// # Client API // RESTful API for the Client resource const Promise = require('bluebird'), {extend, omit} = require('lodash'), pipeline = require('../../lib/promise/pipeline'), localUtils = require('./utils'), models = require('../../models'), common = require('../../lib/common'), docName = 'clients'; let clients; /** * ### Clients API Methods * * **See:** [API Methods](events.js.html#api%20methods) */ clients = { /** * ## Read * @param {{id}} options * @return {Promise} Client */ read(options) { const attrs = ['id', 'slug']; let tasks; /** * ### Model Query * Make the call to the Model layer * @param {Object} options * @returns {Object} options */ function doQuery(options) { // only User Agent (type = `ua`) clients are available at the moment. options.data = extend(options.data, {type: 'ua'}); return models.Client.findOne(options.data, omit(options, ['data'])) .then((model) => { if (!model) { return Promise.reject(new common.errors.NotFoundError({ message: common.i18n.t('common.api.clients.clientNotFound') })); } return { clients: [model.toJSON(options)] }; }); } // Push all of our tasks into a `tasks` array in the correct order tasks = [ localUtils.validate(docName, {attrs: attrs}), localUtils.convertOptions(), // TODO: add permissions // utils.handlePublicPermissions(docName, 'read'), doQuery ]; // Pipeline calls each task passing the result of one to be the arguments for the next return pipeline(tasks, options); } }; module.exports = clients;