { this._startUpload(event.dataTransfer.files); } }, // Private methods --------------------------------------------------------- _recalculateImageRows() { this.images.forEach((image, idx) => { image.set('row', Math.ceil((idx + 1) / MAX_PER_ROW) - 1); }); }, _startUpload(files = []) { let currentCount = this.images.length; let allowedCount = (MAX_IMAGES - currentCount); let strippedFiles =, 0, allowedCount); if (strippedFiles.length < files.length) { this.set('errorMessage', 'Galleries are limited to 9 images'); } this.set('files', strippedFiles); }, _readDataFromImageFile(file) { let url = URL.createObjectURL(file); let image = EmberObject.create({ fileName:, previewSrc: url }); let imageElem = new Image(); imageElem.onload = () => { // update current display images image.set('width', imageElem.naturalWidth); image.set('height', imageElem.naturalHeight); // ensure width/height makes it into the payload images this._buildAndSaveImagesPayload(); }; imageElem.src = url; return image; }, _buildAndSaveImagesPayload() { let payloadImages = []; let isValidImage = image => image.fileName && image.src && image.width && image.height; this.images.forEach((image, idx) => { if (isValidImage(image)) { let payloadImage = Object.assign({}, image, {previewSrc: undefined}); payloadImage.row = Math.ceil((idx + 1) / MAX_PER_ROW) - 1; payloadImages.push(payloadImage); } }); this._updatePayloadAttr('images', payloadImages); }, _buildImages() { this.images = => EmberObject.create(image)); this._registerOrRefreshDragDropHandler(); }, _updatePayloadAttr(attr, value) { let payload = this.payload; let save = this.saveCard; set(payload, attr, value); // update the mobiledoc and stay in edit mode save(payload, false); this._registerOrRefreshDragDropHandler(); }, _triggerFileDialog(event) { let target = event && || this.element; // simulate click to open file dialog // using jQuery because IE11 doesn't support MouseEvent $(target) .closest('.__mobiledoc-card') .find('input[type="file"]') .click(); }, // TODO: revisit when the container is created and when drag is enabled/disabled // - rename container so that it's more explicit when we have an initial file // drop container vs a drag reorder+file drop container? _registerOrRefreshDragDropHandler() { if (this._dragDropContainer) { run.schedule('afterRender', this, function () { this._dragDropContainer.refresh(); if (!isEmpty(this.images) && !this._dragDropContainer.isDragEnabled) { this._dragDropContainer.enableDrag(); } }); } else { run.schedule('afterRender', this, function () { let galleryElem = this.element.querySelector('[data-gallery]'); if (galleryElem) { this._dragDropContainer = this.koenigDragDropHandler.registerContainer( galleryElem, { draggableSelector: '[data-image]', droppableSelector: '[data-image]', isDragEnabled: !isEmpty(this.images), onDragStart: run.bind(this, function () { // TODO: can this be handled in koenig-card? // not currently done so because kg-card-hover is added as a base class // by (kg-style "media-card") this.element.querySelector('figure').classList.remove('kg-card-hover'); this.element.querySelector('figure').classList.remove('kg-card-selected'); }), onDragEnd: run.bind(this, function () { this.element.querySelector('figure').classList.add('kg-card-hover'); if (this.isSelected) { this.element.querySelector('figure').classList.add('kg-card-selected'); } }), getDraggableInfo: run.bind(this, this._getDraggableInfo), getIndicatorPosition: run.bind(this, this._getDropIndicatorPosition), onDrop: run.bind(this, this._onDrop) } ); } }); } }, _getDraggableInfo(draggableElement) { let src = draggableElement.querySelector('img').getAttribute('src'); let image = this.images.findBy('src', src) || this.images.findBy('previewSrc', src); let payload = image && image.getProperties('fileName', 'src', 'row', 'width', 'height'); if (image) { return { type: 'image', payload }; } return {}; }, _onDrop(draggableInfo/*, droppableElem, position*/) { // do not allow dragging between galleries for now if (!this.element.contains(draggableInfo.element)) { return false; } let droppables = Array.from(this.element.querySelectorAll('[data-image]')); let draggableIndex = droppables.indexOf(draggableInfo.element); if (this._isDropAllowed(draggableIndex, draggableInfo.insertIndex)) { let draggedImage = this.images.findBy('src', draggableInfo.payload.src); this.images.removeObject(draggedImage); this.images.insertAt(draggableInfo.insertIndex, draggedImage); this._recalculateImageRows(); this._buildAndSaveImagesPayload(); this._dragDropContainer.refresh(); } }, // returns { // direction: 'horizontal' TODO: use a constant? // position: 'left'/'right' TODO: use constants? // beforeElems: array of elems to left of indicator // afterElems: array of elems to right of indicator // droppableIndex: // } _getDropIndicatorPosition(draggableInfo, droppableElem, position) { // do not allow dragging between galleries for now if (!this.element.contains(draggableInfo.element)) { return false; } let row = droppableElem.closest('[data-row]'); let droppables = Array.from(this.element.querySelectorAll('[data-image]')); let draggableIndex = droppables.indexOf(draggableInfo.element); let droppableIndex = droppables.indexOf(droppableElem); if (row && this._isDropAllowed(draggableIndex, droppableIndex, position)) { let rowImages = Array.from(row.querySelectorAll('[data-image]')); let rowDroppableIndex = rowImages.indexOf(droppableElem); let insertIndex = droppableIndex; let beforeElems = []; let afterElems = []; rowImages.forEach((image, index) => { if (index < rowDroppableIndex) { beforeElems.push(image); } if (index === rowDroppableIndex) { if (position.match(/left/)) { afterElems.push(image); } else { beforeElems.push(image); } } if (index > rowDroppableIndex) { afterElems.push(image); } }); if (position.match(/right/) && draggableIndex > insertIndex) { insertIndex += 1; } if (insertIndex >= this.images.length - 1) { insertIndex = this.images.length - 1; } return { direction: 'horizontal', position: position.match(/left/) ? 'left' : 'right', beforeElems, afterElems, insertIndex }; } else { return false; } }, // we don't allow an image to be dropped where it would end up in the // same position within the gallery _isDropAllowed(draggableIndex, droppableIndex, position = '') { // can't drop on itself if (draggableIndex === droppableIndex) { return false; } // account for dropping at beginning or end of a row if (position.match(/left/)) { droppableIndex -= 1; } if (position.match(/right/)) { droppableIndex += 1; } return droppableIndex !== draggableIndex; } });